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she has not provided any evidence and then says get your own this is because there is non, or it would be posted by now, go ahead report me to the mods what i have said is true

the only thing she read about was some guy who if you read the post has no idea how to drive his van properly or how it should be driven that does not make it faulty all comfortmatics come with esp traction control hill start etc as standard he does not seem to know anything about his van


oh and as regards being ignorant you obviously do not know the meaning of the words you use as i suggest being the owner of a transit not a fiat makes you not me ignorant on thing to do with fiat


Ignorance is where someone or something is uninformed.

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Thankyou for providing a link to the MHF site about the Comfortmatic gearbox. I hadn't come across that thread before so I'm grateful to you for pointing it out.


Reading that thread I think it is a little unfair to suggest that one person's experience on the roads of Morocco is conclusive evidence that Comfortmatic gearboxes are problematical.


Just about every owner of a Comfortmatic has nothing but praise for its performance. Moroccan hills loose ground and gravel are probably conditions that would cause many vehicles an element of difficulty and wheelspin could replicate a feeling of judder on any front wheel drive vehicle.


That said I accept that you had not intended to mislead anyone. But I hope you will accept that a gearbox should not be condemned on the basis of one man's experience of driving in less than ideal terrain.


The 3 litre manual gearbox problems to which you also referred are now well known and you were correct to point them out.



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"If you really want to unerstand something try to change it",


If Fiat were to display a fraction of decency and admit openly that they have a defect in many of the vehicles they produce this would be a really nice thing to do !


Fiat don't do nice !

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Posted: 16 February 2010 4:25 PM

Subject: RE: Fiat Ducato 3 Litre 160 engine.

Regular Visitor


Posts: 193


Location: Leicester Big Momma,


Apart from one compulsive fiddler who did not like the auto box (and lets face it, some people never will), everyone who has driven my comfort-matics love them.


I have done many thousands of miles in them and don't think they could be improved upon. Delightful. Even in deep snow and ice they have exceeded my expectations and as a long distance companion they are quietly efficient; I am sure you will love yours.




PS. No, I do not have any connection with Fiat and I do accept that not everything Fiat makes is perfect by any means.

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well MelB I am still waiting for your PROOF

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Mike88 - 2010-03-15 10:26 PM




Thankyou for providing a link to the MHF site about the Comfortmatic gearbox. I hadn't come across that thread before so I'm grateful to you for pointing it out.


Reading that thread I think it is a little unfair to suggest that one person's experience on the roads of Morocco is conclusive evidence that Comfortmatic gearboxes are problematical.


Just about every owner of a Comfortmatic has nothing but praise for its performance. Moroccan hills loose ground and gravel are probably conditions that would cause many vehicles an element of difficulty and wheelspin could replicate a feeling of judder on any front wheel drive vehicle.


That said I accept that you had not intended to mislead anyone. But I hope you will accept that a gearbox should not be condemned on the basis of one man's experience of driving in less than ideal terrain.


The 3 litre manual gearbox problems to which you also referred are now well known and you were correct to point them out.




Hi Mike


It is nice to be able to 'talk' to someone who is sensible and polite on the subject!


I agree the Moroccan incident is unusual, however, there are comments on other forums by owners of the 3 litre automatic having some difficulties, however, until I can clarify with them the exact circumstances, I do not think it is fair to name them on this thread by posting their details especailly since I suspect they may get derided by other parties on the subject if what I have had is anything to go by. I have PM'd them and when I get a response I will give more details as I get them, you can be assured of that. If anyone else were to 'seek out their postings' that is up to them, but I certainly will not put them in the firing line for others to take pot shots at.


Indeed, I do not think a gearbox should be condemned at any point, and I have not actually done that. Since a lot of the vehicles with this, and the other Fiat gearboxes appear not to have the problem, that is a good thing, but neither should the possibly of problems be cast aside either or the real difficulties that others have, and continue to have, with their own vehicles be ignored.


I hope you are enjoying your van and I hope others do to.




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jhorsf - 2010-03-15 10:21 PM


she has not provided any evidence and then says get your own this is because there is non, or it would be posted by now, go ahead report me to the mods what i have said is true

the only thing she read about was some guy who if you read the post has no idea how to drive his van properly or how it should be driven that does not make it faulty all comfortmatics come with esp traction control hill start etc as standard he does not seem to know anything about his van


oh and as regards being ignorant you obviously do not know the meaning of the words you use as i suggest being the owner of a transit not a fiat makes you not me ignorant on thing to do with fiat


Ignorance is where someone or something is uninformed.


I'm beginning to smell a rat here, you are a little bit tooooooooo persistent jhorsf in your continuing to ask for proof, it is out there you just can't be bothered to look for it, you would rather come on here and just say that it doesn't exist because you want to believe it doesn't.


