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What should we be aware of ?

ken nugent

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Brian Kirby - 2010-01-10 12:11 PM
Derek Uzzell - 2010-01-10 8:57 AM ........ Do you know the regulator-pressure of the gas system of your Challenger? It's probably either 37mbar (suitable for propane gas) or 30mbar (suitable for propane or butane). If (as seems likely as your motorhome is 2003 vintage) it's 37mbar, then you'd be restricted to using UK propane bottles. ............

Derek, are you sure about this?  Ken implies the van was bought in France (where he lives), so it would probably be equipped for French fit cylinder mounted regulators, unless either Ken has replaced them, or there is already a 30mB regulator present.  Surely, neither eventuality should restrict him to to UK cylinders, though?  He can still buy a cylinder mount regulator for either UK or French cylinders, though, can't he, so could have one of each if required?

I agree it seems odd that a Challenger wouldn't take two French 13Kg cylinders.  Not knowing when, or for how long, Ken intends visiting the UK, and whether he will go for sites while here (almost obligatory, though) I would have thought two 13Kg French cylinders would be more than sufficient.  For Ken's benefit, using sites, site facilities, and mains electricity, we generally get better than three months continuous use from one 13Kg propane cylinder.

My understanding was that 'on-bottle' regulators had been made illegal for leisure vehicles marketed in France and that the change from on-bottle regulators to a 'fixed' bulkhead-mounted 37mbar or 28mbar regulator had taken place well before 2003. Admittedly I could be wrong about this, but that's what my French accessory brochures seem to be saying. If Ken's motorhome's gas-system includes a fixed 37mbar(propane) regulator, or a fixed 28mbar(butane) regulator, then he would be tied to using respectively UK propane or UK butane bottles. If he's got an on-bottle regulator, then he could (in principle) swap it for a UK propane or butane on-bottle regulator, but I think there might be problems attaching the UK 'jubilee-clip' regulator to the French screw-fitting low-pressure gas-hose.
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Hi Brian & Hi to everyone,


I could'nt ageed more with the above reply from Brian, I hope I am not about to start WWIII but all the replies I have received have been extremely helpful in one way or another, so thank you all.


With reference to the gas when we bought this van 2 months ago we did'nt get gas bottles with it,but on the locker door it has a sticker stipulating propane and 30 bar. The locker is 'L shaped with a top mountd regulator.


Thanks again


K & L

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Derek Uzzell - 2010-01-11 8:48 AM ............. If Ken's motorhome's gas-system includes a fixed 37mbar(propane) regulator, or a fixed 28mbar(butane) regulator, then he would be tied to using respectively UK propane or UK butane bottles. ..........


Sorry to persist with this, but as the van is French (and I think French bought and registered, not just made in France), why would a fixed 37/28mbar regulator have restricted him to using UK cylinders.  If his pigtail were French (as I assume it is (bonjour matelot? :-))), it would surely connect quite happily to French cylinders - or what else am I missing? 

If he had wanted to use a UK cylinder instead, why would he have needed to do any more than buy the appropriate UK fit pigtail, or vice versa if the existing pigtails were UK pattern and he wanted to use French cylinders?

I realise this is all academic as the regulator is in fact 30 mbar (not 30 bar, Ken please note - that would be way too much! :-)), but now I am intrigued.  Thanks.

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My point was that, if the motorhome had a bulkhead-mounted 37mbar regulator, then propane bottles (irrespective of their 'nationality') would need to be used. If it had a bulkhead-mounted 28mbar regulator, then butane bottles (once again irrespective of their 'nationality') would be required.


I think I recall you fitting an auto-changeover device to your France-bought Burstner's gas system. Did that vehicle originally have an on-bottle regulator or a 'fixed' one?

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Derek Uzzell - 2010-01-11 6:45 PM Brian My point was that, if the motorhome had a bulkhead-mounted 37mbar regulator, then propane bottles (irrespective of their 'nationality') would need to be used. If it had a bulkhead-mounted 28mbar regulator, then butane bottles (once again irrespective of their 'nationality') would be required. I think I recall you fitting an auto-changeover device to your France-bought Burstner's gas system. Did that vehicle originally have an on-bottle regulator or a 'fixed' one?

OK, thanks.  I had understood you as saying that in either case the cylinders used would have to be UK sourced.  All now clear!

No, I bought the auto-changeover for our Burstner in France, and added it to a system with a bulkhead mounted 30 mbar regulator.

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