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Our Own Elected Moderator/Mediator

Corky 8

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Hi All,

Do you think its time we had our own elected Moderator,s /Mediator,s with the  consent of O&A of course,reading recent threads there seems to be a lot of back biting going on and aggresion to other Memebers ,this I feel keeps new members from asking questions incase of being belittled for wording things wrong or misspelling words etc, there are members who,s eloquence and gramatical correctness shine amidst us but equally there are those whom cannot perhaps spell as good and will not put their point or opinion forward for fear of being ridiculed, our own Moderator could intervene if he/she thought the Member was being subjected to misappropriate treatment,We would all then have to agree to obeying the rules already laid down by Warners and perhaps a few new ones of the Members own, I can think of Two good Candidates to start with Brian Kirkby and Derek Uzzell both levelheaded and Knowledgeable, who ever elected we would all have to back them up in their dicisions, what say you ?

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Its neither a pleasant nor educational experience reading some of the 'opinions' on here.

On many threads sooner or later an intolerance develops of an opposing view which degenerates into infantile rudeness.

I for one don't tend to agree with every view expressed though I do listen to and believe some obvious experts eg Clive, Derek Uzzell

I've no fear of being shot down....... I was an Insurance Claims Manager for goodness sake but I'd support anything which cleans it up!!!


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I believe the first step should be to remove the stars, the number of posts and especially the titles ie `expert`.


If it looks a level playing field, more people may use the forum.


There is an element of poor behaviour on all forums, the internet format is basically responsible but we all need to regulate our own behaviour first.


I include myself in the poor behaviour but I really am trying not to bite at perceived slights. There are members who post all of the time and so the odds of them being insulted are greater. They need to recognise that fact and grow a thicker skin (or a stronger sense of humour). Maybe less is more and let the newbies join in a bit more often. I know that I have been tempted to try and help out with information but I have not bothered because I know who will be jumping in and offering advice.

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I think that it's an excellent idea. Proper moderators, instead of those who just fancy themselves as such, would upbraid those who transgress by private message. This would stop rows developing by those who object to other ordinary members castigating them in public and trying to impose their view of what is and is not acceptable behaviour.

This works extremely well on other forums and nips in the bud threads that are becoming contentious.
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With  regard to spelling, don't worry.




"From Cambridge University .


O lny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch atCmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in awrod are, t he olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteerbe in the rgh it pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitllraed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raedervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh andI awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas iton !!"


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Even if the current forum's software make's it technically possible to allow non-Warners staff to perform a remote administrative/editing role, you'd still need to find people ready, willing and able to do the job.


So hands-up who wants to be a Moderator/Mediator? (And my hand is very definitely DOWN!)

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Mickydripin - 2010-03-15 11:08 PM


Hi corky


If people are worried about there spelling (me included) is there any way they can include a spell checker on the posting site.


Depends on the browser & add-ons you use, my spellings c**p I rely on my browser's spelling checker all the time when posting (doesn't get everything right).


I use Firefox with English dictionary add-on, I can't help with Explorer I haven't used it for years.


Ref., to the OP yes I agree, I hate seeing members attacking each other at a personal level.



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In principal,I probably agree with the idea...in practice, I think it would be very difficult.

However, I really feel some of the postings are totally unacceptable, and indeed take away the, value of the initial posting and sensible responses .

After all, these are views and opinions,but why are some contributors so opinionated........to me there is a great diffrence bewteen expressing an opinion, and being so totally opinionated about it.

Of course, and quite understandably, we get wide range of opinions, but thats the way of the world, and in a hobby/lifestyle, like ours, surely there's room for both ends of the spectrum without someone posting what I frequently consider is an insulting reply just because there are differing opinions.

I think the manner in which some of these are written actually says more about the contributor, than adding any value to the initial posting, and I am actually a bit surprised some of the morerecent ones on some trheads have not been pulled by the moderator.

It does, to me at least, also have a very negative reaction in that I totally lose interest in reading the thread, even though it may have started with a topic of value to me.

