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Newbie 1st questions

Big Ant

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Hi All. We're looking to buy our 1st tourer, but wondering why down in Portugal you only see Motorhomes (loads !), but really hardly any caravans. Is it simply too far to tour down from UK with caravan, when compared to motorhome ? We're living in Algarve, and would wish UK to be one of main destinations, but not only. Thanks, Big Ant
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Hi Ant, and welcome to the forum, have you definately decided on a caravan or thinking about a motorhome as a altnative, as you say the probable reason for the number of Motorhomes in Portugal they are more flexable when touring, you can access places you would not with a caravan in tow.


It it is a caravan you are after then as suggested I would post on the caravan section, good luck which ever way you choose. Carol.

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The sites in Portugal that we chose to use had a mix of both caravans and motorhomes. There was no distinction between either. At the Orbitur site at Quarteira and Olhao we were outnumbered by caravans.


By the way, motorhomes are not better than caravans just different. As an extugger I can definately state that it is a different mindset and took some getting used to.

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As Martin says Motorhomes are are better than Caravans or the other way round, its just what you prefer. we bought our first Caravan in 1971 and towed various vans until about 10years ago bought our first Motorhome now on our third one. But thinking in the futre when we are not able to walk as far or cycle we will change back to a Caravan.


Friends came back from Portugal with their Caravan today, some people like towing long distances others dont, it never bothered us much re distance.


Each individual or couple do as they want tow or have your house on your back.



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Big Ant - 2010-03-01 1:39 PMHi All. We're looking to buy our 1st tourer, but wondering why down in Portugal you only see Motorhomes (loads !), but really hardly any caravans. Is it simply too far to tour down from UK with caravan, when compared to motorhome ? We're living in Algarve, and would wish UK to be one of main destinations, but not only. Thanks, Big Ant

The main reason that there are more motorhomes than caravans in Portugal is that motorhomers tend to be older people with more time on their hands. They also often have more money as the children are off their hands and many of them are retired and have the time to take the long holidays that driving to Portugal demands.

If you're younger with a family you may not be able to afford a motorhome costing tens of thousands of pounds. You probably already own a car so adding a caravan is relatively inexpensive. Younger people who are working full time cannot take more than two or three weeks holiday and that tends to preclude driving to Portugal, which may take four or five days each way.

As for which is better, as has been said both have their advantages. A motorhome means no towing and no long-winded pitching up but then you may have a problem parking it in towns.

A caravan is ideal for families who want to stay on a nice site for a week or two and they then have the convenience of having a car to explore in.

I've had both and I love my motorhome but there are times when I wish that I had a car to drive around in when we're exploring a region and its interesting towns and villages.

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To be honest a motorhome is just a no brainer as it gives you all the freedom with the added comfort. I know some may say that it is nice to have a car, but I have taken motorhomes all over Europe and over the alps and pyranees. Ok you are driving a large vehicle, but I personally am not intimated by this and the only place that I cannot go is underground car parks. the only thing in motorhomes is to stay well away from Fiat vehicles as you will regret it to the end of your payments ! See the thread on Fiat !


I have three young kids and the motorhome has given us opportunites to travel fast and direct with few difficulties. I have towed caravans in the past but your are restriced in that you really do need a strong towing vehicle and are subject to weather restrictions on motorways etc,


What more can I say !

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You talk about towing a long way, but it all depends on the time that you have. After all if you are happy towing, say 100/150 miles in a day then long distances are just a multiple of 100/150.

True that larger distances are probably easier in a Motorhome with aires to stop at plus just turn off the engine and a brew is on in a minute or so, no unhitching, corner steadies down and campsites to find. I was a Tugger for 30 years and enjoyed it with the kids and travelled all over Europe especially Italy in 3 week holidays.

Now retired I have had a motorhome for 2 years and that is now best for our circumstances.

Personally, and because we love the freedom of a motorhome, I wish that we had changed sooner but finances were not quite right.

If you have any doubts then either hire or buy a cheaper "used" motorhome, try it out and then go for it - A Motorhome that is.

Just be wary of Fiat X/250 based vehicles (read this forum). Do your homework and then you will enjoy your decision.

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moyne - 2010-03-03 11:33 PM


the only thing in motorhomes is to stay well away from Fiat vehicles as you will regret it to the end of your payments ! See the thread on Fiat !



Don't tar all Fiats with the same brush. Ours is a 2002 2.8 automatic and it is great, we had a 1998 Fiat Ducato this was a 2.5 and again no problems at all. It is only the last couple of years that there has been problems. My Cousin has a 2009 Swift Bolero on a Fiat and has had the 'Fixes' done and it is perfect, so stop knocking Fiats. There are good and bad in all vehicles and if anyone has a problem then arrange to have the 'fixes' done and stop moaning. If they have had everything done and it is still not right then they have a right to moan, but COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN. My old Boss used to say to me when I was a Credit Controller that a squeaking wheel will get attention, in other words if you keep complaining and making a nuisance of yourself then eventually something will be done.



