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Shortage of parking places.


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May I just point out that it is not up to any one person to declare a thread closed or ended.


This forum is open to all members and thread closure will be decided by everyone by means of it dying a natural death when everyone has had their say.

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Tracker - 2010-03-09 9:42 AMMay I just point out that it is not up to any one person to declare a thread closed or ended.This forum is open to all members and thread closure will be decided by everyone by means of it dying a natural death when everyone has had their say.


I said I thought it had run its course. Carry on Tracker if you wish. If in your opinion it has not run its course.


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creakyknee - 2010-03-06 6:46 AM
Mel B - 2010-03-05 9:22 PMCould it be you referring to him as 'creakybrains' perchance? :-S Road tax - it is my understanding that in order for your vehicle to remain 'road legal' you have to continue to keep it taxed, whatever European country you are travelling in, otherwise you could find it is a let-out clause for your insurance company or worse.I can't blame Portugal and the like for clamping down on the so called motorhomers who are causing problems, ask yourself, if you had one of these massive 'motorhome parking places' a few hundred yards from where you live, would you be happy???? I certainly woudn't. What if a load of foreign motorhomes invaded your favourite British sea-side resort and made it impossible for you to go and spend a bit of time there - you certainly would not be very pleased. I do, however, use official aires and on the odd, rare, occasion that I park overnight in an 'unofficial' place, I make sure it doesn't cause any problems for anyone else or me!



Hello Mel B, Have you checked with your insurance company regarding RFL? It doesn't affect the road-worthiness of the vehicle.


     Are you xenophobic? Why would you be worrying about foreigners camping in their vehicles a few hundred yards from you? You are more likely to get murdered by some nutter from here.(nutter meaning - yob, waster, early released con, or the other sort). Anyway I don't think you need worry on that score, I mean the foreigners not the nutters. Most of the foreigners I have spoken to have either been and found out how expensive and inconvenient it is or heard the same.


     As regards sitting on a beach, the last time we went on the East coast there wasn't a square foot without litter. Ashamed to be British, yes I am.

Well, well, well, trying to twist the words eh Creaky? I said road legal not road worthiness. In the UK you have to have tax, insurance and (if applicable) an MOT certificate. Therefore to be recognised as road legal abroad you would need to still have your road tax would you not?As for xenophobic - don't put your apparent prejudice on me please. I was relating the a similar situation to that which happens abroad. Whatever country the motorhomes belong to, and wherever there is a large 'unofficial' aire with the motorhomers causing problems for the locals, it would not be nice for anyone.As for the East Coast beaches - not sure when you went but I think you must've taken a wrong turning as most of the beaches are award winners.As for your 'thanks' for people posting on the thread, it was very nice of you to say so, however it isn't up to you to decide when it's finished I'm afraid, but do please feel free to refrain from contributing if you've had enough.
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creakyknee - 2010-03-09 10:17 AM Carry on Tracker if you wish. If in your opinion it has not run its course.

I have no opinion on whether it has run it's course or not as it is not up to me to decide!
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I too find most East Coast beaches remarkably litter free - probably because they are just too bloody cold for anyone to picnic on for most of the year!
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Porky - 2010-03-06 4:28 PM
creakyknee - 2010-03-06 12:05 PM Having seen the animosity on this site I don't think anyone would take the job on of championing the provision of aires

But this is the whole point, it is not for "someone" to champion the cause, it is for each and every one of us to keep, and I mean KEEP pestering our own local authority to improve the provision for parking motorhomes. Initially this might just be parking not the full aire facility which the local authority would have to cost and evaluate the financial benefit of. This will not come about without a carefully submitted and costed proposal. If you do a search on this forum for aires for england you might get the picture*-)
Why do you say this has run its course Creaky when you still have the oportunity to agree with my comments. Indeed I would encourage you to tell us all how you are going to help us improve the parking arrangements for motorhomes in this country. After all you have been very critical of the present arrangements. So come on don't desert us>:-) Roy Fuller
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Why do you say this has run its course Creaky when you still have the oportunity to agree with my comments. Indeed I would encourage you to tell us all how you are going to help us improve the parking arrangements for motorhomes in this country. After all you have been very critical of the present arrangements. So come on don't desert us>:-) Roy Fuller


Hi Roy, hate to tell you this but I very rarely use our MH in this country. Too crowded too expensive. I did most of my travelling here on a bicycle and later with tent and family.

