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We are off to NZ in Jan 2011


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Hi, Garry,

Glad to see that you are 'getting the hang of it' -- lots of useful stuff on this 'thread' particularly from Alistair the New Zealander (posted at end of Feb -- date -- 25th?)

Sorry to have confused you with the 'bumping' -- that's just to get the information to the top of the current page -- because I'm too incompetent with computers to post you a link!

I wouldn't let Sand flies put you off -- in Nov-Dec we didn't meet them too much -- usually near water -- on a DOC site by lake Hawea ( S. Island) they were a bit troublesome, I recall, but my photographs remind me of an idyllic and staggeringly beautiful location -- not the sand flies! The 'vans have effective flyscreens anyway.

A tip:- which we have just learnt a few weeks ago when we went around the 'top' of Scotland in our 'van and were plagued by the dreaded midges -- If you can find an 'Avon' lady get a stock of 'skin so soft' body spray -- by far the most effective midge/sand fly/mozzie repellent (although it is not allowed to be sold as such) -- legend has it that its powers were discovered by the S.A.S. when in the jungles of Borneo or somewhere similar!

I will write a similar small note, no 'bumping' this time -- on the 'thread where I gave Curly detailed info. on how we hired a 'van -- there is plenty of good related advice on there from other people as well.

A couple of further tips -- which underscore advice given elsewhere on these sites -- 1. go for as long as you can afford --certainly not less than 4 weeks if you want to:- 'see the sights' on both islands.

2.break the journey -- Singapore suited us -- with a night or two in a hotel (both ways) and have a night in a hotel at your N.Z. destination before collecting your hired 'van as well. 3. We found that flying into Aukland, touring Nth. Island,then taking the 'van across on the ferry (stunningly beautiful if the weather is kind), touring Sth. Island, and dropping the 'van off at the office of the hire co. in Christchurch before flying home (via Singapore again) suited us very well -- there are other permutations of course.


Hope this is useful,


Best wishes,



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