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newby needs advise


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We propose to rent a motorhome for a week in March to try & maybe bye one of Hymer 425 size.


1. Wife & I are 70 & 78yrs old, fairly healthy, are we too old for this now?


2. Has anybody rented one from "Saxons Motorhomes" near Biggin Hill (Ivy Works Jail Lane Biggin Hill)


to give us advise about their motorhomes condition.


3. Is there such a thing as joining & following a group of caravaners out on trip, as we experienced years ago in the US?


Thanx .......nick



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Welcome to the forum, sorry can not give any advice on hiring but I am sure some one will.

Be aware that when you reach 70 there are changes in what you can drive without trying another test. over 3.5 tons I think.

Yes there are motorhome tours available for you to follow one of the most popular and very good is G.B. Privilege, probably worth checking them out.

No you are not to old to enjoy motorhoming it is a wonderful hobby/way of life, but it would probably help if you are used to driving larger vehicles. Good Luck. Carol.

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As stated , once over 70, you are restricted to 3500 ton. (unless you have a medical)remember that a MH is a big vehicle when it comes to reversing etc.

Make sure that the van is suitable for your needs, regarding climbing in, and on to overhead beds, and the steps can be a little high for arthritic Knees!!

as I know only too well ( both over 70's)

Hope you have a great holiday, you are wise to try before you buy


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As stated , once over 70, you are restricted to 3500 ton. (unless you have a medical)remember that a MH is a big vehicle when it comes to reversing etc.

Make sure that the van is suitable for your needs, regarding climbing in, and on to overhead beds, and the steps can be a little high for arthritic Knees!!

as I know only too well ( both over 70's)

Hope you have a great holiday, you are wise to try before you buy


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Welcome Nick and well spotted Brian!

It sounds as if you were once caravanners so the extra length to a car should not be a worry although of course they do not go round corners so easily! You just need to take your time and if entry becmes a problem there are lots of accessories now like cab steps to help. Being small I now find climbing into the cab more of an effort and no longer attempt the overcab bed but otherwise the life and freedom are great. I did find the smaller high tops rather narrow so that getting down to lockers was ok but the "getting up" more problematic.


You may find some difficulty getting insurance as some companies do not like drivers over a certain age and someone posted on here recently saying that he was a lorry driver, had managed to keep his entitlement to drive over 3.5 tonnes but was unable to hire a motorhome so you may have to buy one anyway.


I can thoroughly recommend the life - you are retired, can take your time and stop for numerous cups of tea if you so wish. Enjoy!

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thanx ALL,


we did a bit 40 to 50 yrs ago but must have been a bit different.


Anybody did a trip say London to south coast and along it upto Bornremouth to recomend us places to snightstop ?


Insuranse OK with SAGA taking the motorhome as second vehicle.

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Brian Kirby - 2010-01-31 10:19 PM
PJay - 2010-01-31 6:50 PM As stated , once over 70, you are restricted to 3500 ton. ...........

Er, I know you said this twice, but it's a motorhome, not a ship, he wants to hire!  :-)

I think you (correctly) meant either 3.5 tonnes, or 3,500Kg?

Brian, you are right of course. Two slips of the finger!!Was my birthday the day before, so the extra year, must have something to do with it.PJay
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