I now go where I have been made welcome and still am in most places.A lot of the intolerance encountered on the Algarve is not from the Portugese. Its from our own countrymen, maybe its jealousy. The fact that we are retired and can spend months away I don't know. I do know that my council tax is still being paid for services I am not using whilst away. My taxes are being paid.

 If you want to stir things up with the politicians and council why not concentrate on those who aren't paying these things and I don't mean the people recently made redundant. And you thought I'd finished!!!


What chance is there of getting parking for MHs here when

councils are selling or have sold every bit of green land, playing fields etc. Perhaps when all local businesses have closed down, the shops etc, could be bulldozed to provide parking.


I could write to my MP, Judy Mallabar but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a reply. From past experience you don't get one.


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Lord Raindrop - 2010-03-06 10:47 AMI don't await with any interest. Why bother to make any comment in his direction, he's just a stupid old fart with nowt else to do except wind everyone up over his stories.

Now if I'd said that!
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Tracker, in one post you tell us you are fed up with this and want to talk about Gordon Brown and Iraq.Then you carry on. Contrary!


Mel B. I originally said that RFL issue was open to debate I still feel it is. Can you find anyone who has been prosecuted for driving abroad without a RFL. No other offence just RFL. I do take your point about legal and road worthiness. Sorry.




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creakyknee - 2010-03-09 7:50 PM


Tracker, in one post you tell us you are fed up with this and want to talk about Gordon Brown and Iraq.Then you carry on.>


Well done Creaky - you took the bait that every one else had left!

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GypsyTom - 2010-03-09 6:56 PM
Lord Raindrop - 2010-03-06 10:47 AMI don't await with any interest. Why bother to make any comment in his direction, he's just a stupid old fart with nowt else to do except wind everyone up over his stories.

Now if I'd said that!


Your alter ego probably did...

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creakyknee - 2010-03-09 7:50 PM

Can you find anyone who has been prosecuted for driving abroad without a RFL. No other offence just RFL.


We were stopped at a Police road block near Murcia in 2006.


The very nice policeman asked in good Engish to see our V5 and Insurance certificate and he also checked the tax disc, all of which were OK.


As he was so friendly and spoke good English I asked him what would have happened had the tax disc been out of date and he said that a cash fine payable on the spot would have been given - I didn't ask how much for but I did see one car pulled over for what did appear to be that offence!


It seems they were having a crackdown on Brits living there and paying no road tax and having no MOT either in Spain or in the UK - and I have little sympathy for those caught!

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Bazza454 - 2010-03-09 8:31 PM
GypsyTom - 2010-03-09 6:56 PM
Lord Raindrop - 2010-03-06 10:47 AMI don't await with any interest. Why bother to make any comment in his direction, he's just a stupid old fart with nowt else to do except wind everyone up over his stories.

Now if I'd said that!


Your alter ego probably did...

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Tracker - 2010-03-09 8:39 PM
creakyknee - 2010-03-09 7:50 PM Can you find anyone who has been prosecuted for driving abroad without a RFL. No other offence just RFL.
We were stopped at a Police road block near Murcia in 2006.The very nice policeman asked in good Engish to see our V5 and Insurance certificate and he also checked the tax disc, all of which were OK.As he was so friendly and spoke good English I asked him what would have happened had the tax disc been out of date and he said that a cash fine payable on the spot would have been given - I didn't ask how much for but I did see one car pulled over for what did appear to be that offence!It seems they were having a crackdown on Brits living there and paying no road tax and having no MOT either in Spain or in the UK - and I have little sympathy for those caught!


Tracker, I don't know anyone who has been prosecuted for not having a RFL. I cannot see that a Spanish Police Officer can fine someone in Spain without a RFL, where a RFL is not required.  It is the same in France and Portugal. What would he write on the ticket? It's a tax, it's also a rip off.


Yet to see the French and Spanish queuing to get a RFL when they are here.





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creakyknee - 2010-03-09 6:54 PM

(snip)What chance is there of getting parking for MHs here when councils are selling or have sold every bit of green land, playing fields etc. (snip)

It would appear that you haven't bothered to read my last post on this thread. If you had you would have noticed that the efforts of David Lloyd had resulted in overnight facilities being made available for MHs in Guisborough.


