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Dog owners - important info

Mel B

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I apologise for posting this in the Motorhome Matters part of the forum, but I wanted this to be viewed by as many members as possible to avoid anyone else going through this (I'll put it on the other forums too).


A colleague had to take her 2 puppies (3 months old I believe) to the vet yesterday as they ate some pot pourri, they were seriously ill so she had to leave them there.


This afternoon she received a call from the vet to go there immediately as they are not likely to survive, needless to say she is absolutely distraught.


If you have any pot pourri in your home, whether you have puppies or older dogs, please ensure that they cannot get at it, or better still, dispose of it completely.

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Hi Mel no apologies needed us dog owners need this type of information on whatever forum we view. Hope that the licence thread han't been pulled because of my tongue in cheek comment because no ofence was intended it's just my sense of humor. B-) John
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Are all dogs likely to be as susceptible? We've had the stuff around for years and have certainly seen found bits of it lying around where the dogs have taken it from the bowl and chewed it. We've not seen any ill-effects.


As you know, the fragrance of the pot pourri lessens over time and we've replenished it, so it's not as if our dogs have chewed manky old stuff with no substance left.


Anyway, just to be on the safe side, I've moved the fragrant bowl out of the dogs' way.



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Hi Shaun/all


Janine kindly posted this info earlier on the chatterbox thread I started which sheds some more light:


J9withdogs - 2010-03-26 6:01 PM


Thanks for the warning Mel.


Just had a 'google' and came up with many cases of poisoning in dogs from potpouri.


This is an example:




Apparently it can have strychnine in it!

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