If contributors wish to insult each other in the way it has become apparent, then at least do it in private e-mails if they must, and not destroy the whole value of the posting.

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Derek Uzzell - 2010-03-16 7:55 AMEven if the current forum's software make's it technically possible to allow non-Warners staff to perform a remote administrative/editing role, you'd still need to find people ready, willing and able to do the job.So hands-up who wants to be a Moderator/Mediator? (And my hand is very definitely DOWN!)

Other sites don't seem to have a problem finding moderators and if this site isn't willing to have more vigorous moderation perhaps it should consider trialling it.

I do not believe that there would be no volunteers. On the contrary, I suspect that certain types will be queuing up.

One would have to eliminate those with certain tell-tale traits, me obviously, but also those who feel the need to have a signature that trumpets their religious, political and other affiliations, which have nothing to do with motorhomes. I'm also wary of those who feel the need to display a photograph of themselves as their avatar, but, as in everything else that I express, that's just my opinion.
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Guest JudgeMental

Hhmmm......Modesty prevents self promotion *-)


BUT these are turbulent times! so moi would rise to the occasion.........As long as the rate and expenses where commensurate with moi's excellence :-S


I fear initially I would of necessity cut deep to save the fori

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The moderator on the Fiat Forum site has more post's than the members, and most of them are of his opinion.

There motto was 'If you have come on here to slag Fiat off. Don't bother,' so with that, it means you should only say nice thing's about Fiat.

If Brian, Dave, Clive or even the old stalwart himself Don Mage, were to take up the suggestion of becoming a moderator, would that prevent them from starting or joining in on any of the debates. If that were the case then that would be the forum's loss.


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Guest Tracker

It is quite interesting how even on this relatively uncontentious thread so many personality traits can be spotted!




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Mickydripin - 2010-03-15 11:08 PM


Hi corky


If people are worried about there spelling (me included) is there any way they can include a spell checker on the posting site.


If you have Word on your computer you can compose on that, use the spellchecker and copy and paste into the forum.

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Maybe we need more forums:


troutandaboutlive - fishing enthusiasts

boutandabout live for those spoiling for a fight

shoutandaboutlive for those who want a rant but are unwilling to back it up with physical violence

poutandaboutlive for those easily offended


and for those with the judders


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Sonofagun - 2010-03-16 11:15 AM
Mickydripin - 2010-03-15 11:08 PMHi corky If people are worried about there spelling (me included) is there any way they can include a spell checker on the posting site.
If you have Word on your computer you can compose on that, use the spellchecker and copy and paste into the forum.

I regret that I cannot tell you how to activate it but when I add a post I have a spell-check facility. It underlines a word that it thinks is misspelled and right-clicking gives you suggested correct spellings.

I have no idea though how I managed to get this facility, but it's definitely there.

Spell checkers are fine but they still won't tell you when to use whose and who's, or its and it's for instance, something which troubles most contributors. Even so though, they're to be welcomed as, once shown a correct spelling, you shouldn't get it wrong again.

Having said all that, no one should be dissuaded from posting because of poor spelling or grammar and we should never correct an individual. There have been many discussions on this subject but I and others have only participated when someone has asked for advice.
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euroserv - 2010-03-16 11:26 AMI would have thought it would be unnecessary for anyone to post their opinion more than once on this thread.Perhaps that is the problem.I think it is a great idea, whatever it is.NickPS. What are the stars all about anyway?

Agreed, but only as long as this rule applies to all the other threads. There's one or two that come to mind!
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johngee - 2010-03-16 11:31 AMMaybe we need more forums:troutandaboutlive - fishing enthusiastsboutandabout live for those spoiling for a fightshoutandaboutlive for those who want a rant but are unwilling to back it up with physical violencepoutandaboutlive for those easily offendedand for those with the juddersmotorhomefu***d.com

Brilliant! You missed LoutandAbout and for those who keep banging on about German motorhomes there's KrautandAbout.
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