If you would like to read through all the pages of my web site you would find that there are rather more parking places for MHs in the UK than there were four years ago.


That being the case I suggest that there is every chance of achieving even more places for MHs to be parked so long as approaches to councils are constructive and positive, as opposed to whinging, unjustifiably complaining and uninformed.



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creakyknee - 2010-03-10 7:48 AMTracker and Mel, As you will no doubt carry this on until the end of time let me just put this to you. It is not legal to take a vehicle abroad having SORN. What happens if your RFL expires whilst touring abroad?

The answer to that is you can apply on line and the RFL is posted to your home address. You then have to get someone to post it to you. This is what we will have to do. The reason? When we return and drive off the ferry guess what we will be in the UK where there can be no dispute a RFL is a requirement. I also thought that it was an offence not to display a tax disc even if it is taxed. Anyway do I really want to have to explain in Spanish, French and Italian (the countries to be visited) that Creaky in the UK says it's OK it is not a requirement here. I don't think so*-)
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creakyknee - 2010-03-10 7:48 AMTracker and Mel, As you will no doubt carry this on until the end of time let me just put this to you. It is not legal to take a vehicle abroad having SORN. What happens if your RFL expires whilst touring abroad?

Creaky, for once I agree with a couple of your posts. It is very unlikely that you would get fined for no road tax in Europe. It annoys me when every time I drive off the ferry in Dover on my way home to see hundreds of Europeon cars without headlight deflectors, in fact I have never seen one. Do any of them get stopped, doubt it, to much trouble and paper work. However we have to accept facts and it is liable to get you a fine if you do not have; road tax, insurance and mot if required. As to road tax, this alone is not likely to get you a fine, from police, anywhere but If you have not got it and have no sorn on your vehicle you will get a fine direct from the DVLA. Driving a vehicle with a sorn, unless you are taking it for an mot, is an offence anyway. We may not like road tax but it is their, on most m/h it is not a lot of money so why would anyone take, the admittedly small risk, of not having one.
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Hi Rupert, I started off by saying RFL issue was open to debate Then that if it expired whilst abroad you had a problem. I don't know of anyone being prosecuted for not having valid RFL licence whilst abroad. There are probably some now that SORN is in force.

The rules that allow a vehicle to be towed on an A frame abroad are dependant on our vehicle being 'legal' here.


Roy, I know it's possible to get your vehicle taxed by getting someone here to do it and post it, but there are problems.


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The legal requirement to drive any vehicle on the roads of any EU country is that the vehicle must comply with the registration, taxing, MOT and insurance of the country of origin and registration.


I understand that all EU insurers now issue basic third party cover, with comprehensive being optional, that applies in any EU country as long as the other requirements have been met.


So no tax disc = no insurance - if the insurers find out?


That is the law in the EU.


Whether you are likely to be fined is another totally separate issue and if you feel inclined to take the risk that is your own decision - but if you do have an accident or theft abroad and are found by the local police to be in breach of the regulations don't expect much sympathy.


So although the risk may be low the potential penalties make it, in my view, a risk not worth taking.


If you are a law abiding citizen in the UK with all documentation in order, and one who would not dream of driving without tax, mot or insurance in the UK, why on earth anyone would feel that they are entitled to take liberties in a foreign country is beyond comprehension.

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Mickydripin - 2010-03-10 3:53 PM


Tracker then how do the dutch get away with no tax in the UK is it because the british police are not interested because it is too much trouble or is it much easy to get the brit in to court and pay or is it one rule for them and another for us?


In your earlier post, Micky, you mentioned that your son "worked for a Dutch company". That being so would it not be the case that the lorry was registered in The Netherlands so would have to comply with the registration, taxing, MOT and insurance regime of that country?



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GJH yes it did comply with Tax mot and insurance in the Netherlands.


But as I said whilst in the UK the truck was never road taxed, as he was back and forth to holland he only purchased road tax from service stations for the short time that he was in holland one day two day etc.

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I have no knowledge of how people circumvent the laws or find loopholes and it is of no concern to me as when I take any vehicle out on any road in any country I like the security of knowing that I am entirely within all the laws.


Why risk it for such small money?

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