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Insurance renewal


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The time has come again to renew our insurance for the van.

Have had a quote from Comfort for £100, less than my previous (With for 4 years) Does anyone have any dealings with them/ are they good to deal with? Did try the Caravan club, but they don't add breakdown cover, so by the time you add this (Quoted £250) it was more than our current one.

Would like feed back as to others experience. Do you shop around each year? We mostly use the MH in Europe, so would need good , reliable cover for getting back home. (both drivers 70+) Not sure if this makes a difference.


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Thanks for your reply, but we are not members of Camping & Caravaning club. From your cost, Comfort sound very cheep, as our van higher value, and our ages almost ten years more than yours. Been with caravan guard for some time, and know they are good to respond,


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Just renewed with Caravan Guard, I was quoted £404.00 Which includes;up to 8 months fully comp (protected) in Europe with up to 8 months breakdown cover, 12 months breakdown cover in the UK.

also included is legal protection, after a little bartering this figure was reduced to £379.00.

if you don't include the European cover (optional) you will have a big saving around £80-£90.00 (estimated) this cover can be added for an additional cost at any time during the term of the policy.


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Patricia - 2010-02-18 10:33 PMWe were with Comfort a few years ago and found them to be excellent. I can't believe your quote for £100 though. Are you sure that is correct? The last time I tried them a few years back they wanted over £400 and we had two or three vehicles with them.

This is a lovely example of how one misplaced comma can alter a sentence's entire meaning!

I'm sure that the author meant to say that she's had a quote that is £100 less than her current price. If her current price is £500 then she's had a quote for £400.
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PJay - 2010-02-18 7:23 PM


The time has come again to renew our insurance for the van.

Have had a quote from Comfort for £100, less than my previous (With for 4 years) Does anyone have any dealings with them/ are they good to deal with? Did try the Caravan club, but they don't add breakdown cover, so by the time you add this (Quoted £250) it was more than our current one.

Would like feed back as to others experience. Do you shop around each year? We mostly use the MH in Europe, so would need good , reliable cover for getting back home. (both drivers 70+) Not sure if this makes a difference.



Hi PJay


Have been with Safeguard for a number of years - always seem to come out the best (not always cheapest) when everythin, including the breakdown cover is taken into account. We did have Saga for a couple of years when they seemed quite competitive.


One of the key things that makes a good insurance cover is how the company handles a crisis when it occurs. I have, fortunately, not had any experience in this regard with either Comfort or Safeguard but have received good reports on how well the latter performed when needed.



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Hi All, thanks for reply


, i did mean £100. MORE.


Caravan Guard who we are with. have quoted the same price as yours £378.75. we know they are good on claims , as we had a big one last year, and they arranged to get us home from Glasgow, to Portsmouth.

All arranged on a Saturday afternoon and very well done.

We received extensive damage to front suspension/wheel, due to a run-away car hitting us while parked, at the bottom of a steep hill


as above, we know Caravan Guard work well.

Comfort have quoted £277.09, which at £100 less, am wondering how good they are.We need the europe cover, as spend most of the time in France/Spain and Portugal. We do very little travel in Uk, in the van

Thanks again folks




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Gypsy Tom - thank you for pointing out that I had misunderstood Pauline's post (although you final sentence was somewhat superfluous) but it does, of course, depend on the renewal options chosen. There was a post on another thread where the author quoted a renewal price of £85 for the year with Saga. First year quotes with insurance companies are often reduced with several discounts and this one patently did not include breakdown. It also depends, of course, on the level of excess chosen.


In this case of course, the author requires European cover and both drivers are over 70. Pauline, I know some companies will refuse to accept new customers who are over 70 but will then continue to insure them afterwards although there may even then be an upper age limit cut-off. I am therefore more wary now of changing insurers.


In my experience some companies also increase the rates when there is only one driver. This happened to me with Saga but I have returned to them because I need cover when the m/home is parked at the French house: Caravan Guard, for example, were not covering me and I only found this out by chance.


Saga this year is charging me £296 including European breakdpwm cover, legal protection, increase person protection and n.c.b. protection (17 years less one window breakage excess £75).

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We're with Safeguard, very good cover, good price and good service when things go wrong and you have to make a claim.


But we still do check with other companies what they are offering/quoting each time the renewal premium drops onto the doormat, even if we decide to stick with Safeguard as it does help to get a more 'competitive' quote!

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i have just 'returned ' to comfort as they gave the best quote. they say that they dont use no claims anymore, you just get a big discount? this would explain why every year my renewal is more expensive than the competition. i have had a different company every year, and am now going round the circuit again(safeguard, caravanguard,comfort etc). no complaints with any of them. my renewal gives euro cover for 12 months, but not more than 6months in any one country. sounds good to me. the quote is £292, the deresr was £696!!!!(i think they would probably chauffer me everywhere on a flatbed though) *-)
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Once again, thanks for all your replies.

Have decided to stay with Caravan Guard. Did get a a cheaper quote, but took into account what Patrica said. Not always a good idea to keep changing when you get to a "certain age" we did have a serious accident in September (not our fault) We were parked at the time. This happened in Scotland on a Saturday afternoon. They were very prompt at getting someone to us, and towing us and the van, which was not drivable, all the way home to Portsmouth, a journey of two days, due to the tow truck being "governed" to 50 miles p h., and having to stop for rest stops every so often. It was arranged to transport Mh to the repairer.


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