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Going Dutch


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There are lots of good sites, including small and simple sites and Holland is a small country with excellent public transport, bike paths etc for local exploration.We have been to Holland a couple of times, once with the motorhome and had no problems.
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This is from Dutch Tourist Info re question about camper parking


"Sorry, but camping is only allowed on standard campsites in Holland. If you park anywhere else you may be fined. Of course, you may park your camper during the day in a quiet spot, but at night the camper should be parked at one of the many campsites in this country. That is the reason why we advise you to look for a campsite. You will find a complete overview of campsites in our online database. Use the search box 'accommodations' and for detailed local information, please check with the local tourist office in the town where you would like to stay."


I would be interested to read about any updates to this stance



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So how does this relate to what you have been told...


From http://www.wildcamping.co.uk/forums/netherlands/3076-wilding-netherlands.html --- Dated 23/02/2008


Quote thread "Wilding in the Netherlands"

As from jan 1st the strickt law forbidding wild camping and overnighting in the Netherlands is deleted.

(Wet op Openluchtrecreatie - WOR)

Wildcamping is not allowed (never was).The Dutch make a clear distiction between 'camping' and 'overnight parking' (parkeren plus overnachten). Simply: if you are able to drive on without leaving the van, you are 'parking' (all activities have to take place in the van )

Overnight parking is now allowed:

- you have to obey parking regulations, pay fees (if any), between the lines

- you may not put chairs,tables outside, no BBQ,no open fires, no awning

- your MH has to be registered as such (no sleeping in cars..)

- unless municipalities edict a special by-law (Algemene Plaatselijke Verordening - APV) restricting parking and overnighting

- if a municipality doesn't have a new by-law; free overnighting is allowed for max 72 hrs.

All by all it's confused; not to many municipalities have their regulations made up-to-date. Which does, which doesn't ??

But one thing is certain: there will be more freedom for us MH-ers .

No need anymore to go around the country of wooden shoes and tulips !

Note: This applies for the Netherlands, Belgium allways allowed overall overnight parking (except a few coastal municipalities)

Have a look at http://www.campercontact.nl/; another site gives a list of municipalities: free or bylaws http://camperplaatsen.startkabel.nl (lookunder 'Camperplaatsen 2008 190108')

In the past you could be fined immediately. They cannot do this anymore.

You can allways point out that foreigners could not be aware of local municipality by-laws.

Things are definitely moving in the right direction in the Netherlands. A lot of yacht-harbours are opening up for MH'ers.


As I understand this 'Wild Camping' is NOT allowed but 'Overnight Parking' IS allowed and correctly registered vehicles can have occupants sleeping in them over night.


Is this all brought about by 'Sleeper Cabs' on HGVs???


I thank the good people of the 'Wild Camping' Forum for this information and hope that all who use such locations will respect the local population, leaving the area as they found it.


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We were in Holland a couple of years ago. They now have specific motorhome overnight parking areas in some parts, we used quite a few of them. In addition we also legally 'parked overnight' which appears to be the correct term, rather than wild camping which they see as something different there. We respected that we were only allowed to 'park' so no chairs, BBQs etc as has been mentioned above. I think it's the different meaning/terminology that causes the confusion to some extent!


We did get bricks through our windows on one official spot though, but we were in the wrong place at the wrong time (overnight Saturday to early Sunday morning is their 'witching' hour of sorts in some parts!). However, last year we put our demons to rest when we passed through Holland staying a couple of nights, one parking overnight on a parking area out in the middle of no-where - lovely! The other on the official motorhome parking place at Sas Van Gent (if memory serves!) - very nice next to the river with other motorhomes.

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