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Were the old days better?


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nowtelse2do - 2010-03-20 1:18 PM

Everything nowadays are nearly all fly by wire, (Glad Toyota don't make planes)


A great deal more people have been killed by the 737 rudder faults than Toyota's throttle problems, also Boeing was critised in the 90s for shoddy work after taking on a lot of new workers. It has been said by air investigators that the most common comment heard on cockpit voice recorders since the advent of 'fly by wire' is "Why did it do that!" 8-)

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nowtelse2do - 2010-04-02 6:26 PM
Syd - 2010-04-02 3:56 PM What about the moral standards of the nation now and then ? Were they higher in the old days

Definitely.  But what else can we expect nowadays when most of our so called leaders are morally corrupt :-(


So once again then it's not "OUR" fault - it's our 'leaders' ? :-(
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No malc d.

It's not our fault, all we have to do is try to suss out who is telling the biggest fibs at election time.

The time's that Graham is referring to is when there were only two parties, at least now there is more choice of who we can put in to defraud us. :-D


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nowtelse2do - 2010-04-02 8:08 PM

No malc d.

It's not our fault, all we have to do is try to suss out who is telling the biggest fibs at election time.

The time's that Graham is referring to is when there were only two parties, at least now there is more choice of who we can put in to defraud us. :-D


In my case I got my moral standards from my parents - I don't really understand what politicians have to do with it.Actually I don't know that moral standards have necessarily got worse - they are just different.When I was a lad the worst thing that could happen was a single girl getting pregnant, or a couple getting divorced. At the same time racism, bullying ( etc ) were accepted as " just life ".Now it's the other way round.
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nowtelse2do - 2010-04-02 6:53 PM

Graham.  Would you not expect them to be more discrete today than yesterday, freedom of information, CCT, Internet ect, ect. Their so brazen about it now and think they are above the Law then start crying when caught out.


Hogarth depicted the whole of life, not just politicians.Why is it that blame for lack of morals should be concentrated on leaders/politicians? Who elects them? It wasn't just politicians/leaders whose greed (one example of lack of morals) led to the credit crunch.Crying when caught out is a good description of those who strapped themselves up to the eyeballs in debt then didn't like it when suddenly they were expected to pay up.If there is any political immorality isn't it exemplified by lowering of interest rates to pander to the "want it alls" to the detriment of those of us who had more sense than to be so stupid in the first place? - and the expectation of the greedy that such a response was right?Graham
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My moral standards also came from the same place, but with only one parent. Syd asked, What about moral standards, now, and then. As the politicians have been in the news for the past couple of years with their shenanigans, I regard them as fair game, but you can take your choice, Banks, Police, Motorhome Dealers, certain Van makers, the list is pretty much endless.

As for the worst things Malc, Eve was a single girl as far as I'm aware, so getting pregnant whilst being single has been going on for quite awhile. (Divorce) If it prevents someone being abused and beaten up every Friday and Saturday night, then I'm all for it.

(Racialism) I did not come across this until the late 60's and early 70's and that was on the news. I do have experience of religious bigotry tho, which I found hard to comprehend because all my family are of mixed RC and CE, very strange that one, and hard to come to terms with. Bullying is (I think) one of three things, survival of the fittest, survival of the biggest or the biggest mouth. That's why I'm always getting bullied because I'm none of the above, just gentle and kind :-D


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