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Is it permitted to report exceptional service?

Uncle Bulgaria

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My Tom Tom 720 was bought in late 2007. The internal battery no longer held any charge by the end of 2009. So I sent it off to Tom Tom for repair knowing it was well out of warranty and dreading the expected email advising it would cost so much to repair that I would be forced into buying a new one.


Amazingly, I received back in less than a week a replacement unit, free of charge. Now I do have a subscription with Tom Tom for access to the latest Western Europe maps so whether that accounted for the excellent response I do not know. Anyway, I'm pleased to report on such exceptional service. Quite an example to some other suppliers of goods and services. I have no connection or association with Tom Tom.


Richard. :-)

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It is good to know that good customer care still exists and rightly so, it should be acknowledged.


For anyone with an older Satnav who may need a new battery some day, do an internet search before contacting the makers. My Navman was bought 5 years ago and needed a battery last year. Navman quoted £50 for replacing it but it is possible they may do more than just that, as it seems a steep price.


I opened the Navman and armed with the battery details, I bought one online for just over £7. It is a straightforward job to swap them over.

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