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MMM Awards 2010


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All those lovely pages of glossy info on vans without a single mention of any failings or poor design feature between them!


I must have gone to sleep in the UK and woken up in Utopia!


On the assumption that these awards are made to steer us towards buying one of the recommended award winners and in view of the amounts of money involved here you would expect at least a proper summary of each van listing the good and bad points of design and construction.


With so many mentioned vans being based on variations of the Sevel chassis base and given the furore over various issues like reverse gear and water ingress into the engine bay one would reasonably expect an allegedly responsible pair of outfits like MMM and CC to at least mention the current state of play on these main issues rather than by dint of saying nothing imply that every new van is now as it should be - highly unlikely methinks.


May I respectfully suggest that MMM arrange an alternative awards bash where people with experience and a good healthy dose of cynicism do the judging!


I would be happy to assist and I recommend that people like Andy Stothert (who knows a bit about most things - including how not to reverse a van!), Clive Mott Gotobed (who knows a bit about electrics), (Nick from Euroserv - who knows a bit about vans), Dave Newell (who knows a bit about motorhome construction) and maybe Derek Uzzell (who seems to know a lot about everything)?


On the other hand why let the truth spoil a good article when you can deliberately misinform and mislead so many honest and trusting buyers? Buyers who will naturally assume that because these vans come recommended without reservation by two such respected authorities, they must be faultless and of perfect design?


I am not going to renew my subscription to MMM.

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