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Chausson Flash 04 - comments please!

Mel B

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Mel B - 2010-03-30 6:26 PM


I know when my new 'baby' is due now!!!! :->




I've also chosen the registration number ... WA10 AGZ ... or ... WAGZ!!!!




YOU KEPT THAT QUITE MEL B..... didnt know you married a footballer (lol)

oh sorry thats WAGs :D

have a great time in the new van


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When you are no longer a member of DREAMS will you become one of the Chausson Lovers & Owners Team Society?


You are obviously in love all over again and it is so nice to see a young lady's thoughts turn to a new van now spring is (almost) in the air again!


I do so hope that the three of you will be very happy together in your cosy menage a trois!

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Mel B - 2010-03-30 8:28 PM

my fingers won't ruddy work properly today!!!



I do hope they too have not been where the sun don't shine!


Hows about


Chausson Owners Club for Kindly but Unbalanced People?




Chausson Roamers Appreciation Party?




Chausson Appreciating Roamers Experience For Ruddy Ever & Ever?

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Tracker - 2010-03-30 8:32 PM


Mel B - 2010-03-30 8:28 PM

my fingers won't ruddy work properly today!!!



I do hope they too have not been where the sun don't shine!


Hows about


Chausson Owners Club for Kindly but Unbalanced People?




Chausson Roamers Appreciation Party?




Chausson Appreciating Roamers Experience For Ruddy Ever & Ever?


You're getting desperate now ain't ya!!! :D


Chasson Happy Enthusiasts with Zeal! (CHEZ)


Lucky Owners of Chassons Organisation (LOCO)




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Hi, we bought a flash 04 june 09 and have been very pleased with it, apart from a missing plastic glide for the sliding mechanism of the dinette table which we STILL havent had replaced by dealer or Chausson despite countless emails and tel cons. Anyway apart from that everything has been great and like you we love the layout although it looks like it may have changed for 2010 as there appears to be a window above front side seat (we said all along that it needed one here) we carry a 90kg scooter in the garage all the time and can report no problems whatsoever with handling etc. Fuel economy at 60 mph ish has been around the 30mpg mark which I am quite happy with.

I would be interested to know were you had the additional battery installed ?

Regards - ips

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Hi ips - welcome to the mad house! :-D


We think the 2nd leisure battery is going to be put in the side facing single seat base, the fuses and charger are there already so it looks like that's the most obvious place for it other than the garage and it doesn't make sense to run the cables that far for no real gain.


Unfortunately there isn't a window over the single seat either, I wish there was - we may investigate having one installed in due course, but we'll see how we get on first as our present van hasn't got one anyway and is a similar layout. :-S


The only real compromise we're making is with the separate compartment fridge freezer (with AES) as the new van has a smaller fridge/freezer combined (not AES) so one large French lettuce will probably fill it! I'll probably dig out our folding cooler bag to stick it in instead!!! Fortunately hubby doesn't mind warm beer! 8-)


Hubby will be very happy if he manages to get 30mpg out of it! :->

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One of they 12v powered coolboxes secured in the garage might help with expanded fridge space Mel and even if it were only powered whilst on the road it would keep things that we tend to put in the fridge but don't need to like eggs, salad etc coolish? And they are quite cheap too!
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Tracker - 2010-03-31 6:09 PM


One of they 12v powered coolboxes secured in the garage might help with expanded fridge space Mel and even if it were only powered whilst on the road it would keep things that we tend to put in the fridge but don't need to like eggs, salad etc coolish? And they are quite cheap too!


You been listening in on my conversations with my hubby Richard? :-D That's what we were thinking as well, we did actually manage to get a Harlfords one at a car boot recently (£4!) but decided it was TOO big so sold it on in the paper (for £30!!!!!). I'm keeping my eye open for a smaller one, but if not then the fall back will be a non-electric one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, we've made it to Highbridge - the trip down was very uneventful - took 5 hours including rest stop and lunch stop, so not bad at all. The M1 has some roadworks for quite a long stretch restricting speed to 50mph but other than that we pretty much sailed through (quite appropriate with our current van being a Rimor Sailer!!!). Went to Highbridge Caravans when we got here and had a good old mooch around - nice big accessories shop and quite a lot of motorhomes, but if anyone is in the market for a caravan they will certainly be spoilt for choice as they have loads of them! I've never seen so many in one place. Bumped into Phil, General Manager, who we did the deal for the Chausson with and he pointed out our 'van, waiting for a good wash and brush up - covered in volcanic ash at the moment. It looks very tiny compared to our Rimor, cute too, can't wait to get my hands on it.


