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Swift Bolero 680 FB 08 model habitation door


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We have the Swift Bolero 680 FB Nov 08 model.

The van has been recalled by Swift to have the gas strutt removed from the door as it seems there was a problem with delamination? This has been done but ever since we have had the van we don't think the door closes properly. Has anyone else with this model got the same problem ? Everytime we mention this to the dealer Marquis we are told the door has to be slammed,not that we like to slam the door but it doesn't shut even then, the only way from outside is to push it hard both top & bottom until it clicks, from inside just pull it hard until it clicks shut.

We are aware that some models have had their doors completely changed, is this due to recall or those who shout loudest? We have also noticed that the new 2010 models have comletely different doors & they shut like a glove, no pushing or slamming !! *-)

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I might be talking utter twaddle here but are the door hinges ok?


The reason I ask is that our hab door became a nightmare to shut, I'm not terribly diy minded and thought of everything except.....wait for it,


the b****y hinges.


Yes one of them had seized completely and was taking the direction of the door closing completely out of sync.


Just a thought?



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Swift have had huge problems with these doors and literally hundreds have been replaced under warranty so if it don't work like it ought to maybe a visit to your nearest Swift agent is called for certainly before the warranty expires?
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Pretty sure the hinges are ok thanks. We bought the motor home brand new from Marquis Nov 2008 , I guess it was our naivity as this is the first motor home we have owned. Am sure the warranty doesn't expire for major faults until 3 yrs, so will be going back to marquis asap.


thanks for your comments & anybody out there who maybe has bought from Marquis, would be glad to hear from you.

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I've had three vans from Marquis over the years and I have always found them fair and honest if not the most generous and at least when I have needed help they have always helped.

On that basis I would be happy to buy another van from them if the deal was right.

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I had a Swift Bolero in 98 and had similar problems with the door delaminating. I learnt that Swift knew about the problem but did not have any way of tracing where the defective batch of doors was fitted. Soooo much for quality control and traceability. It was up to the owner to find the fault and complain. I had so many problems, admittedly many of them small, that I got rid of it and bought an Autosleeper.

So persist and you should get it resolved, Marquis's statement that you have to slam it is probably the best advice that you will get for closing this door. Having said that, slamming is NOT a solution and maybee Swift should fit the new style door.

Keep hammering and stop slamming - Good Luck



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Get back to Marquis - they have just changed our door for a new one and I am told they have lost count of the number thay have changed

Make sure ALL the parts are there for the change before they have your van in

The new door is great and well worth the trouble

Regards Ray

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Our 2007 Bessacar model has also got to have the gas strut changed.  Three days before going to my closest dealer for an inspection we went off for our first weekend away this season and I noticed the door was even worse than usual.

We've always had to slam it and it's been back on two occasions to have it adjusted but it's always been a slammer.

The good news is that the dealer confirmed that the door is delaminated and said they'd order a new one under warranty.  The bad news is that we didn't have a habitation check done last year so may have broken the warranty.

The dealer said they would talk to Swift about it and I'm hoping the phone ain't gonna ring with bad news :-(

Particularly as the dealer said the new door was much better than the old one and I'd love it.

Fingers crossed.

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Way2Go - 2010-03-22 12:52 PM
andy mccord - 2010-03-22 12:13 PM . . . does anyone know what the wires are that run into the door are for?? Andy


Central locking? Automatic light?
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A friend of mine in the motorcaravanners club had no end of trouble with his habitation door not closing properly but that was a late model Luner so he returned it to the dealer. After numerous attempts to solve it they decided it needed a new door and surround so one had to come from somewhere abroad, eventually it arrived and was fitted but you can tell it's a different type because the door holding back catch is in a different place. I think that all the doors are manufactured by an independent company you only have to look at some of the mass produced motorhomes to see that they look alike. Auto Trail are definately different but can still be troublesome when new due to the lack of grease on the internal mechanism which can cause the internal handle and casing to break which can be annoying when you are miles from home. I was fortunate that I was having some minor adjustments done at the time at the Auto Trail factory so they stripped the door down and put some new parts in it and greased it all up, the result is that I can now open the door with my little finger and when it closes there is a complete seal all the way round. Thats the beauty of owning a british built motor home with very good aftersales backup, your not waiting weeks or months to get problems resolved, spares are readily available.
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We took our '07 model into the dealer the other day, to arrange for the gas strutt to be replaced with a catch. After examination of the door the dealer thought it would have to be replaced................(we hadn't noticed any particular problem) They pointed out that at a certain opening angle the hinges and frame were coming under stress and moving away from the van. All we have to do now is 'wait' for the parts !!
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From new the door on our 2008 Swift 630 was difficult to close. The dealer adjusted it several times. It either leaked water or needed a good slam. The dealer claimed there was nothing wrong with it (and every other problem I highlighted).

