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New Radio


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Thought I would treat myself to a new radio. Thought it would be a simple Block connector in & out - WRONG!!!

The new radio had only 2 block connectors, mine had 3, connected the 2 connections together - the radio would only come on if the ignition was fully on, stopped working when I cranked over the engine and would not come back on until the central locking had locked the cab doors!

Gave up and sent the radio back


Is the radio a specialised unit?





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The year is 2003, it has the 20min max time on the Radio. I believe it is the original Blaupunkt system.


The 3rd connector block on my system appears to have only 3 wires to it and is yellow in colour if it helps.


The other 2 block connectors can only be fitted 1 way due to the shape of each individual connector





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Okay Tony that makes it easy. All you needed to do is swap the permanent live and ign switched live wires around. This would solve the loss of memory and switching off while cranking problems although it will almost certainly still require the ignition to be on to use the radio. There is a workaround though.


First of all I'd rewire the main power feed (thick red wire) to the leisure battery as you don't want to flatten your engine battery when on site.


Step 2 involves fitting a remote switch somewhere convenient in the hab area, usually near the bed head so you can switch the radio on and off from there.


Cut the ignition switched wire (thin blue yellow) and wire in a small diode between the original feed wire and the radio, this is to prevent back feeding into ignition controlled circuits. now on the radio side of the diode connect a wire from one side of your new switch, the other side of the new switch can be connected to either the original permanent live or the new feed from the leisure battery but it should be protected by a 2 amp fuse.


Hope this is of some help, D.


In edit: the third connector block is redundant.

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