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The amazing "Double Skillet"

Geoff Tuckley

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The thing with with the Remorska and Halogen ovens is that they're useless when you haven't got electric hook up, the double skillet though can be used on an electric or gas hob, and as more than just an 'oven'.


I must admit to being very sceptical about a double skillet in the past due to the cost, but by heck I wish I'd got one years ago!

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Mel B - 2011-02-17 5:42 PM


I suspect the easiest, and probably cheapest answer, would be to buy a low powered cooker (I assume you're talking slow cooker here?) and use it via an inverter. I know someone on here does this but for the moment I can't think of who!


I can now report that I bought a Lakeland 120w slow cooker and have happily run it through a 150w inverter, on its "low" setting. It works best if everything is put in hot, and only works, without the inverter beeping, while the engine is running - but then the idea is that it is cooking while we are travelling :D The cooker itself was cheaper - £21 - than the Road Pro one (£40), and is far more robust.

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Hi Mel


After much dithering I finally ordered my double skillet today, thanks for the advice on the skillet and the remoska, I have gone for the skillet, it seemed the less complicated option and as we have gas on board all the time think it will suit. I ordered the cook book and have watched their demo film and think it will do the job. The remoska seems to have one or two issues, there are as many reviews saying "fabulous" and the ones that say "disappointed".


Thanks again, your advice was really helpul



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I have a Double Skillet which I think is brilliant. I have now bought an "Induction Hob" which I know you can tell which pans to use by putting a magnet on the bottom, and if it sticks it will work. But we had a lovely little kettle with a folding handle from a show. The magnet didn't stick to it but on the bottom it said it could be used on an induction hob...tried it and it heated up really fast. I wonder if any of you knowledgeable people might know if the D/Skillet can also be used on the induction hob?


I have been on the D/Skillet website, but it doesn't say which metal it is made from. :-S



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Thanks. I tried to call them... but no reply, I think they are at a show soon so probably busy at the moment. I have emailed them so hope they might get back to me asap, as we go away on the 31st March for a trip through France and into Spain. B-)


Otherwise I might just try it on the Induction Hob and see what

happens. (!)



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