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LED light fittings


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Hello Doonhamer We have a Hymer Star line 640 and have gone over to LED completely , we didn’t change the fittings, just the bulbs. The replacements are easy to get, just go into Google. One point, they with different light colours so just buy one first and see how you get on. There are a lot of lights in a Hymer and it could be an expensive mistake. The savings in battery current drawn is astounding.

Regards Mike W


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Derek Uzzell - 2010-01-26 10:10 AM




For more background I suggest you SEARCH the forum using Keywords=ultraleds, Filter by auther=Derek Uzzell, Date limit=all posts


Otherwise this is the page you want doonhamer:


We replaced our lights with these and they give a brighter light than the halogens. They are as it says warm white, quite a relaxing colour as opposed to the cool white which seems harsh.

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mike.wittamore - 2010-01-26 11:18 AM


Hello Doonhamer We have a Hymer Star line 640 and have gone over to LED completely , we didn’t change the fittings, just the bulbs. The replacements are easy to get, just go into Google. One point, they with different light colours so just buy one first and see how you get on. There are a lot of lights in a Hymer and it could be an expensive mistake. The savings in battery current drawn is astounding.

Regards Mike W


If you're going to an outdoor show, that might be a good place to change them. We changed most of ours (except the fluorescent strip lights, where the consumption difference seems less pronounced) at Lincoln show.


Bought one bulb, tried it out overnight, liked it so went back next day to get the rest.

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As said you only need to change the bulbs the fitting in your Hymer will probably be G4 for the receesed lights & MR11 for the spot lights.


Changed all the bulbs in our Hymer brought from here:




Very pleased with the quality & light output, make sure you buy 'warm white' standard white leds are far too harsh, cost about 60 quid for all the bulbs.



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Some LED`s are 12 volt and that`s all they are. A m/home system can be close to 14 volts at times.


The best ones have built in voltage regulators.You pay a little bit more but you just fix and forget.


It would be a good idea to keep the old Halogens as the life span of good LED`s is excellent. You could swop them back if you are changing vans.

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starvin marvin - 2010-01-28 4:09 PM


LED's are ok , we have some but not on our main lighting, they're allright if you like to sit in the dark. I hate subdued lighting, fluorescent are better in my view.


Depends on the LED's you buy the ones I put in are better than the Halogens they replaced.


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