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New Master Movano Announced

Neil Hunt

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True enough, it is on it's way.


The official UK launch is at the CV show in April at the NEC but I have been invited to a preview and drive event a few days before and I have Renault coming to see me in a couple of weeks where much more info than is on the Renault website is promised.


It may be what the industry needs (a viable alternative to sevel) but I won't be holding my breath. Renault have a shocking history with getting things right from the off and our previous vans have all suffered with electrical problems and gearbox failures and so have all 6 Renault Masters owned by the building firm next door to us.


The engine (there is only one; a 2.3 with either 100, 125 or 150hp) is supposedly brand new, but I suspect that it is not, and I have a pretty good idea which engine it is.


I will share more details with you as soon as I get them.



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The company that I worked for, before I retired, ran a fleet of twenty Renault Masters, without any major mechanical/electrical issues, apart from the handbrake on earlier models.

My own 3 litre Renault Master based motorhome is now nearly 5 years old and, so far, hasn't had any mechanical/electrical problems whotsoever.

Perhaps I'm just fortunate, although I have carried out all the servicing myself, since it was new. I feel that I have much more time available to be thorough and I'm not interested in having the service book stamped, so that isn't a problem for me.


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