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Book Early !

Big Momma

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JohnP - 2010-03-26 11:42 PM


At a recent CC committee meeting the problem of no shows was discussed. The Club is monitoring the subject of no shows.


It is not now possible for a member to double book different sites for the same date/s.


Regarding non members, they are accepted on some sites because this is written into the lease by the land owner.



Despite the lease conditions requiring availability for non-members, it would be very simple to apply a no pre-booking without a non-refundable deposit.

This is often a requirement with a commercial site.

The Club could allow pre-booking without deposit for members, but it should also monitor Members no shows





I was talking to a CC Warden last year and he said he knew of at least one member who had booked weekends at his site right through the season.

This would be ok I guess, except the member had yet to show for any of them. Just doesn't show or sometimes cancels late.

They may have "fixed" this already, but the lack of available weekends tells me otherwise.

I wonder when the CC are planning to really do something about this type of caring member? I'd go for a 2 no-shows and you're out system.

Surely all the empty piches we see at weekends on fully booked sites must be costing the CC money and goodwill.



It is the will to do something that sadly appears to be lacking.

With modern IT capabilities it would be a simple matter of the warden confirming booker had occupied their pitch. Then a simple matter of identifying abusers.

In many cases a warning letter from the Club would resolve the issue. If not revert to a pre-booking deposits for that/those member(s).


Regarding empty pitches on fully booked site costing the CC money, that eventually filters back to members, as high membership subscriptions & site fees.




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everhopeful - 2010-03-27 7:33 PM


I was talking to a CC Warden last year and he said he knew of at least one member who had booked weekends at his site right through the season.

This would be ok I guess, except the member had yet to show for any of them. Just doesn't show or sometimes cancels late.

They may have "fixed" this already, but the lack of available weekends tells me otherwise.

I wonder when the CC are planning to really do something about this type of caring member? I'd go for a 2 no-shows and you're out system.

Surely all the empty piches we see at weekends on fully booked sites must be costing the CC money and goodwill.


As I said above members have had ample opportunity to comment on the Club booking procedures.


The Club have already announced that if the same member fails to turn up without letting the site know or by cancelling the booking more than twice they write to the member warning them that their membership will be suspended. They have also announced that their new computer system allows them to monitor those members that cancel lots of sites and one assumes when they have built up useful statistics they will put some action in place. Now that may be deposits it might not. We will have to wait and see.



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flicka - 2010-03-27 8:33 PM



Regarding empty pitches on fully booked site costing the CC money, that eventually filters back to members, as high membership subscriptions & site fees.




Not sure that I consider £3 a month as a high membership subscription but would agree that some of the costs on some of the sites seem to be getting quite high. Unless of course you do a price comparison with some of the equivalent standard European sites. Still cheaper than the majority of B&B's, Cottage rentals, Chartered holidays etc. :D

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Snow and family commitments meant I could make only two bookings so far this year and those on club sites with H/S. Both weekends had atrocius weather - heavy rain and strong winds - forecast on the Friday through to Sunday evening and both forecasts were correct.


For comparison, on arrival at each site at lunchtime on the Friday, I asked whether both were still fully booked, they were. On the Saturday and Sunday mornings I compared empty spaces. On the CCC site (deposits remember) there was one on the Saturday and none on Sunday. On the CC (no deposit) site I stopped counting after finding six on the Saturday and there were far more on the Sunday. Not a scientific or exhaustive survey but it accords with my perception of the difference between the two booking systems based on three years' experience.


A dire lack of CLs in this area means little choice for weekends near to home and those around tend to not answer the phone, don't return messages or are always full. One a little further afield always answers "Oh there won't be any space then." (Think Mrs Lancaster in Ground Hog Day when Bill Murray asks about hot water and you'll get the tone.) That's why I tend to always be looking for late availability on club sites..............


So this year I am going to try rallies, I'm assured they are rather good, time will tell.



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Klyne - 2010-03-27 9:02 PM


everhopeful - 2010-03-27 7:33 PM


I was talking to a CC Warden last year and he said he knew of at least one member who had booked weekends at his site right through the season.

This would be ok I guess, except the member had yet to show for any of them. Just doesn't show or sometimes cancels late.

They may have "fixed" this already, but the lack of available weekends tells me otherwise.

I wonder when the CC are planning to really do something about this type of caring member? I'd go for a 2 no-shows and you're out system.

