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Motorhome insurance


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What do you intend to do with the Motorhome that you purchase e.g. keep it in the UK to use when you are over here or export it to NZ ? I believe that you will require to have a UK address to obtain UK insurance and most will only insure for overseas trips for limited periods. If you intend to export the vehicle then you will need to obtain Insurance in the country in which you reside. However, I am no insurance expert and there may be more knowledgable forum users who will be able to answer your question with more accuracy.
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Hi folks, I have been living abroad for many years and have recently returned to the UK. While living abroad I have been advised by several insurance companies in the UK that I cannot insure a vehicle in the UK unless I am a resident of the UK. I know of many expats who keep a vehicle in the UK to use when they visit. They think that they are insured but from my experience they are mistaken. :'(
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Just to save any confusion, you can keep a vehicle in the UK and have it insured but you must have a UK address to which the insurance company can send the relative documents to, the same applies for the registration document (maybe relatives or close freinds who don't mind you using their address). Some 'Full timers' keep a small 'bolt hole' in the UK for this very purpose. You could also keep a vehicle 'Off the road' in the UK and then insure it when you return and want to use it, although this may have disadvantages with 'No Claims Discounts' or of course if it were to get damaged or stolen whilst uninsured.


Going back to the original post though, not fully sure what Colin's actual intentions are but assuming he wants a vehicle to keep here in the UK for use when he (or family) visit and want to use it. If this is the case then he needs a UK address.

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From conversations with other wandering Antipodeans, I think this lot are about the only ones who will insure you.  I gather they aren't particularly cheap, though!  http://tinyurl.com/yzvbzjh  Be very careful to check which countries are included as standard, and whether anywhere you want to go can be added in.  Insurance bought in the EC tends to cover the whole of the EC as standard, but confusingly there are still odd bits of Europe that are outside the EC: for example, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia (but not the Greek province of Macedonia) are all surrounded by EC countries, but are not in the EC and, with the possible exception of Croatia, are likely to be excluded.
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