A simple search, via Google, Yahoo etc will bring up all sorts of problems with Fiats which YOU need to spend time reading through, I can’t do it for you, but you just don't want to admit that, because your van is okay, that there could possibly be some vans out there that are not. Instead of spluttering on here, why don’t you go and look and find the proof to say that all of these van’s are 100% perfect instead.


Do you work for Fiat I wonder? It seems extremely funny to me that you are persisting in this and are happy to spend time on here in the same vein but are not willing to go out and do some searches ... I wonder why that is.


All you are doing is making a spectacle of yourself and I note you are also insulting other people too now just because they don’t agree with you either. I’m sure I recognise you from another ‘guise’ ... he was very, very similar to you in the way you try to berate and belittle those who do not agree with you.


You can goad all you want, I ain't biting.



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Mel B - 2010-03-15 11:37 PM


jhorsf - 2010-03-15 10:21 PM


she has not provided any evidence and then says get your own this is because there is non, or it would be posted by now, go ahead report me to the mods what i have said is true

the only thing she read about was some guy who if you read the post has no idea how to drive his van properly or how it should be driven that does not make it faulty all comfortmatics come with esp traction control hill start etc as standard he does not seem to know anything about his van


oh and as regards being ignorant you obviously do not know the meaning of the words you use as i suggest being the owner of a transit not a fiat makes you not me ignorant on thing to do with fiat


Ignorance is where someone or something is uninformed.


I'm beginning to smell a rat here, you are a little bit tooooooooo persistent jhorsf in your continuing to ask for proof, it is out there you just can't be bothered to look for it, you would rather come on here and just say that it doesn't exist because you want to believe it doesn't.


A simple search, via Google, Yahoo etc will bring up all sorts of problems with Fiats which YOU need to spend time reading through, I can’t do it for you, but you just don't want to admit that, because your van is okay, that there could possibly be some vans out there that are not. Instead of spluttering on here, why don’t you go and look and find the proof to say that all of these van’s are 100% perfect instead.


Do you work for Fiat I wonder? It seems extremely funny to me that you are persisting in this and are happy to spend time on here in the same vein but are not willing to go out and do some searches ... I wonder why that is.


All you are doing is making a spectacle of yourself and I note you are also insulting other people too now just because they don’t agree with you either. I’m sure I recognise you from another ‘guise’ ... he was very, very similar to you in the way you try to berate and belittle those who do not agree with you.


You can goad all you want, I ain't biting.





but you are not putting any proof on here just more lies I said I know of no faulty comfortmatics youthen say i said and i quote



why don’t you go and look and find the proof to say that all of these van’s are 100% perfect instead.



come on admit it you made a mistake in your post and included comfortmatics in your **facts**



I say again put up or shut up you say you have proof i say you do not where is it?you say its out there i say its not.

your reply to me is that i should look you cant be bothered and do I work for Fiat maybe your lucky i dont after what you stated


the only reason it is important to me is people have these on order and are now worried by these sort of posts, if you cannot admit you are wrong then show us the proof ,people loose their jobs through posts like this as converters go to the wall it does nothing to help other people when you do this that is why I have been very abrupt with you.I am now going to let people decide whether to believe someone who does not OWN or drive a comfortmatic that they know best.



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Yup, thought I recognised the writing style and the terminology ... you carry on my dear, you like the 'sound' of your own keyboard obviously, just as you have in your previous incarnations - out to cause problems as usual, juddering and spluttering along - perhaps you've got a case of the Fiat judders rather than your van.


Lies, well to be perfectly honest your opinion doesn't matter, I don't care whether you say I'm lying or not, I know I'm not. It must be really awful in your 'world', never able to believe anyone unless you have catagorical proof thrust in front of you, no doubt by your lawyer and business men buddies, and even then I suspect it wouldn't be good enough. Read my posting to Mike88 - you can either believe it or not, your choice.


Well, enough for now, I'm off to have a final wander round the forum before bed ... try not to throw your teddy out of your cot won't you.

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as I said you have no proof ,you were wrong and now resort to more fantasy and insults it may not bother you that you are incorrect in your statement about the comfortmatic having problems but I am sure it bothers people in the industry.FACTS ARE FACTS AND YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE THAT FIAT HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THIS GEARBOX.So for matters of politeness which seems important to you and others please stick to just the facts and post your facts on here and only your facts and if you have some I will apologise to you for my outburst but I expect the facts or the same from you
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Mel B - 2010-03-16 12:11 AM


Yup, thought I recognised the writing style and the terminology ... you carry on my dear, you like the 'sound' of your own keyboard obviously, just as you have in your previous incarnations - out to cause problems as usual, juddering and spluttering along - perhaps you've got a case of the Fiat judders rather than your van.








I do not understand any of this ranting as regards the sound of my own keyboard your the one with the thousands of posts!

previous incarnations? what are you talking about? who do you think I am?maybe you do not think more than one person would disagree with you and you buddies.ok who DO you think I am?