Surely all the empty piches we see at weekends on fully booked sites must be costing the CC money and goodwill.


As I said above members have had ample opportunity to comment on the Club booking procedures.


The Club have already announced that if the same member fails to turn up without letting the site know or by cancelling the booking more than twice they write to the member warning them that their membership will be suspended. They have also announced that their new computer system allows them to monitor those members that cancel lots of sites and one assumes when they have built up useful statistics they will put some action in place. Now that may be deposits it might not. We will have to wait and see.






Two questions spring to mind:


1. What happens after the warning has been issued?


2. If the membership is suspended and they can still pre-book as a non member where is the control of the problem?


I do agree that camping has generally increased but this problem has beenb growing for some years now - not just during this recession. We have experienced the difficulty in pre-booking (not yet able to be that spontaneous) especially after the online booking has been opened at the beginning of the year. We have also witnessed the vacant pitches at sites that have been showing site full for weeks beforehand. AND, we have also been able to book a pitch (by telephonming the site direct) at the last minute on sites that are showing they are fully booked.


Is there a problem? I think so and I think the CC in particular are not yet addressing the problem.



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JohnP - 2010-03-28 11:48 PM Have any of you been on the CC website and completed the survey where they are seeking the opinion of members with regard to the booking procedures for sites.

I've just been on the CC web site to fill in the survey and it's gorn! I completed the technology survey though...for the hell of it.

It's a shame though, I would have liked to make them aware of my view.

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I just wonder if we should get so wound up about non members. Not sure of the total number of Club sites but its around 200. 45 of those are members only. So non members can use around 150 sites ( some of which are affiliated sites and can do as they wish) Given that non members can only book direct with the campsite and that the warden has only a limited number of pitches under his control the absolute maximum number of pitches available to non members is less than 5% of the total pitches available and I would imagine the reality is far below 5% is actually taken by non members.


The survey was quite wide ranging and the Club has said that it will be some months before the results and any actions are published. The new computer system is more able to give them the information they need but of course has yet not been up and running for a full season so it might be a bit premature to see results from those studies yet. When they do publish the results I expect some members will be disappointed with the decisions made but as I often say the Club have to make decision for the whole membership not the tiny minority that belong to internet forums. For the moment we will have to wait and see.





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Klyne - 2010-03-29 8:47 PM

and that the warden has only a limited number of pitches under his control the absolute maximum number of pitches available to non members is less than 5% of the total pitches available and I would imagine the reality is far below 5% is actually taken by non members.




In theory, but does not appear to be the case on the ground.

Will wait outcome of the survey, but unless a deposit system is introduced for non-members & abusers, I don't see any improvements forthcoming.

Can't see the Club suspending membership as they would lose a proportion of the membership.


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Just a tip one of the wardens gave me. It is always worth ringing the wardens at the last minute as a last resort. Some of the more marginal grass pitches are not released to the web until the wardens are happy they are able to be used. Sometimes they decided this at the last moment after a pitch inspection.
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Guest JudgeMental
I really do not see why a deposit is not take (refundable obviously if reservation cancelled in time) It would hopefully stop the selfish who block book sites everywhere if to do so cost them a tidy sum. this is the worse aspect of the CC in my opinion :-S
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I've just booked a CL for April when we pick our 'van up ... but it doesn't open until May (I didn't realise until she told me!! :$ ).


The very accommodating lady is going to let us plug into her domestic electric for a while so we can test out the van when we get it. We want to go to her because she's not far away from the dealers and also has some hardstanding which we can use if the weather is bad - apparently it's quite soggy down there and likely not to have dried out by the time we go so some CL owners who only have grass for 'vans are not willing to take bookings at the present time.


CLs are THE reason we've rejoined ....



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We book around 120 nights away on club sites as soon as the booking starts and would have no objection to deposits being taken provided they were refundable were we ever to need to cancel a booking. Having said that we can afford to do so but this does not apply to everyone especially those happy band of pensioners in dated motorhomes who enjoy their days away.


How about taking a deposit from non-members and imposing a small fine to be added to their next booking for no shows by members.


That may help but I'm not convinced it would be a total solution as it would not stop the selfish few making mass bookings then canceling if the weather looks bad!


We once needed to leave a small CL earlier than planed and the owner offered us a refund but as there seemed little chance of them letting the pitch out at such short notice it seemed only fair to refuse, which is what we did.

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