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Problems insuring a towed scooter.


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A couple of years ago we bought a Piaggio Liberty 125 scooter to carry on the back of our Knaus Sunliner 608L A class. However, I decided that hanging almost 200kg (scooter+carrier+towbar) whilst legal within the max axle and total weights of the van was perhaps not the best idea with a front wheel drive Fiat based van. I looked for another way of taking our scooter with us on extended trips to France, Portugal or Spain etc. I found a fantastic dismantling trailer (as used by one of the main roadside assistance companies). This has allowed us to trail our scooter and use even the most size restricted Aires in France. We loved using our scooter so much and found the trailer so easy that we decided to buy a much bigger scooter (Piaggio X Evo 250ie) to extend our range and comfort.


When I came to insure the new scooter I found that whilst I had been trailing the old scooter behind the van it was not insured on the trailer. My next shock came when trying to find insurance cover whilst towing. Neither the CC nor the C&CC could offer cover, indeed internet searches proved almost fruitless. I did find a company (Aviva through Comfort) who offered full cover if I insured the MH and scooter with them.


Do you tow a scooter, motorbike or car behind your HM? Is it insured whilst being towed? Which issurance company/broker do you use?


We love the combination of the MH and scooter. Any comments?



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I don't tow a trailed bike or scooter at the moment, so can only offer limited advice based on previous experiences.


As long as a trailer and it's load is legal, most will be covered against 'third party risk only' on the policy of the towing vehicle, as long as the insurer is aware that you are towing.

Therefore while being towed and the incident being your fault, should your trailer or scooter cause damage or injury to another party, their claim would be covered by the towing vehicle insurer.

Any damage to your scooter would not normally be covered.


If your scooter fell from the trailer and was written off, without the incident being the fault of another party, the towing vehicle insurer would not cover the loss.


Any damage caused to your scooter on the trailer, by another vehicle would be covered by their policy.


If your scooter was stolen from the trailer, the scooter policy will cover the loss, as long as it is insured against theft.



For total peace of mind, you do need the full cover you mention.

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