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French Aires Update


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Popped down to French Living Show at Earls Court last weekend and picked up the following info:

New Aire at Arrsa (dept 59). Spoke with M.Prestaux, Dir. of Tourisme who informed us that the town will open an aire in June next year. It will be situated about 1 km from the city centre on the Boulavard de Strasbourg. Have got M.Prestaux e-mail details so will keep you informed on progress of what will be a useful addition to the growing aires network.

Aires in Aveyron. The web site www.tourisme-aveyron.com not only lists all the aires in this dept (12) but also gives full details including a photo of each. Well worth a look.

Aire at Annecy. Stand staff confirmed only aire in town is on lake side road heading towards Albertville (Rue des Marquisats) and that there are only 10 places available on the aire. They did say howevere that town are looking to build a larger aire.

Boulogne (dept 62) Confirmed no parking now available by Nausicaa but that motorhomes can stay overnight in car park (no charge, no services, sea views) off D940 Calais coast road as you drop into Boulogne. This would seem fine for a night or two, then onto La Portel aire say.

Hope of some interest, but sure MMM newshounds were at show and no doubt will provide more info in next issue of mag.

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Yes sorry finger slipped it is Arras; have often driven past but aire should provide a good opportunity to visit.

Also should have included that Stella Plage (62) now has new aire de stationment on road to campsite, replacing roadside parking (Marked spaces, motorhomes only, no charge).

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It's a very interesting city with underground museums. There is also a good restaurant called the Irish Pub (although it has a mural of the Loch Ness monster). The upstairs is off-putting but downstairs in the cave is nice and the food was first class (a few years since I have been though). Superb cake shop between the two squares and it is also quite close to Vimy Ridge and several WWI cemetaries (French, German and British). Very emotional area. Used to visit it often with school parties and 16 year-old boys often stood and cried.
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