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Tour de France


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It most certainly is - at least along the rural stretches, including the mountain stages. Usual rule "en France" is that you can park a "camping-car" anywhere you can park a car, which means anywhere you can squeeze it in that isn't expressly forbidden.


We only "co-incided" with a Tour stage once, in 2008, others will have more experience of "following" the event, but I believe the usual routine is to pitch up the night before your chosen stage. However, I gather some of the mountain stages are so popular you'd need to stake out your place sooner still - and probably find 3 French vans then pack into that space next to you where you thought there was no more room! I think it was Ruth Bass in Prac MH last year who refeerred to "creative sardine-packing!"


What we found was a really friendly atmosphere among motorhomers along the route. (The only "unfriendly" person we came across was a guy who was determined to grab more promotional souvenirs from the "Caravane" than anyone else - even elbowing children out of the way. General opinion was that he'd be selling them on E-bay later!)


We borrowed the "Vive" sign from a French family, who also invited us for "lunch" all afternoon after the Tour had passed!



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Pilote 742


We have watched the "Tour" several times. One of the best places to see it is in the mountains, suggest (on the large mountains) you get there at least two days before. There will be hundreds of MH's and they to park any where. Join in with the French and enjoy it, you will not regret it.


Any body who is in France and near the "Tour" route (intrested or not in cycling) will enjoy the spectacle.


Have agood time.


Paul and Ann

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