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Thermostatically Controlled Blown Air Heating System Powered By Vehicle's Fuel Supply.

Frank McAuley

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I refer to above. My mhome is a 2009 Auto-Sleeper Wilton on a Ford base. I am still trying to iron-out build problems with the services of Savilles at Hillsborough but ,if I may, I would like to consult the audience on a couple of operational issues,viz:-

1.when the blown heating is running on mains hook-up my exhaled breath is of a higher temp. Is this "the way it is" or is there a possibility that a fault exists?

2. when the blown heating is hooked-up and running on diesel the "charge" of both leisure batteries drops to approx 12+ volts but the amount of heat is superb! Do I have a problem?

By the way is it difficult to have a Cobra (That 2) alarm replaced(fitted by AS ) for a proper mhome alarm and one final question :can I purchase "something" to take the roll out of the front of the Ford - it already has air suspension in the rear?

When I initially purchased this mhome it was a very difficult time and I wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the contributors to this "site" for understanding and help. It was only last nt I discovered a "personal Messages" section the content I found most cathartic. Tyou - a brilliant site.


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Hi Frank

I can't help much.

Re your Cobra Alarm, we have one fitted in our Motorhome and had continual problems with it sounding off for no reason. Eventually this reduced to a faily constant 10 minutes after activating the Alarm.

After repositioning the Habitation Door contact, we managed to double the period to 20 minutes. As you can imagine we were not popular with our neighbours.

A replacement Alarm has now been fitted (under warranty) and fingers crossed we have not had anymore problems.

I suspect there may be a batch of duff 2009 manufactured Cobra Alarms out there, as I know of 2 others with this problem.

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If your heater is the Eberspacher D2 then the power outputs are 900 watts on mains and 2.2 kw on diesel. The answer to your question is that on mains there should be considerable heat available (but not as much as when running on diesel).


The heater should auto-switch between fuels, so if you start on mains and the mains fails (switch it off for testing) the heater should switch to diesel and switch back again when the mains is restored (this takes about 2-3 minutes each way).


You should have an Eberspacher booklet with the van, if not ask the dealer.



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just to add to what has alread been said, thw D2 is hungry on power for the leisure batteries.

There have been recent discussions on this and one forum poster gets max of about 4 nights use from 220 Ah battery capacity in the winter and he has solar panels. So the drop in volts is probably normal, however I would not have expected it to be quite so low but maybe your batteries are needing charged fully. If you read the manual it will give you the start up current and runnning current drawn.


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I'm a mite wary of the heater in a Wilton being an Eberspacher D2.


Wilton is an almost 6.94metres-long over-cab design and I would have thought a D2 would be inappropriate/inadequate for the task. I would have expected A-S to have fitted a D4.


The "Airlectric" 230V option for D2/D4 models is not particularly powerful and (even assuming A-S has employed the large diameter ducting recommended by Eberspacher) mains-only heating will seem poor compared to heating via diesel. Having said that, even a D2's Airlectric output should provide some background warmth.


According to Eberspacher a D4 at its 4kW maximum output uses 40W (3.3A) of 12V power, but probably needs more during the start-up phase. If the batteries' charge-state read-outs are being taken from a control-panel gauge, then it wouldn't surprise me if the readings are pessimistic. I doubt there's a problem (at least not with the heater!)


Regarding the Ford front-end 'roll', I'm not aware of anything commercially available in the UK to counteract such a phenomenon. Increasing front tyre pressures might help, and it would certainly be sensible to minimise the amount of weight being carried in the over-cab area. It's possible that stiffening the rear suspension with air-bags just makes the front end feel comparatively soft. If all else fails, then the characteristic will need to be accepted or an adaptation in driving style will be required. Can't say I've ever found RWD or FWD Transits particularly 'roly-poly' at the front.

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Hi Neil

Tyou. Would you be inclined to use the diesel heater most of the time and if so have there been any diffs with the batteries?( hooked - up)

Has your Wilton been fitted with a Cobra alarm and if so would you please give me details of the op manual?

I assume you collected your Wilton mid 2009- did it have the "new" graphics fitted?

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We have to wind the thermostat right up on our eton to get reasonable heat from the E heater but then it is ok. The problem is that if plugged in to the mains the heater will run off the airlectric and not diesel. Eberspacher do have a wiring harness with a selector switch but AS don't fit that.
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Our Duetto has the electric / diesel D2 heater and it can be run off diesel at any time, just by switching the electric supply to the heater off at its switch.


As far as I know Autosleeper provide a mains switch for all their electric heaters, it might be in an obscure place (the Duetto's is hidden in a locker), but there will be one somewhere.

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Frank Mine is an 2008 build reg in 2009 and no i don't have the 2009 graphics and have not seen

a wilton with them on.


I have not had any batt problems but i am on hook up most times, I run my heating on diesel until

the van is nice and warm ,then switch to electric if on hook up.


I don't have a cobra alarm,I have an outsmart the thief alarm /tracker






There is a Switch next to the water heating switch in the botom of wardrobe, if you switch this off heating will run from diesel..





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There does not seem to be a switch on our Eton. I went over the van this morning and unless it is very carefully hidden it is not there. I was going to remove the wardrobe floor and check the harness but as it happens we are at the service centre in a couple of weeks so will ask them if it is fitted and if so where.
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