Eventually I complained to Swift pointing out that every time I visited the dealer it necessitated a half day off work to deliver the vehicle and another half day to collect it. As a working lad I was in danger of using all my holiday allowance driving back and forth to an incompetent dealer. I suggested they come and pick the vehicle up and sort out the problems. They did and took it back to the Swift factory, returning it a week later with a new door fitted and everything fixed.

The new door closes with a gentle push or pull. Full marks to Swift customer service, zero marks to the dealer.


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We have an Ace Airstream 680 FB, 2008 model. The habitation door had been playing up for some time, then we noticed the delamination caused by the strain of the strut, so had it all replaced last November. We requested a catch instead of the strut as could see the same thing happening again, great improvement, can now get out of van without having to turn sideways, and we are not large!!!!!

Having also had all the gear box work done thought that we were in the clear when just before a two month trip, the battery charger has now failed, and we have been waiting nearly seven weeks for replacement. Has to come from Italy and the newer models have different connections!!

Roll on summer? *-)

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Cooperman - 2010-03-22 5:10 PM


we have been waiting nearly seven weeks for replacement. Has to come from Italy and the newer models have different connections!!

Roll on summer? *-)


Cooperman, presumably you have ordered this part through a dealer from Swift. Phone Swift and verify the part is on order from the dealer.

I had a similar thing last year, waited weeks and no part available. When I rang Swift they had no record of a warranty claim part from the dealer. It was then quickly resolved.

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I remember discussing Swift Group motorhome doors, several years ago at a NEC Show.


Having noticed that the door on one of the Bessacarr exhibition models was similar to my Hobby's, I asked the salesman (who I'd known for ages) whether he knew how the blind on the door's window could be re-tensioned. A quick demonstration followed - basically apply brute force on a warm day - and then the salesman opened and shut the door a couple of times saying "Well, this one's pretty good", explaining that the alternative doors, with multi-point locking, were generally swine to shut, needing a good hard slam to get the catches to engage.


Multi-point locking is fine and dandy provided that a door and its 'frame' are completely stable and rigid, but that's unlikely to be the case with motorhomes built using traditional caravan construction. I strongly suspect that the delamination problem stems from Swift opting to use a gas-strut on a door never adequately designed for this method of retention, rather than the doors themselves being defective.


I'd guess that any pre-installed wiring will allow a door to be included in a central-locking system, though a motorhome manufacturer may well choose not to implement that feature.

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When my door was checked the dealer said the new door would come with central locking so that may explain the wire?

* * Update to my own recall * *

I've had a call from my dealer to say that Swift was playing hard ball regarding changing my delaminated door.  As I hadn't had the 2nd habitation check carried out in February 2009 they are apparantly using this as an excuse to not replace it.

It's completely my own fault as I didn't think £250 for someone to check gas, water and dampness in a then 2 year old motorhome was good value for money.

My dealer is on the case so I've still got my fingers crossed as the door does need replacing and I'm still hoping Swift will cough up the £1,000 instead of me . . . . although it will be my own fault if they decide not to.

I'll let you know how I get on.


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W2G, I agree that it may be said that you did not have the habitation check done, but would that have prevented the door from delaminating. I don't think so.

Swift get your act in order, how much (and I dont expect an answer) do you spend promoting your products ?? (?) contrast this with a forecast drop in sales due to your attitude in this case.

Any financial guru worth his salary will be able to see that ONE LOST sale will lose you far more than the cost of a new door and the good word spread by W2G and the rest of this forum


YOU do the Maths !!!!!!


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Thanks everyone for yor constructive comments. In fairness to Marquis, we have it booked in for July, as soon as we return from our trip. They have said, when they have checked the door & if they find delamination, they will take photos to send to Swift & have said they will arrange for replacement door.

As of yet we can't actually see any delamination but are still struggling with closing but hopefully one way or another we will get it sorted.

We have kept our habitation services up to date so that shouldn't be a problem although I do agree £250 is expensive on a brand new £40k motor home but I guess that goes with the territory of owning a new motor home. ;-)

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Thanks everyone for yor constructive comments. In fairness to Marquis, we have it booked in for July, as soon as we return from our trip. They have said, when they have checked the door & if they find delamination, they will take photos to send to Swift & have said they will arrange for replacement door.

As of yet we can't actually see any delamination but are still struggling with closing but hopefully one way or another we will get it sorted.

We have kept our habitation services up to date so that shouldn't be a problem although I do agree £250 is expensive on a brand new £40k motor home but I guess that goes with the territory of owning a new motor home. ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just thought I'd update you on my habitation door situation.

I've just heard from my local dealer who has talked Swift into replacing the door under warranty subject to me having a habitation check carried out ASAP.

Having made the appointment it has been confirmed that the habitation check and door replacement will be carried out at the same time.

Phew . . . missing out the second habitation check was almost a very costly mistake.

10/10 to my dealer for their persistence for which my loyalty will now belong.


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