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Themed holiday required


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Currently unable to go abroad for a holiday because of domestic responsibilities. For the last few years we've spent the main fortnight's holiday enjoying pottering about in the van in areas of the country we like.


This year, we want to be more purposeful and are looking to having a theme for the holiday. We've discounted a coastal tour and a tour of castles.


Shared interests include industrial heritage especially canals - but not museums whether static or active, wildlife especially birds, walking through pleasant countryside - not yomping up mountains, photography (mainly snapshots), history of towns and villages/settlements, the dark and mysterious.


Dislikes for holidays include stately homes, museums, cities.


Any ideas for an original theme?

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Join the National Trust.


They have hundreds of houses, gardens and other properties which are then free to park and free to enter. Whichever area of the country you decide to visit there are guaranteed to be several places to pick from. We normally plan our trips around their properties. Have a look on their website.

And you will normally find at least 2 or 3 other M'H's on the carparks (maybe even us!).



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How about picking out an area say decide where you are going to stay, you could pick a CC&C holiday site and then draw a circle out from there and find out how and why all the villages in that area got their name.


Just for instance they have a great rally at Fraisthorpe right on the cliff side next to gorgeous beach where you can walk. Do a half moon around there and visit all the local villages within 10 miles. It is amazing what you can see and find when you look around these places.


Just a thought, on rainy days on Anglesey when we had a static there we would go into Bangor and decide how much we wanted to spend, go into estate agents and find all the houses we liked and could afford. Then plan the route and go around looking at the outside of them. We learnt everything we ever wanted to know about the island that way.



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Take a tour around the country's steam engine rallies. They are held every weekend from Scotland to Cornwall. They are usually held in fields, semi public parks or national showgrounds. There is always something going on.


Google NTET. "The National Traction Engine Trust" There will be info on events or you can send for their annual brochure showing all events along with tel numbers for contacts. Often you can camp for 3-4 nights with a charge covering site entry.


There are always tractors available for towing if the ground is wet. There's always food, water and beer, and often a music evening. You will find all the organisers very helpful. They are all everyday working people who organise and put on these events in their own time, just to show you their working toys.


If you go to the events in the Autumn there will displays of Threshing and possibly Cider Making, plus many early rural crafts.

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Have you thought about Henley on Thames quaint town in it’s self, there is a week of Regatta and then a music festival the following weekend, lovely walks by the Thames. The Regatta is enjoyable to watch in as much for the rowers as for the visitors.


There are quite a few temporary holiday sites with in walking distance of the town with various clubs, we have been to the one with the CC&C Royal Berks DA (members) stretches over the two weekends they run it, it is on a field adjacent to the tow path. Fire works with the Music festival, the wind has to be blowing in the right direction to hear the Music with out paying, tickets are expensive but you might like to treat your self, best bib and tucker required.


If your club does not go there is a caravan club site just as near, but probably booked well in advance, was chocker block when I accidently turned in there entrance, had to go through the third degree to get out again!!!!


Web site is www.hrr.co.uk, we stayed for the final weekend lots of room and very enjoyable people and boat watching. Last weekend in June to beginning of July.


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Brock - 2010-03-01 9:10 PM




This year, we want to be more purposeful and are looking to having a theme for the holiday.



You stated that you enjoyed your last few years' holidays.

The answer lies in your own hands or minds. Choose what YOU want to do.

There are lots of travel and tourism articles in MMM, club magazines and other periodicals. National and/or regional guide books are worth looking at. Have you seen what guide books are available in your local library?


It is YOUR holiday so go and enjoy what you want to do and see.

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