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full-timing and healthcare

Guest john lovell

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Guest john lovell
Are there any motorhomers out there with any experience of spending longer than, say,6 months out of the UK.We are thinking of travelling around Europe for an unspecified amount of time before deciding on where to settle.The problem is that the E111 is only valid for 6 months, and the E106, which would cover us for a further 2 years approx, is only available if you have a permanent address.We are fully paid up with our NI contributions etc but are not yet at retirement age.Any help would be appreciated.
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Guest Brian Ramsden
Don't know where you got the impression that the E111 is only valid for 6 months, as it has no time limit. They only become invalid if you "live outside the UK. Anew arrangement is being introduced to replace the E111, and existing forms will become invalid on the 1st January 2006. The new arrangement is a plastic "European Health Insurance Card" and is being phased in from july 2005. E111 can still be obtained from the PO, (a separate form is now required for each traveller) and you will automatically be sent one of the new cards before the year end. See www.dh.gov.uk/travellers
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  • 2 years later...
8-) Remember the Euro reciprocal health arrangements only give you the health care given to that country's nationals. Recommend you read the dept of Health booklet. Most only cover acute emergency hospital treatment,not cronic, if you need regular blood checks or dialysis etc you will need an E112 from your local PCT who do not give these our easily nor for long periods. Many countries do not fully cover visiting a GP and most medicines have to be paid for. All ambulances even paramedics will charge . Pay on discharge is the general rule with you having to make a claim through that country's reimbusement scheme- can take time. Also there are no repatriation costs covered e.g. air/road ambulance, visits by loved ones, costs of person staying with you etc. ;-)
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