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renault auto/man gearbox


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tried all suggestions you great folks out there posted but no go. took three renault dealers before finding one with the right diagnostic gear to find problem. turns out it was a faulty preheater switch which barred the auto option! so if you have one of these ,and it goes funny do not be suprised at the reason.Even brian kirby could miss this one(or maybe not!

anyway the tip is. make sure you have someone good nearby for the front end before you decide on the rear.

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well brambles, not sure went to london weekend ,stopped for fuel ,problem returned. back to the renault garage sat for two hours ,and handing my key back said a wire has been moved a loose connection made good diagnostic test said o.k. so its wait and see. ooh!and no charge she said my repost was good, i wont ask you for the fuel cost for something you could not fix first time!
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