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Motorhome Curtains.


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In middle of spring clean of our m/home which we bought last summer (used one). My wife would like to spruce up the curtains but there is no label on any of them to say if they can be washed or should be dry cleaned.They are lined which is sewn all way round. Can anyone advise if she can wash them in the machine and at what temp 30 or 40 dgs, or is it advisable to have them dry cleaned.


Cheers and thanks, scotsbob

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Hi Scotsbob and welcome to the forum.


Without knowing what fabric your curtains are made of, it would be impossible to advise you.


I've always washed my curtains, but I know I could easily run up a new set if necessary.


Safest would be to have them drycleaned and then air them well to get rid of any chemical smell.

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Hi Scotsbob - welcome to the mad house! :-D


Basically, unless they are made of some material that looks like it may be problematic (highly unlikely in a motorhome!), then washing on a cool setting should be fine. Without knowing your van its difficult to advise for sure, but if there is a small set of curtains, separate from the way of the main ones, you could try just washing that set first and see if they are okay.


Lots of clothes, curtains etc have instructions on them that they can only be dry-cleaned, it is, as JohnP has said, much of time just a 'get out' clause by the manufacturer.


Over the years the only curtains I've ever had a problem with were some lounge ones which we had made specially for our weird sized windows, they were made out of a cotton twill material ... which shrank by 3 inches so they were then short in length!!!! I ended up letting them down (fortunately they had a very large turn-up), so might as well have made them myself!

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Mine are velvety and in desperate need of cleaning especially the ones around the cab that have road soiling on the lining. I don't think that I would risk washing them but it's a hypothetical problem because I can't work out how to get them down!


Sorry, I forgot to say welcome Scotsbob.

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