Currently I'm sitting in the Rimor on a very nice CL near Highbridge ... not the one we had booked though! Went to the original one only and I had a look to see how accessible it was, only to find that to access the field we had to go about 350 yards down a very bumpy mud track - the mud was dry but there were loads of dips in it, some up to 6 inches! Didn't fancy throwing the Rimor around all over the place, and as we were intending to stay for 3 nights, certainly didn't want to have to do that with the new one either! As I walked along and back again the owners were sitting in their garden and I think they realised that we wouldn't be staying ... then the mad panic to find another one. Fortunately, there are a few around here and we're on a very nice secluded one, next to a field of cows and calfs, with some of the cows producing young as we speak!!! Also had a visit from the resident peacock strutting round the van, stopping at the door and cocking his head ... must be used to getting fed I think.


It's been a lovely day, nice and sunny, but the temperature is dropping fast now, quite a chill in the air so I think we're in for a cool night ... might have to get the hot water bottle out!



Off to have a wander round the forum now ... I'll post tomorrow as to how we've got on if the wifi connection is working ... very poor signal seeing as we're a bit out in the sticks.

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Hi there

Congrats on the purchase.

Have you tryed the scoot in the garage yet ? I would be interested to know how easy it fitted in as I may want to replace our current scoot in the future and the "Vitty" seems to have reasonably small dimensions. The height and the width is an issue as you are no doub t aware. We can just about get our 50cc scoot in past the floor overhang in the garage.

Regards - ips

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Well, we've got it! Solar panel and battery were swapped over this morning and we'd also bought a second hand 'as new' bike rack so whilst we were here the chap fitted that for us too (van already had the brackets attached so it was a matter of hanging it on and drilling a hole for the bolt to go through at each side once the correct length was sorted - very nice of him to offer though, saved me a job (yes ... I had brought my cordless drill!!! :D Whilst he was doing the bits and pieces, we got a loan car and went into Burnham on Sea and took the dogs for a potter on the bit of beach that wasn't submerged ... they had a lovely time then we went for a walk into the town, hit Lidl for some salad stuff and bread, then got a call to say the van was nearly ready.


Got back to find the bike rack just being done and the number plates going on. After a quick handover and lunch then came the fun bit ... emptying our Rimor and moving into the Chausson. I must have walked miles between the two!!! *-) In the end we put quite a bit away and then piled the rest in the garage and toilet compartment and drove back to the CL. Then turfed it all out again and had a proper sort out, putting the rubberised non-slip matting stuff in the cupboards, everything went in with room to spare!!! :-> The fridge is 'full' but only because we stuffed everything in and shut the door quick as it had been off whilst they worked on the battery and the solar panel, I'll sort it out tomorrow when I'm not so tired.


The rear bed is as long and wide as our Rimor one but it has a little bit of a taper at the foot end so out came the scissors and the memory foam topper got a crop! Fits very nicely now and the bed should be lovely and comfy and warm - there are 2 little hairy monsters fast asleep on it at the moment ... they'd better not think it's their new bed though! (lol)


Chris has been replacing the bulbs with some LED ones we'd already bought and the dinette seat covers from the Rimor just fit, some slight adapting will be necessary but they're okay for now. The table has 'disappeared' under padding and a plastic table cloth so we're just about sorted. Cooked tea without a problem, despite the 'kitchen' area being smaller, having a 'sliding' door on the toilet compartment is great as it doesn't get in the way so I can use the sink in there to wash my hands etc whilst cooking saving having to move the stuff off the kitchen sink cover.


The diesel heater is keeping us nice and cosy 'cause its ruddy freezing outside! Only problem we've found is that the fitted Smev grill lets a howling gale in round it so for the time being it's got the top stuffed with a teatowel and insulating tape over other orifices!


All in all, very, very pleased with the Chausson, I was a bit worried as to where everything would go when we first started as it looked like we'd raided a massive car boot sale, but it is surprising how much storage there is in it - phew! :-D The chap at the dealers was a bit concerned too with us going from a larger van, I think he thought we'd change our minds. (lol)


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ips - 2010-04-19 1:58 PM


Hi there

Congrats on the purchase.

Have you tryed the scoot in the garage yet ? I would be interested to know how easy it fitted in as I may want to replace our current scoot in the future and the "Vitty" seems to have reasonably small dimensions. The height and the width is an issue as you are no doub t aware. We can just about get our 50cc scoot in past the floor overhang in the garage.

Regards - ips


Give us a chance!!!!!! 8-) (lol) We're currently 250 miles away from home but will have a go sometime next week probably, so will report back then. :-D The Vity is a nice sized scooter, not too tall (not like the Syms we have), depending on whether it goes in okay, and if we're likely to take it away with us, we'll then decide whether to keep it and a Sym, or the 2 Syms, and sell whichever we don't want. :-S

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Just found a problem with the Chausson ... or rather hubby has!!!! :D He's just christened the toilet and found that the heater vent is too close to your right leg and cooks it ... need some sort of deflector to use when enthroned!!! :$


I think he's having flash-backs of the 'sunburn' incident 3 years ago!!!! (lol)

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Congratulations on your new van Mel - as I think I posted when you started this thread, it's just the kind of thing we'll be looking at when I retire in a few years.