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Do you know something - I'm an infrequent visitor and contributor to this site, and having seen how often perfectly reasonable questions degenerate into slanging matches I don't think I'll bother coming back much longer.


How on earth newcomers to motorhoming view this pathetic squabbling I really can't imagine. Time for some on here to grow up or go away.

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mikemoss - 2010-03-16 10:51 AM


Do you know something - I'm an infrequent visitor and contributor to this site, and having seen how often perfectly reasonable questions degenerate into slanging matches I don't think I'll bother coming back much longer.


How on earth newcomers to motorhoming view this pathetic squabbling I really can't imagine. Time for some on here to grow up or go away.


Well put Mike

I seemed to have opened up a can of worms with what seemed a simple question. It seems to have been answered now (I think) so perhaps the time has come to close this post.


I'm a member of several forums and am always amazed by the capacity of people to argue to the ends of the earth over a minor point. It hasn't put me off, yet, but it will others.

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I have never had a Fiat-driven motorhome and my new one, which is ready any day, is on a Ford Transit LWB. I know nothing about them, am not interested in them and have no view whatsoever on Juddergate.

I mention this in case anyone thinks that I will be entering this thread with my usual robustness and may be put off posting!

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well MelB still waiting for one or the other!



you call it a minor point I would say peoples jobs at risk through lies is not a minor point



all I asked for were the facts proof but it seems to be in short supply the fact is Fiat do not have problems with the comfortmatic gearbox and MelB you are incorrect to say so

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jhorsf - 2010-03-16 12:35 PMI would like to apologise to MelB for getting annoyed but it is very irritating when people call you a liar by saying that you are someone else

Good man! It's nice to come across someone who will admit that he may have not been perfect! I must try it sometime!
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for what its worth , see it through no matter what you decide even if not to get a MH.


Do your research (which this debate will form part of), gather the facts that you see fit and then weigh up the pro's and cons.


Find some motorhomes you feel fit your criteria and test drive them armed with what you know.


Only then can you decide how to proceed and with what compromises.


I came across this judder info probably quite late in my search but I decided that when we found the right MH for our needs it would be a compromise I could handle.


Others may not be willing to make that choice and will make a different set of compromises to get the base vehicle they want.


From what I can tell there is a fix to this problem its just getting Fiat to acknowledge it. There is no saying that other base vehicles may in time offer up problems of their own. Reference has been made to the Toyota situation and when you consider that some of the recalled vehicles are several years old who knows.


Go armed with the info you have , use it wisely and in the end you will make the right decision for you.

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Guest Tracker

One big factor is how you use your van.


If you park at home or in storage on a level easy access location and only ever drive to and from major sites which are basically level and easy to site on then you may have no real need for a sturdy reverse gear and so the Fiat gearbox might well prove adequate for you.


If you like to explore out of the way places, enjoy going down narrow roads and dead ends, don't mind reversing long distances up narrow lanes and round bends whenever the need arises, and camp offsite where getting into place sometimes presents a challenge and then have to park on a curved or sloping drive then I doubt the Fiat gearbox would be satisfactory.

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Tracker, have you test driven a Fiat X250 that has had the reverse gear mod or is this just an opinion?

After the mods to my vehicle Fiat contact me to see if I was satisfied with the result. I told them they would have to wait until I had carried out extensive tests.

It is easy to find steep curved hills in Yorkshire and I can confirm that the vehicle will reverse with no problems on such terrain. We have holidayed in mountainous areas and do not feel we are in anyway restricted because the vehicle is Fiat based.

Let's hear the results of your tests.

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Guest Tracker



No I have not driven a 'modified' X250 and neither do I feel the need to as the general feedback on here is that it don't cure the problem.


I am pleased for you that yours now works in an acceptable manner but the plain truth is, if other owners are to be believed, that for many of them it has not cured the problem.


So yes, I expressed an opinion based on two typical but very different use patterns and I consider that this view is relevant - and there is still no way I'm buying one because my own use falls (not unlike Andy Stothert's) mainly into the second category!


It is surely common sense to buy any vehicle that suits your needs and this ought to include mechanical dynamics and 'charecteristics' just as much as it does layout!

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But then, what is a fact? 

In relationship to vehicles, that even with robotised fabrication are all slightly different, that are driven by different people, under different conditions, where are the facts?  I read the piece by the man whose 3 litre auto Fiat van had caused him trouble in Morocco, that was dismissed as due to his inability to drive the van properly, rather than reflecting any possible problems with the van itself.

So, a first hand account is not factual, but in the next breath it is possible to dismiss, as a matter of fact, the driving ability of a total stranger.  Are not these "facts", like beauty, merely in the eye of the beholder?

So, again I ask, what is a fact?

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