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For traveling Ipad what do you think?


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Hi Dave ,

hubby got me for xmas a notepad computer its a brilliant little thing his excuse was everytime I want to waltz it to the bar on hols for WiFi my old laptop is too big to carry .

My new one fits in my handbag but having seen this It looks so good now as its a MAC hubby wont like it always says they are no good to mend bad workman and all that but I quite fancy it .


Used to be toys for boys but looks like a few ladys will fancy this more on the femine side :D

fantastci the way it changes the picture to which ever way you hold it .

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A bit of a joke, IMO. All hype, no substance.

And you pay for the hype.


no camera for video skype

very little storage

no USB, SD card slots



It won't replace a netbook, nor an e-reader (because of the kind of screen).




There will be (& actually already are) more options for a tablet netbook style device that will be much more capable & likely cheaper.



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Touch Screen tablet PC's have been around for a few years (eg: Samsung Q1) not much new in the ipod.


Trying to use a PC with only a touch screen can be very frustrating you will end up plugging in a USB keyboard & mouse so now you need someone else to hold the screen for you while you operate the KM.


Stick with the netbook, my NC10 is best computer purchase I've ever made.

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