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Moderator. "Search" box facility on forum


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It will be interesting to see if you get a confidence-inspiring reply to your question!


These are some recent-ish threads that bear on the forum's lousy Search capability:








It's unlikely that the Search facility will improve until the software currently driving the forum part of the O&AL website is junked.




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This problem has been going on for so long, I wonder if anyone at head office really cares that members are leaving due to


not being able to search information and /or just filling up the server with the same questions and repeated answers.


I for one, now go elsewhere for answers I want, Its a real shame because there some real gems of members who offer excellent and considered advice.


My thanks to them



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I can occasionally get it to work by restricting the search:


In the 'keyword' field initially try to be as precise as possible as to what you're looking for.


In the 'author' field, if you know the name of someone who is likely to have posted on such a thread put that in.


Set the 'date limit' to as short a time as you think realistic.


Now on the left select a sub-section of a forum, eg in the Motorhomes forum, select Motorhome Matters, rather than Motorhomes.


Then cross everything and press the submit button!!!!

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That's useful Mel. I've never filled in the author box when initiating a search. Which could explain why I never get a result. I'd always assumed that the author related to the person who started the thread.....and I could never remember who it was wot done it!

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Over a period of time, I have tried all Mels suggestions and to a degree works if a short time frame is used, unfortunately if you want to seatch for a topic with a longer overview of a situation, the search fails frequently.


A little game I used to play was to open two or three browser windows and run the same search on different motor home search sites. No prizes to those that guess who lost the race. But it is amazing how points of views differ.


Its very like the the Fiat reverse (WOT ?) problem, Nothing has to be done, because SO FEW people complain about it.



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Am I alone in thinking it is strange the moderator has not posted a reply to all these posts re the problems searching? I agree with all the previous comments regarding how helpful many members are and how instructive their advice can be but I do not want to put them to the trouble of reinventing the wheel, responding to the same questions over and again when a working, easily understood search facility, would satisfy that need. As a comparative newcomer to both motor homing and the forum I need lots of help and advice which I am sure is readily available, all I need to know is how to access it with some degree of certainty that the results I get back will not consist entirely of Moderators' posts- which has happened the last twice I have tried searching. In the interim thanks to Brian, Derek and the other contributors who have been so helpful


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