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We keep a constant and careful check on our MPG but for one reason only, to help to know whether the vehicle is running corectly. Any major change in consumption would point to some possible impending problem.

Otherwise in the real overall shape of things the fuel that goes in really doesn't make much difference to us, if you want to use the van and you want to visit somewhere then just put the fuel in and use it. If you can't afford the fuel and need to budget, then the benefit of having it is you can go somewhere closer or use the van less.

For us if it was that much of a problem affording to run it we wouldn't have it in the first place.



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Sorry GypsyTom, I wasn't ignoring the other costs of ownership as you can see from my comments further back in this thread.


In this instance I was just highlighting the miles that amount of fuel could achieve at 30mpg.


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Rod_vw - 2010-03-07 5:34 PMSorry GypsyTom, I wasn't ignoring the other costs of ownership as you can see from my comments further back in this thread.In this instance I was just highlighting the miles that amount of fuel could achieve at 30mpg.

Apologies. I'd read what you said earlier but it was ages ago and I'd forgotten it! I thought you were being a smart-alec but I accept that you weren't.
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