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On site speeding


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We're just back from a stay on a very popular CC site, it was very busy, as usual, but at weekend even busier with children for the half term holiday.


My point is simple, can we please try to observe the speed limits that are in force. I'm sure the vast majority do but..


On more than one occasion I witnessed excess speed on site, there really is no excuse for it.


I don't want to come across as some miserable health & safety freak but driving at speeds of 20 mph on a site surely is unecessary.


Martyn (not in league with H&S Executive, honest)



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Entirely agree with you regards speeding on sites, it is not necessary and can be downright dangerous, especially with young children about.


A little ditty - When in Europe and on a site with a lot of children, a particularly obnoxious guy continued to speed to the extent that he thought that it was funny to kick up the gravel with his tyres. He continued even several people asked him to stop. SO someone put 2 potatoes up his exhaust and guess what - his car would not start. Eventually he started to dismantle his engine/fuel/exhaust to try to get the car to start. By the way I was not the Potato Man. Did he the rally driver get his just deserts ??? I leave it to you to ponder.

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This problem was raised at the NHCR CC Open Forum last weekend. Various suggestions were made including have a polite word with the speeder yourself (This raised a laugh) or report it to the warden.

From comments made it would appear that the Club is going to taking a stronger line with various issues regarding sites and no show bookings.


Most Regions of the Caravan Club are looking for input from members in their area. The main criteria for selection to a Regional Committee is that you must be a member of the CC. You may not be registered with a Centre and you must have some years experience caravanning/motorhoming.


Centres already have representation on Regional Committees.


If you fill these requirements you may be the person your Regional Committee is looking for.

You can contact your local region via the CC website.

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Mike, like the spud yarn, serves him right :D


John, thanks for putting your post up, and getting my back up too, see below. I will get in touch with the local guys via the website.


The no shows are a HUGE frustration to me and doubtless others. I've always veered down the deposit road but upon hearing, (rightly or wrongly?) that the CC will/may cancel your membership based on 3 no shows, I am willing to relent - a bit.


I'm known by some on here as a no show anorak/pillock/oddball, but take last weekend on a popular CC site. The website on Sun 5pm ish showed 1 pitch for Sun night, and there were at least 6 pitches that stayed empty that I could see without looking like the local crank.


So 5 no shows? Some may have cancelled and that's fine but the website showed no extra pitches available.


Martyn >:-(

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We were walking on a CC site with friends and three grandchildren when a speeding camper caused us to to get rapidly out of the way. We shouted advice to slow. He stopped and launched straight into a tirade about speeding kids on bikes, the relevence of which escaped us.


We reported the incident to the site managerwho said he wished more members would do so and that he would speak to the camper concerned.


We do not know what transpired but the outfit concerned was gone the next morning.



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George Collings - 2010-02-17 11:01 PM


We were walking on a CC site with friends and three grandchildren when a speeding camper caused us to to get rapidly out of the way. We shouted advice to slow. He stopped and launched straight into a tirade about speeding kids on bikes, the relevence of which escaped us.


We reported the incident to the site managerwho said he wished more members would do so and that he would speak to the camper concerned.


We do not know what transpired but the outfit concerned was gone the next morning.


'the relevence escapes you' i dont want to seem a grouch but a while ago on a bank holiday we were parked on a slope and there were a herd of kids on bikes flying down it all day long doing well over the speed limit as my wife has limited mobility she took her life in her hands every time she wanted to cross the road. surely if the speed limit is 5mph. on site it should apply to every form of transport. hands up those who have nearly been knocked down by a bike flying around the toilet block. my own grandkids are as bad as any and my daughter seems to think its their right to use the access road as a playground. i want to see the kids playing safely inside the site perimeter and use their bikes but parents should be aware of the safety aspect. >:-)
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When arriving at a site for the first time,one of us gets out to assess the site and facilities. Invariably it involves travelling at a walking pace (about 3-4mph),this allows ample time to brake if there is an errant child or dog.

As for no-showing pre-bookers,its about time the Ccd did something about it and instructed the wardens how to update the website!!

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I live in a 20mph residential area. Do most people drive within that? (bearing in mind it is the maximum and not the base line for adding 10% and expect to get away with it) No they do not. Is it enforrced? No it is not. There is a simple equation that should be surgically emplanted ( or at least taught at school) More speed = more injury. Simple.

As for no shows - charge them. Simple.

Why do we pussyfoot around and put up with these things?>:-)


Roy Fuller

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mirage - 2010-02-18 9:03 PM


We've commented on it as well, this is more than likely due to the greater numbers of tuggers but they seem to be the worst offenders.


I don't want this to turn into tugger-bashing (I've been one myself) but you're right, in my experience the speeding is almost always solo cars, and it does appear to be getting more prevalent. Hopefully a quiet word from wardens would be enough to prevent a repeat performance from those involved. In an increasingly crowded world observing rules inevitably becomes more important to protect the rights and needs of others.


I don't think it is unreasonable to expect cyclists to observe the same rules on site and as for children, then it is up to their parents to seize an excellent opportunity to remind their youngsters of social responsibility and respect for the needs of others on site (I did with mine) - especially in relation to older people and users of facility blocks. If a site has a bmx track or a designated area - that is where the cyclist can burn energy at full-pelt, not on the site roads and neighbouring pitches. It's not a case of being a kill-joy, it's simply being fair and reasonable to all.


On a related issue, sometimes connected of course to speeding, if a solo vehicle has an exceptionally (especially artificially induced) loud exhaust note, should the owner be required, at the wardens request, to park it outside the site to prevent disturbance to other campers? This is a particular problem I find, late evening when children are asleep and early in the morning.


I suspect much of these problems is related to people new to the hobby and who may simply not yet have learned the need to observe simple camping etiquette.



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Usinmyknaus - 2010-02-19 9:41 AM


I suspect much of these problems is related to people new to the hobby and who may simply not yet have learned the need to observe simple camping etiquette.




Nicely put Bob, take 2 instances last weekend. One family behind us just couldn't be bothered walking around "our" pitch, they, well mainly the Dad, just barged straight through ours as a shortcut.


Don't get me wrong I'm not that precious, I'm not of the how dare you brigade, but, and here's the rub for me, had the Dad, or one of his children gone flying over our sat tv/elec cable, he'd more likely to go ballistic.


Equally, the folk who blatantly ignored a clear instruction that a service point near us was not to be used by motorhomes, and to please use the motorhome service point all of 10 meters away.


I'm disappointed to say that 3 (or more) van users did ignore the request. There's a reason for the sign, it's not there for a joke or to be obstructive. Clearly the vans are chewing up the pitches that the point is near, the vans are obstructing the views of the nearby pitches and worse still, these vans are being shunted around where children are filling aquarolls etc etc.


Basic common sense (hah) and decency is all it takes.



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These are part of the reason I no longer use (big) sites, instead I use cl's etc.

Ball games can be a pain,why do they have to play near parked Vans? I say (they) because, very often the fathers decide to join in and feel that they need to show the youngsters just how hard/ high they can kick a ball.

I just sit there waiting for it to land on the roof, damage the sat dish or come through the hiki, of course, say anything and your just a killjoy, but i bet they wouldn't want to cough up for any damage.


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