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Security - suggestions.


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I haven't an alarm on my van. I have heard alarms sounding on car parks and no one takes any notice. I have an immobilizer,dead locks and chains on the doors. It is very easy to force a window open.


I have seen people with shotguns, archery bows, various cudgels, tear gas sprays and even a handgun(not British). Oh and even a walking stick with an 18ins sword in it, brought back by air from Vietnam.


We are always careful where we park.On a supermarket I was aware of being followed in. I returned to my van quickly and found a suspicious vehicle had been parked alongside, on the blind side, along with some shady characters. Obviously they were in touch by mobile phone with their accomplices. A trick I heard of was, lady enters supermarket with trolley, places handbag in same, gets to check out no handbag. M.O. Thief fills a trolley with identical items and then switches trolleys.


On passing through security at ferry port have been asked if we have any weapons. Well there's a knife drawer with 3 or 4 very big sharp knives, these were ignored. If I found someone in my van during the night, I wonder if 'reasonable force' would be the first thing on my mind.


Never had any problems up to now but carry a second wallet with expired credit cards and a little cash in as an offering.


Have you any suggestions. I did grow up in a time of capital punishment, it DID stop re-offending.








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creakyknee - 2010-03-09 1:58 PMHave you any suggestions. I did grow up in a time of capital punishment, it DID stop re-offending.







Not too sure what you are looking for here. Perhaps you could be more specific otherwise this will fly off in all directions. Or is that your intention?>:-)
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Not too sure what you are looking for here. Perhaps you could be more specific otherwise this will fly off in all directions. Or is that your intention?>:-)


Hi Roy, I was thinking of something that would deter or even prevent these type of offences.


Hi Clive, I like dogs but not in MHs. Having seen a St Bernard jump straight into a smallish van after being on the beach on a wet day. In this country the poor dog would be put down if it attacked anyone.


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Good grief Creaky you do encounter some strange things, but interesting. I have never seen anyone with the list of potential weapons you list, some may have them but not on display. Where do you come across this stuff, camping in laybys and carparks I assume. We have deadlocks and an imobiliser, thats it and all it ever will be. We have a decent insurance so if we get broken into it will be an inconvenience but cannot worry about it. Stay on campsites most of your security worries will disappear.
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creakyknee - 2010-03-09 3:43 PM 


Not too sure what you are looking for here. Perhaps you could be more specific otherwise this will fly off in all directions. Or is that your intention?>:-)


Hi Roy, I was thinking of something that would deter or even prevent these type of offences.



Well there are any number of preventative measures, most of which are self evident, extra locks, alarms etc. As far as a deterent is concerned you actually can not improve on a large dog. At least have a PIR activated dog alarm. We have a German Shepherd one and it is very convincing (we used to have the real thing before our motorhome) Cheap but I think effective. The PIR can be set externally either whilst you are there or when you leave it unattended. Another simple arrangement is to have parking sensors run off the leisure batteries and manually operated. The sensitivity (distance) can be adjusted but it is just another way of ensuring an automatic watch in a secluded spot.
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The best form of protection is your own common sense and awareness!


Never leave the van unattended or the doors unlocked in an isolated spot or in a main road layby.


Never park up where there is broken glass and bebris potentially from other break ins on the ground.


Be very careful how you park in supermarket car parks - try and park in a busy bit even if it is a bit inconvenient.



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Hi Tracker, I see you there with your glass of wine. I hope you don't get broken into whilst you are 'gassed'!!


I was wondering what any of you would do if you found someone in you van during the night. The big worry for me is the thief with the battery operated grinder. Not much will stop him from getting in a van. We carry passports etc when away from the van as we know what a hassle they are to replace.


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Creaky - you need new specs - I don't drink so I am not holding a wine glass!


There are break ins at home and on sites as well as anywhere else and whilst the risk may be perceived as greater for motorhomes away from home and not on a site I am not going to let that stop me enjoying my nomadic way of holidaying by becoming paranoid!


I do however take sensible security precautions the best of which is a vociferous Border Collie if she hears anything at all from outside during the night!

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When I break a journey on the motorway services, I lock the camper and walk in, wait a couple of minutes and then step outside and check if theres anybody lurking.

Thieves know that they only have a short time frame to make off with your vehicle and will not waste time.

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Tracker - 2010-03-09 8:31 PMCreaky - you need new specs - I don't drink so I am not holding a wine glass!There are break ins at home and on sites as well as anywhere else and whilst the risk may be perceived as greater for motorhomes away from home and not on a site I am not going to let that stop me enjoying my nomadic way of holidaying by becoming paranoid!I do however take sensible security precautions the best of which is a vociferous Border Collie if she hears anything at all from outside during the night!


Sorry Tracker I had not enlarged your photo. I see it's a plug - nuff said! 


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creakyknee - 2010-03-10 11:59 AMSorry Tracker I had not enlarged your photo. I see it's a plug - nuff said! 

