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Our Own Elected Moderator/Mediator

Corky 8

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Thanks to Sonofagun and gypsy Tom first for the way to spell check via M/word and also if anyone knows how to put on a spell checker on O&A as gypsy tom has managed to do I would welcome it but make it simple as I am not a computer expert.

I am not iliterate but due to a RTA whilst employed as an HGV driver I was involved in a nasty accident and ended up with head injuries I say that is what caused it but wifey sayes it is an excuse I am getting old. (lol)

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GypsyTom - 2010-03-15 10:57 PM I think that it's an excellent idea. Proper moderators, instead of those who just fancy themselves as such, would upbraid those who transgress by private message. This would stop rows developing by those who object to other ordinary members castigating them in public and trying to impose their view of what is and is not acceptable behaviour.

This works extremely well on other forums and nips in the bud threads that are becoming contentious.

However, this forum has, at least since I first discovered it, always had "light touch" moderation.  It has relied on a degree of "self moderation" which in turn relies upon posters using judgement as to the tenor, and content of what they post.

Some posts do get pulled, largely if they are becoming libellous to an extent that could affect Out and About's publishers.  Some posters have been banned, usually for being blatantly cantankerous, and simply spoiling the whole forum for others.

Many more view than post, and many are put off from expressing opinions by fear of being lambasted for not having got their point across quite as they intended, for getting grammar or spelling wrong, or simply for not having a great way with words.  This should be borne in mind when posting.  Behaving like Tigger can prove very humiliating for others, and merely taking the view that they should not be such "shrinking violets" or whatever is not good enough.  The result is destructive.  Even arguments between established posters, not involving anyone else, should be conducted reasonably and without insult.  Those who read can never know when "Tigger" may lend from a great height on them.  IMO, self moderation is far better than imposed moderation, but it does need restraint and judgement to make it work in an agreeable way.  There should be no need for pms to be used, if it isn't appropriate, don't say it.  Job done! 

In case Tom should feel I am having a "pop" at him by tacking these comments to his post, I am not, but he makes the point for a kind of forum moderation I should not like see adopted here, so I wanted to say why.

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Mickydripin - 2010-03-15 11:08 PM Hi corky If people are worried about there spelling (me included) is there any way they can include a spell checker on the posting site.
  Hi Mike.  Have a look on the net for ieSpell.  Free download.  It integrates with Internet Explorer and is a bit basic, but better than nothing.
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I would like to volunteer to be a moderator because I will:


Rule the forum with a fist of iron

Not tolerate spelling mistakes or grammatical errors

Move posts if I think they are in the wrong place

Remove anything not aligned to my opinion

Ban contributors in a random & totally arbitary manner

Create mayhem & confusion throughout the land

Rid the world of all known diseases


Vote for me and give meaning to my otherwise pointless existence.



:D :D

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johngee - 2010-03-16 1:21 PMI would like to volunteer to be a moderator because I will:Rule the forum with a fist of ironNot tolerate spelling mistakes or grammatical errorsMove posts if I think they are in the wrong placeRemove anything not aligned to my opinionBan contributors in a random & totally arbitary mannerCreate mayhem & confusion throughout the landRid the world of all known diseasesVote for me and give meaning to my otherwise pointless existence. :D :D

Sorry, but you failed to deliver on world peace. 
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Sounds like a good idea in principle but I think it would spoil things.

You can always just ignore threads if you don't like 'em ( I often do ).


At the moment we can see just who the pedants, nitpickers and general plonkers are - makes things more interesting.

(... and, who knows, one of them might even get elected !!! )



And how would they get 7884 registered users to vote anyway ?


It would only the choice of a few regulars.


I agree with the person who said that they should get rid of the

" experts " tag.

( Experts in what ?????? )



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Reading  your points  of view posted on this thread ,it would appear most are in favour of some kind Moderator,I proposed the two I did because I have crossed words with both Gentlemen and and had a genteel tongue lashing from one and a silent rebuff from the other,which did me no harm only good, both have also come to my aid and many other,s in the Past, We are also Fortunate to Have Andy Stothers on our Forum another man of many talents as is Clive Gottobed,and Many other,s people have mentioned,and as for Moderators entering a discussion on a forum ,I think they can be impartial enough to wear Two hats,Censuring when need arises,but also contributing experienced and knowledge to any discussion,

It wont be a simple task to set up but if everyone agreed to it the Better minds on the forum could come up with a working solution in time. I just feel there are a lot of people out there afraid to ask questions for fear of being riddiculed ,I would be more interested in what they had to say not the way they said it or spelt it,This is a Brilliant Forum in General,Very Helpful and informative,but we shouldnt argue over difference,s of Opinions as that is Exactly what they are Opinion,s Which everyone is entitled to,and if the star symbols were done away with people would still know from where good advice comes from and I,m Sure Warners would welcome a hand to Moderate the Forum. Just my Opionion.

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The moderation we have seems just fine to me. I can see some candidates a mile off and frankly I for one don't want them. Just think what would happen if we get a wrong-un. If it ain't broke don't fix it I say.


