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which show to go to?


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hi all,

just a thread to find out peoples opinions on which show would be good to go to, in terms of having a good weekend out, browsing, not necessarily buying a new motorhome, amount of goods /services available to buy, entertainment, and of course a few bevvies.

between Peterboro, Manchester in july, or the end of season finale, or indeed any of the other shows that go on thro the season

bear in mind im near Bradford in West Yorks


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Peterborough is now, in my view, the best outdoor show there is. Lots to do and see, nice showground, good run into Peterborough for a bit of shopping and change of scene from rows of motorhomes if you've been staying for a couple of days! :-D


We don't tend to bother with the evening entertainment but it is usually good and in the 'barns' so not as cold as some shows that only use marquees.

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Why not try a couple, say Peterborough early season for the biggest & then Lincoln end of season finale, which usually has "end of season" discounting on M/H's and accessories. The Lincoln Show entertainment in the evenings is indoors.

This would then help you in future as to whether you like the larger or smaller shows (or none >:-) (lol) )

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With regard to the original question it all depends on what you want and expect from a show. If you just want a weekend away at a venue where you can view motorhome related products, enjoy some entertainment, meet up with friends etc then choose your nearest show from the calendar. If you are looking for the biggest range of motorhomes or accessories at an outdoor show then Peterborough is probably your best bet. If you like country and western entertainment the Malvern should be your target, likewise various other entertainment groups are catered for at other shows.



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in the 9 years been motorhoming, ive not been to any shows! cos of our other hobbies, been to NEC scuba shows but just thought id better try a MH show for a change *-)

did think of going to both (peteboro/lincoln) but again commitments to other things mean i can only do 1 this year and i just wondered which 1 ;-)


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we've done the NEC shows (both) for a couple of years now when we were looking to buy either new caravans or motorhomes. As such they were good in that you see alot of models , undercover and one after another so you can pick up your likes and dislikes fairly quickly.


However I never liked the rest of the shows such the accessories as there never seemed to be lots of choice to me and no one seemed bothered unless I was parting with my hard earned.


However last year we , on the fly , went to the Malvern show really for a day out. We're not into country and western but have to say we spent a full day there and got far more out it then we'd expected.


It just seemed more relaxed and friendly and the entertainment dotted around just broke it up for us. Sitting for half an hour or so and resting meant it seemed less tiring. Trade stands seemed more helpful even if just offering info or advice. There also seemed more choice (or competition if thats the right way to put it) maybe the trade costs are less and therefore some of the smaller retailers can afford to purvey their goods.


We got back to our car and just sat there for about an hour chatting about the day and ruminating our ideas , something we never did after the NEC (just jumped into car and drove home).


Having seen lots of comments about the Peterborough show we'll be there this year , not sure we can stay over but definately going for a the day. I want to see lots of motorhomes and motorhome related 'stuff' so I can see how others get the most out of their hobby. the NEC is jack of all trades and master of none in my mind now

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