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Autocruise Pace - rattles???


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Hi, hope maybe someone can give experiences of the above model for a friend of mine who is seriously considering an ex-demo model. He likes it a lot but was concerned about the number of rattles he heard when he test drove it. It has done only 6000 miles and is a 2008 model only used for demos he has has been told. Lowdham Leisure is selling it. Any advice/opinions much valued, as usual! Thanks a lot!
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Guest Tracker

Most rattles are curable but they do take time and patience.


Start with the cooker and sink first as they are the biggest offender with loose roasting trays, shelves, tops that don't shut properly and loose fitting sink covers that in some cases could become a projectile in a crash.


The best way is someone in the back doing whatever it takes to stop each rattle whilst being driven on a lumpy road.


As you cure each load one the next loudest will take it's place and so on till you find most of 'em but you will never stop it all by the very nature of the beast.

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Thanks for the views so far - just to clarify: the ratttles didn't come from utensils etc as the van was empty of such things. He thinks it may have been the door catches on the cupboards which may have been excessively used if it has been to motorshows as a demo model. Would this be likley and, if so, is it an issue to fix on the Autocruise Pace?
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LORNA - 2010-02-17 6:38 PM


Thanks for the views so far - just to clarify: the ratttles didn't come from utensils etc as the van was empty of such things. He thinks it may have been the door catches on the cupboards which may have been excessively used if it has been to motorshows as a demo model. Would this be likley and, if so, is it an issue to fix on the Autocruise Pace?


If that's all that's rattling then it should be easy to cure by adjusting the catches or, alternatively, applying some bump stops/pads to the back of the doors so that it keep them 'tight' and stops the slight movement that could be causing the problem. It's easy enough to see by just jamming in a piece of card or material and see if that solves it, if so, you know what to do.


I don't think that the cupboards will have been excessively used on a demo, you'll get people having a shuftie in odd ones, but they should take that without a problem, just make sure he checks it thoroughly for any bits that have been broken or nicked!

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Mel B - 2010-02-17 7:11 PM

I don't think that the cupboards will have been excessively used on a demo, you'll get people having a shuftie in odd ones, but they should take that without a problem!


Don't believe it. People who view motorhomes CAN be absolute animals. Not only content with wrecking every fixture (perhaps they are secret destruction testers :-D ), they also nick anything that isn't nailed down. So if buying a demo van remember that it may have a low mileage but it has been very well used / abused

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fjmike ... now then, I wasn't talking about you and your family! :D ;-)


It depends - ours was a 'demo' and was pristine, as were a few other vans we'd seen before we bought ours - I supposed to some extent it depends on the build quality of the van in the first place.

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Guest Tracker

I too was going to mention the reverse gear issue!


Looking at the pictures the obvious things that might rattle in no particular order are - rear fold up bed, fridge (maybe loose), oven sink & cooker (as mentioned), side door or rear doors, table, kitchen worktop extension flap, fire blanket, seat belts, shower door and maybe bits inside shower or under seat locker.


Be aware that that layout provides good eating seating and maybe a good bed but potentially uncomfortable lounging on that very upright belted travel seat?


Also the drop in floor level in the living area can be quite dangerous as well as making a short legged person on the passenger seat have dangly legs syndrome.


These may all be fine for you but they do need checking out before cash is parted with!

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What price will depend on whether a PX is involved and what extras are fitted - I spotted a Status 530 aerial, an external awning light, and roof bars I think. In addition, don't forget that apart from the mileage, this is an 'as new' van in that it won't have been slept in and the equipment shouldn't have been used either. That has to be borne in mind when comparing it to a 'used' van of a similar age.


No harm in trying to get it for a better price though - they can only say no!

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Mel B - 2010-02-17 8:17 PM

What price will depend on whether a PX is involved and what extras are fitted - I spotted a Status 530 aerial, an external awning light, and roof bars I think.

No harm in trying to get it for a better price though - they can only say no!

PX should not make any difference to the initial price being paid. The trade are crying out for good used stock at the moment (if they tell you different then don't deal with them). A couple of hundred quid (when new) of goodies does not make up the difference in price and the items that have not been used will be outwayed by the stuff that has been abused (how many bums have sat on that seat etc.)


DO NOT try for a better price DEMAND it


PS just read the "being rude to each other" thread and would like to clarify that I'm not trying to be awkward just trying to help.

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i have the swift version of this van made at autocruise .i found that the blind rattles on big roof light just close it and no rattle.on the sliding door the inside lining had to have a few more  screws fitted and that curred it .the van is a 2009 registered 2008 converted its had the judder fix and now as no problems and yes i would by a new fiat again from lowdams .can always pm me  

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I have a couple of sheets of bubble wrap that I use on my cooker ! both under the pan rests and under the lid, also the grill pan needs to be wrapped as that can cause an awful rattle.

By the time you have had a couple of trips out you will have found where most of the noise is coming from! nothing much is incurable! you do find after the quiet drive in a car, you get quite a shock first time out.

It probably would apply to a empty van but even my cups plates and pans have silences of some sort or another :-D that rubber stuff that you buy in a roll is invaluable too.


The previous poster has just reminded me as well ! our shower cubicle door I have it wedged with draught excluder tape and the wooden shower tray thing I have on the rubber mesh stuff as that used to make quiet a thud when you went over a bump.

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fjmike - 2010-02-17 6:06 PM


Ratles in a hi top are probably more unusual than a coachbuilt.


We have a late 2008 Auto-Sleepers Symbol ES (van conversion) and it took us many months to fix MOST (not all) of the rattles, creaks and squeaks. Our previous van (an Auto-Sleepers Trident van conversion) was very quiet in comparison but it was a much more simple van. I agree with comments from Tracker and a couple of other folks about the 'nature of the beast' probable sources of rattles and suggestions for fixes. One possible source that was omitted was that of rattles from the blinds.


I suggest that on a test drive with the dealer one of your friends sits in the back and identifies the source of noises (not an easy job), points these out to the dealer and asks what s/he can do about them. A further drive before paying the money on handover would then be useful to see what has been eliminated.


Bear in mind that once the van is then loaded other noises are possible. A good supply of tea towels, pipe insulation which can be cut into small pieces, sash window wedges (for the blinds) and self-adhesive foam strips for the cupboard doors will be useful.


I hope this doesn't sound off-putting. Perhaps some noises are]inevitable in having a 'home' on wheels. We still think the benefits outweigh the noises.

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