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My old Boss used to say to me when I was a Credit Controller that a squeaking wheel will get attention, in other words if you keep complaining and making a nuisance of yourself then eventually something will be done.




BUT WHY should you have to keep on COMPLAINING, having spent £40/60k ??? >:-(

This question applies to all motorhome problems, not just Fiat. It just seeems that Fiat have been "Thinking out of the box" with regard to customer service.

I don't want a wishey washey political type answer, just a good reason as to WHY.

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mike 202 - 2010-03-04 10:48 AM  BUT WHY should you have to keep on COMPLAINING, having spent £40/60k ??? >:-( This question applies to all motorhome problems, not just Fiat. It just seeems that Fiat have been "Thinking out of the box" with regard to customer service. I don't want a wishey washey political type answer, just a good reason as to WHY.

Real world answer, Mike.  Because your van has the problem, and you want it fixed!  Not how it should be, but how it is.  You SHOULD not have to do this, but faced with multi-national company intransigence, in your own interests, you have to.  Sad, isn't it?

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Hi big Ant,

You pays your money, you takes your choice, French laws forbid the use of caravans on Aires which would rule them out for me, but both work well if you only intend to use sites, what ever floats your boat.

Regards PKC.


PS, never ask about generators or Fiats on here unless you have a death wish.

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Caravan - You always have a car to get around with at the other end.

Caravan - pulled by a car flogging its guts out and limited or no view for drivers and passengers over hedgerows. Limited payload.

A bit of a bugger to reverse for some.


Motorhome - You have to think what you are going to do to get around at the other end.

Motorhome - Normally a commercial vehicle having a light low mileage duty and not being flogged like "white van man" but providing you with a much better view of the countryuside as you pass. Normally more payload.


Use of aires.



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Clive - 2010-03-04 12:17 PM


Caravan - You always have a car to get around with at the other end.

Caravan - pulled by a car flogging its guts out and limited or no view for drivers and passengers over hedgerows. Limited payload.

A bit of a bugger to reverse for some.


Motorhome - You have to think what you are going to do to get around at the other end.

Motorhome - Normally a commercial vehicle having a light low mileage duty and not being flogged like "white van man" but providing you with a much better view of the countryuside as you pass. Normally more payload.


Use of aires.



I agree with some of that Clive, but "the car flogging it's guts out" isn't neccessarily correct.


Until recently I was towing a large 1800kg caravan (MTPLM) with a 2400kg VW car, fitted with a 3 litre diesel engine.

I'm now moving a max weight of 6000kg with a Fiat 3 litre engine.


I know which one is working the hardest ;-)

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You would get a Fiat!

Similarly we drag up to 6.4 tonnes around with a 2.7 litre engine. But the engine is designed to be flogged all day, sump holds 9 litres of engine oil and the filters are massive. As are the bearings.


In all fairness that 3 litre engine you have is a goodun, also used by Iveco and its designed for a COMMERCIAL duty. The same sized engine in a passenger car is not normally designed for a COMMERCIAL duty though. Unless its perhaps a Toyota Landscruiser then it might be the same as Toyota vans.


Have fun



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Quote (Don't tar all Fiats with the same brush. Ours is a 2002 2.8 automatic and it is great, we had a 1998 Fiat Ducato this was a 2.5 and again no problems at all. It is only the last couple of years that there has been problems. My Cousin has a 2009 Swift Bolero on a Fiat and has had the 'Fixes' done and it is perfect, so stop knocking Fiats)


May I put the Fiat issue in perspective, if you end up with a bad one like many people have done you may get it fixed or become part of the majority who have not been offered a repair of any kind. Then you will be up the creek with no paddle and I hope you will not end up like myself with an 85k investment and very very very bitter towards Fiat and Dethleff.


But if you have a few quid that you can take a risk with by all means buy a Fiat and when and if it does what it is supposed not to then join the forum on Fiat Judderers ! A club not to be wished upon anyone ! The world is full of choice and victims.


The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.

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Clive - 2010-03-04 7:07 PM



You would get a Fiat!

Similarly we drag up to 6.4 tonnes around with a 2.7 litre engine. But the engine is designed to be flogged all day, sump holds 9 litres of engine oil and the filters are massive. As are the bearings.


In all fairness that 3 litre engine you have is a goodun, also used by Iveco and its designed for a COMMERCIAL duty. The same sized engine in a passenger car is not normally designed for a COMMERCIAL duty though. Unless its perhaps a Toyota Landscruiser then it might be the same as Toyota vans.


Have fun



Yeah - point taken re COMMERCIAL :-D I think I was spoilt with the two Touaregs we towed with (Not at the same time)


The V6 was as sweet as a nut, yet not as awesome as the 5 litre V10 we were using before it.



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