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Generator Problem


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Last year I bought a cheap & cheerful genny for those occasions when the batteries needed a top up.

With the genny running, my reverse polarity light was glowing. At this time I had not switched the mains on, so I disconected the lead and sold on the genny.

I made this decision as the genny was not the pure sign wave type.

Today, a friend of mine has a genny pure sine wave 2Kw. I tried the genny again in the MH and again before I switched on the reverse polarity light was lit. I did check to see if it was charging when I switched on the power and it was. I switched off immediately.

My question is: Do I have a problem or is this what happens?



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No problem that's normal due to the genny not having a true earth.


If you are worried about it (it's also good practice) earth the genny, sink a metal earth stake a metre into the ground and water well if the ground is dry, connect the stake to a suitable earth point on the genny.


Please don't camp near me if you are using a genny.







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Can't help with the generator problem, ours is built in and has given us no problems.

However, if we are going to be unpleasant to our fellow campers, perhaps we should all set our list of unwelcome bits:

I have no problems with generators used considerately, but I really don't like the stench of barbecues, people with dogs, windbreaks round pitches, and those pongy things on the toilet cassette.

Of course, I would never be so rude as to mention any of these things to other people, so we just resolve to manage as best we can, and try to be nice to our neighbours.


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Guest JudgeMental

I have had a SOG for years "one of these pongy things on toilet doors" and have never experienced a smell from it, even in over 35deg C heat and when it was full...


I honestly believe the smell people are experiencing is from waste tanks NOT toilets.......


How a generator can be used "considerately" on a campsite is beyond me *-)

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I get the impression some campers using generators are making some sort of statement like - look at me, I am a real camper, I have a geny and I feel great cos I look really cool with my geny, and I have my own leccy.

Unfortunately everyone else is thinking the opposite and are plotting how they can stop this darn thing running, short of asking the user to switch it off.

Its akin to using a mobile phone in a theatre.

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So have I got this right? If I spend a couple of thousand quid on having a decent generator installed in my van, the only time I am allowed to use it will be when I am prepared to ignore all that sage advice about wild camping and stop somewhere illegal for the night?

Be sensible, even the average motorhomer, having paid for a pitch on a camp site, will connect up to the electricity supply rather than use a generator, it is quite an expensive way to produce electricity. It is for those occasions when mains electricity is not available, batteries are running low, and knowing that you will need a top up, you run the generator during the day when it will be of least inconvenience.

Then you can go into the van to watch Eastenders on the satelite TV, with all the doors and windows closed, until all the barbecues have died.

It's all about being reasonable.


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Brambles - 2010-02-01 11:47 AM I get the impression some campers using generators are making some sort of statement like - look at me, I am a real camper, I have a geny and I feel great cos I look really cool with my geny, and I have my own leccy. Unfortunately everyone else is thinking the opposite and are plotting how they can stop this darn thing running, short of asking the user to switch it off. Its akin to using a mobile phone in a theatre.

I think you're suffering from an 'inferiority complex' of some description.

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bob b - 2010-02-01 11:22 PM
Brambles - 2010-02-01 11:47 AM I get the impression some campers using generators are making some sort of statement like - look at me, I am a real camper, I have a geny and I feel great cos I look really cool with my geny, and I have my own leccy. Unfortunately everyone else is thinking the opposite and are plotting how they can stop this darn thing running, short of asking the user to switch it off. Its akin to using a mobile phone in a theatre.

I think you're suffering from an 'inferiority complex' of some description.

Nah!, protected by my own ego.I think you are reading what I have written wrong as needs a few quotes in it to show I am writing the generator owner's thoughts - I am not talking about my own geny. It is tongue in cheek.
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A couple of years ago we went to a steam rally near Aberdeen, a motorhome user right in the middle of everyone else runs his Genny then sits watching a large wide screen TV. We moved away and will not go there again.


In the US if you show signs of using a Genny they will likely park you right at the end of the field.

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If your going to spend a couple of grand , buy an Efoy 1600. No one knows its on externally. Problem solved for those of us who do not like the sound of Genny's any time. but like us req' more power than the solarpanel can sometimes supply.

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If I were starting now I think I would opt for the solar panel/Efoy set up, with that bit of computorised trickery that works out what I'm using and decides whether to start the Efoy or let the solar panel do it's stuff later, but my genny predates the Efoy.

We bought it because it seemed like the best thing at that time, it charges the batteries, it enable Cosmopolitan Girl to use her hair driver without me worrying about the batteries, and we try to be considerate, which is more than you can say for the average barbeque user, I really hate that stench.

In 8 years we have only used it for 160 hours, and a lot of that is just running it at home to make sure it's alright.

I have considered removing it and fitting the solar panel/Efoy, but it has no real value in terms of selling it, it does all I want, and the three and a half grand I would spend to replace it will buy me an awful lot of petrol, so it stays, and I will try not to upset anyone.


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I think in reality the majority of generators owners and users are considerate and only use when required and with consideraton to others.

However there are just a small minority, who show no consideration and I think they give all generators owners a bad name.

As you say, BBQs can be a much bigger annoyance, but again some people just seem do know how to cook on them, me included, without creating a stench, and my god that stench carries and clings to everything in its path.




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Guest JudgeMental

I have thought about a fitted generator in the past but reasoned myself out of it. In my heart I saw us camping in beautiful and scenic out of the way places miles from anyone completely self contained. But my head told me 9 times out of 10 there would be a height barrier and/or NO camping enforcement. *-)


Its all in the name really, "camping" to us this is enjoying the great outdoors in peaceful surroundings. cooking and eating outdoors is part of that, loud music and generators and partying all night is not...........Thankfully we have only experienced sporadic inconsiderate behaviour


we get by with the 2 leisure batteries and an inverter, next van nearer retirement will have a solar and probably a B to B charger as well. But for those who need microwaves/hairdryers/ plasma TV/heating tongs/ vacuum cleaners etc.... there is little hope IMO :-D


Archies example shows how expensive and how little they are used ...the only defense I can see for one is they are handy in a power cut.




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Hi to AGD

The Efoy is removable in minutes unlike the solar-panel which leaves screw holes and a glue residence. (Some MH ers do remove them though.)

So i wouldn't put of the purchase and enjoyment just on the thought of resale.

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