And you can safely ignore all the suggestions being bandied about regarding forming a new fan club - your STILL a DAFTIE. :D

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I thought you may have the scoot with you or had checked to make sure it fits before your purchase..........anyway reading the spec on the vitty it seems the same as our piagio except a bit longer, I dont think you will have a problem fitting it in.


With regards to the grill vent, yes we had same problem and a vent cover is not available therefore I made one myself out of white pvc the sort sign makers use (about 3mm thick) works a treat and looks fine, incidentally I left the bottom louvre free to allow some air in.


We also found the washroom heater outlet to be in a bad position so I made a deflector out of a 2" white waste water elbow judisously sawn and sanded down to the right angle, it just fits inside the outlet and then I sealed it with white silicone sealant. Looks and works a treat (and yes you can still close the flap) and looks factory fitted even if I do say so myself.


The other alteration I made (which you havent mentioned yet but come the winter you will notice) is an additional heater outlet in the garage which keeps the air under the bed nice and warm in winter and makes a big difference.


Hope some or all of the above is of interest.

Regards - ips

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Hi Ian


Thanks for the info, we'll certainly but some of that into practice. I'd already thought about a vent into the garage - ironically, in the Rimor I did the opposite - there was a vent under the bed into the garage but no vent near the rear of the 'van in the living area, so I moved the one out of the garage! Looks like I'll be doing a reverse job, or addiing an extra one this time.


The vent in the bathroom must be a different type to yours as it isn't the standard flip type ones, it's a fixed one and can't be closed off from what I can see, so I'll definitely try your trick ... or hubby will have to get some asbestos thighs! :D


As for that grill ... I tried to do some toast this morning ... lets just say it 'worried' the bread for 10 minutes and it ended up like pale Rivita!!! Not to be recommended ... if it doesn't buck it's ideas up it'll get removed and the space turned into a cupboard instead!


Just got to remember to keep turning the fridge to gas or 12v as appropriate - we got spoilt with the AES fridge in the Rimor but I'm sure we'll soon get used to doing it. We're getting used to the diesel heater, managing to get it just right to keep the temperature pleasant without roasting ourselves. We were nice and warm last night (we didn't have the heater on overnight though) but tonight will be a test as there's supposed to be a ground frost. I've got my bed socks and 'hoodie' lined up already!!!


To everyone - thanks for your good wishes. If you see a couple of nutters with 2 daft dogs pottering around, don't forget to come an say hi. :-D

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For anyone who's interested, we're currently camped with the Motorhome Fun gang at Peterborough. We arrived around 11.00 am and got a warm welcome, got water, then pitched up not far from Graham and Jill (GJH) and said howdy. Then off into the show as we had decided that we definitely did want an awning after all, with it being warm (indeed very sunny and warm B-) ), it made us think what we'd do if it was the same whilst on holiday in France ... thoughts of the sunburn came to mind (again) so we thought if we wanted one then getting one at the show would be the best bet. After a wander round and quick hello to Dave and Jacqui Newell, we soon found the various dealers selling awnings (2 doing Omnistor for £580-£590 for a 3 metre one), the guys on the Johns Cross stand were doing Fiamma ones for £405 fitted ... no brainer plus, being members of the Motorhome Fun forum we were entitled to a 5% discount - well chuffed! :-D


The lads came round straight away and after a lot of head scratching it was decided the only way to fit the awning was to cut part of the small decorative cowl just behind the main front cowl so the awning could be fitted so it covered the door plus a bit. The chap was a bit 'anxious' about cutting into the cowl, Chris was having kittens and the younger chap was leaving the other one to it!!! After some time it was decided to try to use a Stanley knife to cut the cowl so very gingerly he made a 'test' cut ... okay, then another ... okay again, so it was decided to go the whole hog ... using a bracket as a ruler he managed to do it and made a very neat job of it indeed ... Relief all round!!! After that it was just a matter of fixing the brackets and putting the awning on - a nice blue one with a wavey pattern to match our 'wavey' decals. The chap was very pleased the with result and so were we.


After that it was a case of having a natter to a few of the funsters before going back into the show ground to pay for the awning (the hard part! 8-) ). Whilst there we pottered over to Jacqui and Dave Newell for another natter, before heading back and having tea, tidying and washing up, and getting showers in the very nice clean and lovely hot shower blocks. The wifi signal is excellent which is great.


We've found our Flash absolutely great, and we are very happy that we made the decision to buy it, the only 'problem' we've had is of our own making ... we went into the supermarket yesterday and they had some cheese on offer ... which we bought, along with some pre-done salad, and got some samples of yoghurt they were givIng away .... errr, ummm, problemo ... the fridge in the Flash isn't as BIG as our old one!!! (lol) Managed to get it all in, just, but it's almost bursting ... must learn a new mantra ... do not get any more food to go in fridge, do not get any more food to go in fridge .... :$


Well, that's enough for now, I'll pop on again when I get a chance - it's been a long tiring day and I'm just about ready for my nice comfy bed. :-D

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