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Why we fall out with each other on forums


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Oh dear hope you are well great sufferer of Renal Colic myself and I have to say I find it worse than giving birth the pain .

Glad you are better now and I can see what its is you are saying well atleast you can look inside yourself and admit it more than some more than some :D

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Porky - 2010-02-16 9:15 AM
Brian Kirby - 2010-02-15 11:40 PM   Still, despite my best attempts to give the opposite impression, my excuse is that I am but a mere mortal!  :-D

A mere mortal, no Brian, no Brian. Toi??(lol) Is that being provocative when it is meant to be light hearted. .................... Roy Fuller

I am unprovoked!  :-D

I have been more surprised, but also much better educated, by this string, than ever I expected when I read the initial post.  It is in the "wrong" place, but it has been so revealing, possibly because it was not on chatterbox, that I, for one, don't care!

Brilliant, and well worth reading!

My only further comment is that whereas there may be a few deliberately antagonistic posters, most seem to disappear almost as suddenly as they came.  Whatever may be the perceptions, I think all intend to give sound, useful, information, that will help others.  Where disagreements arise, they are almost always because of honourably held differences of opinion.  In some cases these are simply irreconcilable differences between folk, and the disagreement has no further consequence.  Most reasonable folk can simply agree to disagree without resorting to insult.

Sometimes, however, the disagreement arises because a post appears to contain factually incorrect, potentially dangerous, damaging, or misleading advice.

I don't think anyone on here would ever do so deliberately  but, on those rare occasions when it does happen, because some of "our" readers are motorhoming novices, and not all are technically versed, they may not spot the error before finding out for themselves the hard, or expensive, way.

We all hold cherished views on any number of subjects and, as we, and our views, age, they are prone to being overtaken unnoticed by more recent innovations or discoveries.  Surely, when such a view is expressed, however well intentioned its author, someone else who knows better should gently correct that view, and give the more recent version?  Provided it is done subtly, respectfully, and without insult, what is to lose?  On the other hand, if done clumsily, disrespectfully, or belittlingly, would it be such a great surprise if the result were a retaliatory onslaught?  Do we not all bleed when pricked?  Does not public embarrassment often provoke indignant anger?

And might not that onslaught rob us all of valuable information, and put off the more knowledgeable poster from bothering in future.  Who then gains?  Are we not all left the poorer?  Shouldn't we all "tread soft"?

The following post on batteries is a masterclass, and I think Jon and Michael, if they will forgive me for saying so, should be awarded MBEs for their good humour, patience, determination and, last but definitely not least, willingness to share their very considerable knowledge!  http://tinyurl.com/ygp7zw2

Is this not how it should be, rather than irritable tiffs over imagined slights?  After all, we can all be hopelessly wrong, even when we're convinced we're completely right.  :-)

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michele - 2010-02-16 4:07 PM


Oh dear hope you are well great sufferer of Renal Colic myself and I have to say I find it worse than giving birth the pain .

Glad you are better now and I can see what its is you are saying well atleast you can look inside yourself and admit it more than some more than some :D


Thank you, lots better. As you say it is a terrible pain not helped when they insert a 'stent' which also serves to 'incapacitate' your normal daily life. But, that is once again all history and it is so good to be able to get back in to normal life, moaning about work, the weather, the recession, cost of fuel............................. ;-)

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Big Momma - 2010-02-16 4:02 PM


For what it's worth....... I consider myself to be quite a tolerant person with a sense of humour and someone who would never deliberately go out of my way to offend or insult anyone else. However, last year I suffered with kidney stones for a period of 3 months. During that time I was in quite considerable pain and had to have lots of time off work. To keep myself occupied I used to log on to this forum and join in the chatter. Unfortunately, due to my pain and discomfort I became intolerant of some of the posts that were appearing and instead of my more usual behaviour of ignoring them I found myself making angry posts in response which only served to make the situation w


Unfortunately, and quite unexpectedly I recently suffered again with kidney stones and have only just returned to work. During that time I elected to stay off the forum so that I did not let the effect of my pain and discomfort spill over again in to acts of spontanious 'intolerance' of other's comments or opinions.


I guess what I am trying to say,and not very well, is that sometimes there are things that happen in a person's personal life that effects the way that they would normally behave. That is not in any way trying to condone those actions but just to emphasise that we are after all just mere mortals.


Pleased to say that I am now pain free and catching up on all the gossip, slander and abuse that I have missed for too long :D :D

Thanks big Momma, I am just recovering from major cancer surgery and have found myself more up and down than usual 'takes some believing',

on the up now, glad its not just me,


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Don & Big Momma, hope you are both on the mend now just goes to show, there are many unknown reasons why people sometimes get more uppity than they would do normally, must admit some of the threads have read like novels lately, sometimes informative, sometimes funny, sometimes people take them selves just so seriously, think they must be going stir crazy wanting to get away in there vans.

Whatever it is these forums hold more information and willing help for any motor-homer its worth taking the good with the bad. Carol.


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J9withdogs - 2010-02-16 8:15 AM


There are also those who are deliberately set out to cause disruption on a thread - affectionately known as trolls.


They are apparently in contact with each other, as the usual suspects all tend to roll-out when a spat kicks-off.


Best not to feed them if possible!


That must be you and Tracker then, Janine!
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It would be 'nice' is the forum was used is it was supposed to function - to provide information and advice to solve a problem.


I get appalled at some of the sniping that goes on and the egos battling away at each other.


The other day I watched as more than two pages of responses aggregated and none of them caused any offence even though they delved deeply into the topic. Sadly I cannot remember what the topic was (getting old I am afraid). I very nearly commented on that thread how impressed I was with the conduct of the participants.


Regarding Poppy's thread - I felt that a number of people were genuinely alarmed at her exposure. It turns out that her trust in the dealer was very risky. Thankfully she obtained a good outcome, but had exposed herself to a very large loss if the dealer had gone under. see Brian Kirby's detailed response in "Update". The dealer may be genuine but he can be bankrupted by the behaviour of others.


There are regulars on the forum whose advice I value and a FEW others who seem only to put their personality forward. The rest of us watch and add a comment if we feel we have something important to add that may have been missed.


I participate in other forums because this one is rubbish when trying to find any topic by searching for it.


My R a n t -

please, please use sensible headings for threads - "update" - what is that?



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Well it has been illuminating, all this baring of souls. The basic fact is that we are all ignorant but on different subjects. Hence the continuous need for information. This Forum is just such a source and I have found it a great help. Yes the bickering has been irritating but it is easily dismissed as childish and to be pitied. You soon come to recognise the culprits.


Roy Fuller

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