No probs - after staying three nights in three different French hotels none of which had a bathroom sink plug I 'liberated' this one which now accompanies me where ever we stay. The ploy works because we've never had a room without a plug since!
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I really liked the news item on the telly last night about the "Open Carry" campaign in the USA. Honest, law abiding citizens of good character are encouraged to openly bear side-firearms for defence of self, family and property. There are even fetching little pink-handled numbers for the ladies.


In the Land of the Free of course, one is entiled to defend oneself whereas in Brown's Britain one would go to jail for a very long time if one even attempted to mildly physically inconvenience one of the products of Labour's 13-year Scumbag Breeding Programme in committing a burglary, robbery, rape or murder.


Maybe we should forget Europe and apply to be the 51st State of the USA?


Bob :-S

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A contrasting view - I think it is very sad that in allegedly the most advanced and civilised country in the world many of it's citizens still feel the need to carry a gun and, even worse are prepared to use it, but I guess it speaks volumes for American egos?


I hope it never happens here and I hope that our Police will continue to be able to patrol unarmed.

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I have to say I was absolutely appalled, even more by the pink butt of the revolver!  What a ghastly society!  People so afraid of going shopping, they feel the need to carry guns.

I don't much care whether the gun is carried openly or concealed, it is the mentality behind its carrying that worries me.  I think the very idea that such an overt display of, "I'm well hard, cos I've got a gun" stupidity, would be inclined to provoke the would be attacker to take the obvious course.  Not to attack then?  No, just shoot the stupid posers before they have a chance to get their guns out.  It is surely far easier to rob a corpse than a living person, and it removes the possibility of identification as well. 

Do I want to join that country as an extra State, do I hell.  Can you imagine the consequences in UK on Friday/Saturday nights if all the silly drunks had guns instead of merely bottles and fists.   Absolutely, totally, mindlessly, barking!  Might get the population numbers under control a bit, though!  :-)

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Clive - 2010-03-09 3:05 PM


Get a dog!



You dont have to get a dog :-S but I gather you can get a Dog Alarm, some people we were talking to on a C.C. site were on their way to get one fitted before travelling to France, this was before we had bought our M.H. so it was about 7 years ago, but Im sure if they were any good you still should be able to get one.


They apparently start to go off! that is a DOG barking when anyone approaches the van about a meter away! mind you if you were on an Aire it probably would never STOP. :-D

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maggyd - 2010-03-12 4:01 PM


Clive - 2010-03-09 3:05 PM


Get a dog!



You dont have to get a dog :-S but I gather you can get a Dog Alarm, some people we were talking to on a C.C. site were on their way to get one fitted before travelling to France, this was before we had bought our M.H. so it was about 7 years ago, but Im sure if they were any good you still should be able to get one.


They apparently start to go off! that is a DOG barking when anyone approaches the van about a meter away! mind you if you were on an Aire it probably would never STOP. :-D


You didn't read my reply earlier did you? Yes you can still get them and they can be operated mains or battery (I always use rechargeable on all my stuff) and the PIR is wireless so can be left anywhere. It increases in intensity for a while if still activated and will gradually subside when the PIR ceases to be active. They are very clever pieces of kit at a reasonable price. You always have a choice to switch it on or not*-)

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maggyd - 2010-03-12 4:01 PM


Clive - 2010-03-09 3:05 PM


Get a dog!



You dont have to get a dog :-S but I gather you can get a Dog Alarm, some people we were talking to on a C.C. site were on their way to get one fitted before travelling to France, this was before we had bought our M.H. so it was about 7 years ago, but Im sure if they were any good you still should be able to get one.


They apparently start to go off! that is a DOG barking when anyone approaches the van about a meter away! mind you if you were on an Aire it probably would never STOP. :-D


Maybe there is a gadget that will rock the m/home at the same time and give the impression of a bl**dy big dog :->



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tonyishuk - 2010-03-12 4:22 PM


Maybe there is a gadget that will rock the m/home at the same time and give the impression of a bl**dy big dog :->




Can't you and the missus do your own version of van rocking!

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Only one totally foolproof means of keeping your MH completely safe.


1. Obtain a secondhand bomb-proof aircraft shelter (you could try here http://www.edisposals.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/Disposals-Public-Site/-/-/-/Default-Start for starters).

(EDIT: I see the hyphen in this link has allowed the forum software to split it instead of widening the thread. That probably means it won't work, but don't worry, it was just the MoD disposals site.


2. Park beloved MH inside


3. Weld up the entrance door of the shelter


Of course, you wouldn't then be able to GO anywhere in it, but it WOULD be safe!


Seriously, though, as motorhomers we're used to the idea that everything is a compromise (check the layout in your van!) and security is no exception.

Each of us has to look at each security idea, and balance its cost and inconvenience against the risks it addresses.

And as with everything else to do with motorhoming, we'll all come to different conclusions!


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