As regards spelling my Google tool bar has a simple spell checker in it that works on my posts. Just click on the one market check and it will highlight the spelling mistakes. Then click on each and it will give suggested spellings. Select the one you want and that's all there is to it.


I'm having a job typing this I've just finished polishing the Motorhome with Star Bright marine polish and my fingers keep slipping off the keys. Brilliant polish though.

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Mike does a good job as moderator, is always approachable for any problems, there is a lot of good natured banter on both Motorhome Matters and Chatterbox.

I believe Warners are updating the forum some time this year so why alter anything why not wait and see what the new formula brings.

I do agree I see no point in expert being put under our avatars or anything else because I for one is not a expert on anything in particular.

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For me, I would not like to see additional moderation from that which already exists. Sometimes threads can become personal but that should not stop people from asking questions/ joining in with the more sensible threads. Most forums have a percentage of people looking on that is like normal real life where the 'Wallflowers' sit and watch and don't join in. I have often been a real life wallflower myself sometimes it is amusing to watch the antics of others, why should we expect everyone to join in and post?

I have rarely seen anything on here (appart from the odd abrupt 'This has been discussed many times before' or 'If you use the search facility.....' when a new person asks a civil question) that is directed at a new poster, only where some of the 'not so old' members decide to have a spat, but that is best left to them.

So IMO there is no need whatsoever for further moderation.



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Hymer C 9. - 2010-03-16 5:58 PM

I do agree I see no point in expert being put under our avatars or anything else because I for one is not a expert on anything in particular.


If you go to Profile > Control Panel > hide post count, and change the word No to Yes in the box the word 'expert' will disappear - along with your total post count.

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Guest JudgeMental
johngee - 2010-03-16 1:21 PM


I would like to volunteer to be a moderator because I will:


Rule the forum with a fist of iron

Not tolerate spelling mistakes or grammatical errors

Move posts if I think they are in the wrong place

Remove anything not aligned to my opinion

Ban contributors in a random & totally arbitary manner

Create mayhem & confusion throughout the land

Rid the world of all known diseases


Vote for me and give meaning to my otherwise pointless existence.



:D :D


sounds like MHF (not the funsters!)


a great example of the inadequacies of "the people" as moderators....


I dont look in much these days, but it used to be so heavily moderated it was more like dispensation of the chemical cosh in a loony bin.


I fink fings are kinda OK as they are here......with one or two exceptions :-D





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Clive - 2010-03-16 11:41 AM


Moderators! I would shoot the lot.

Bring on the revolution.


The Ayatollah has spoken.



Agreed Clive.

Anyone taking on the role would be in for serious ear-ache, from some who had their post(s) pulled. Plus I understand that usually the whole thread dissappears, so a lot of relevant information would also GO.


So we don't want Brian, Derek & Clive as moderators.

I don't imply they are not capable, I am sure they would do a good job. BUT we don't want to loose their input. Their contributions would be sorely missed.


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This idea of electing 'in-house' forum moderators was put forward some years ago. See the following 5-page thread:




It's well worth wading through the complete thread as (besides being falling-about funny) it does raise basic questions like "What would an elected forum moderator actually be expected to do?"


As the idea was discussed at length in 2007 (when this version of the forum was relatively new and there was a faint chance Warners might agree to change its administration) but plainly failed to get off the ground, realistically - 3 years on - you're flogging a dead horse.

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Derek, you really do know how to get the best out of the search facility - I assume it must be female and you obvliousy ply your charms on her very well!!!! :-D


Interesting wading through that old thread though, some old members in second and third guises on there, a few who'd I'd forgotten about - fortunately! I wonder if there is a limit on how many times the same user can register on here under a new name?



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J9withdogs - 2010-03-17 12:26 PMHmmmm ......and one style of writing looks very familiar if you compare it with recent posts.

I agree, that Tortoise chap is very familiar!

We should just thank our lucky stars that TC101/Victor Meldrew is no longer around - he really was trouble.

I wish to state categorically that I am not anyone else posting on this forum. Jhorsf is quite upset by the looks of things, about being accused by Mel B of being someone else. Before making such claims people should really have some proof.
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Hymer C 9. - 2010-03-16 5:58 PM...I believe Warners are updating the forum some time this year so why alter anything why not wait and see what the new formula brings...

Derek Uzell,  Just curious where you got that idea from?

I'm assuming that you're being ironic?

Posted by a Mr. D. Uzzell on February 16th.

Anyway, all you 'Mr Angry's had better watch out as, when the revised Warners forum goes live in a couple of months time, there's going to be amateur Moderators from within the forum membership (like on MotorHomeFacts). So, as invariably happens when people are given power, you can expect a Rule of Terror to begin with.

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I wish people would stop putting links up to old threads, I just have to go back and read them all when I should be doing invoicing and other paperwork. :D :-D


And for the record, I don't think member elected moderators are a good thing. Far too many ego's.


p.s. Shouldn't this be in chatterbox *-)

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