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Shoes - how do you carry yours?


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Fed up tripping over shoes. We have a garage in m/h and I'd like to fit a shoe rack to each door - one for me one for Mrs A. Doors will support up to 150kg, so any solution is going to be miles inside capacity limit.

How do you carry yours?


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I think you'll find the GARAGE weight limit is 150 kg, NOT the doors. I'd be surprised if they would carry more than 10 or 20 kg before the hinges started to give up the ghost. Think about it, you probably weigh around 90 or 100 kg (well I do!) so try opening the door and hanging on it! You're saying it can take one and a half times that!

As for shoe storage, ours live in an underseat locker as we don't have the luxury of a garage, but do have a lower bed as a result.



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Hi again Arthur,


I still have to stop and put weights into perspective to get an idea of what I'm talking about so no problem. I often refer to weight as so many bags of sugar or potatoes or other such stupid units.

How about stacking the shoes in small plastic storage boxes, we bought a set of 10 called 'Shoe boxes' from Costco a few weeks ago. You could then either strap or bungee them in a convenient place in the garage.



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hi arthur,

dont have a garage, but use a canvas overdoor shoe holder, this hangs over the passenger seat, but you could adapt it to fasten to the garage doors, have a look on argos website and search shoe rack or orginiser, there are a few on there, also ebay

one that would do is 6.99 from argos


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There are various types of hanger:


1: This one is meant to go on the back of a door on hooks, although you could cut it down and put half on the inside of each door.

Back of door hanger


2: This is a wider 'shelf' type hanger which you attach to your wardrobe pole.

Ikea hanger


3: These two are similar to the above but are only half the width:

Single hanger 1


Single hanger 2


I have used the back of the door type (no 1) for storing bits and pieces rather than shoes (ideal in a washroom as it can be easily removed when you want a shower etc).


The wider shelf (no 2) type is probably a bit too big but if you've got space its a quick and easy way to get extra shelving, it attaches to the wardrobe hanging rail.


The narrow type (no 3) are ideal for a standard width wardrobe and this is what we currently use for our shoes.


These hanger can be quite heavy when you've got a few pairs of shoes in them, so bear than in mind when deciding where/what to use.


If you'e got the room, you might like to consider a plastic storage box with a lid instead (drill some air holes in the lid to stop it going smelly!) to place in your garage - you can just take it out when you want to have a rummage for your shoes (you can soon fashion some partitions from cardboard) and it also means that if your shoes are wet they can dry properly (difficult in the hangers).


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Thank you for constructive responses.

Some make you wonder why you bother asking questions? Neither my wife nor I are prepared to go away for 8-10 weeks with 2 pairs of shoes each, and at other times with grandchildren. Having said this, the thread will probably divert to m/home weight limits??


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Arthur - take no notice, they're only jeoulous because of your nice shoes with stiletto heels! :D ;-)


I usually have 2 pairs of casual lace-up soft shoes (Padders type), these are good for general pottering around and longer walks too, if one pair gets wet (often happens when out with the dogs in inclement weather!), I've at least got a second pair to use whilst the first lot dry. I also have a couple of different types of sandals - a pottering comfy pair and a smarter pair for if we go out, a pair of 'mock' crocs which I use for the canoe and paddling on the beach if it's rocky/stoney, or even to go to and from showers on the odd occasion we stay on a site. Also, depending on the length of our holiday, a pair of very flat slip on shoes for casual pottering around in and outside the van (ie like slippers but a bit more usable). Hubby usually has a couple of pairs of trainers, a pair of 'normal smarter shoes', a couple of pairs of sandals, some 'mock' crocs, and casual slip-ons for pottering out with the dogs in the morning.


You take whatever you need chuck. :-D

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Guest peter
I carry my wife's shoes in a trailer behind the M.H. I kid you not, You'd think we were going on a world tour instead af a quick weekend away. :D
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Im sure I found my shoe hanger in a pound shop, wherever it is well made and doesnt take up any room hanging beside the clothes in the wardrobe, I can wedge two pairs in each holder, and I take 3 pairs of flatties 1 pair of sandals I travel in trainers and one with a little heel just in case I need to dress up :-D oh and a pair of slip on slippers.


That leaves a couple of empty holders for hubby,s shoes. ;-)

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It's not the shoes - trainers on and crocs in wardrobe (NB do not leave crocs in front of blown air heating - they melt!) its the wellingtons and walking boots that take the space, but these go under the non swivel front seats of our Renault Master.
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On here when you ask a question you will receive mainly sensible answers even odd ones, even if they divert a little from one pair to a trailer load. They're not intended to be rude just an opinion. and pretty genuine, and who needs shoes when indoor anyway?


I think MelB and family are contemplating a M'H each as they have dogs and shoes and a husband (who never seems to get a mention) and from what we read a host of other things , AND are always looking for a NEW M/H, presumably to store more and bigger goodies.



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I now take a modest amount of shoes/trainers/sandals/crocks with me which I keep in the TV cupboard that we do not use, Ed Earl keeps his under his seat.

I say I take a modest amount because when we had a smaller van and Ed was complaining about space while we were in France, he got all my shoes out lined them up and I had 22 pairs with me, since then for shame sake I have been more restrained. :-) Carol.

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