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French Motorhome Tolls - Beware!

Vernon B

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We've just got back from France and have been caught out at an automatic toll booths at the Millau Viaduct.


For our outward journey we were able to use an operator controlled booth and were charged the expected 9.20 euros. On the return however we were obliged to use an automatic booth and found to our horror that we'd been put into class 4 and charged a wacking 29.50 euros.


The thing is you're under some pressure to get out the hell out of those things pretty smartish and it wasn't until we were 200 metres down the road that the co-pilot had the heart attack! It was then several kilometres later that we were able to pull over and consider our options - only to find that a distraught German motorhomer had sufferred the same life changing experience.


So here's some advice:-


a) It seems to me that when you approach toll booths where you're barred from using the operator controlled ones because of a 2 metre height barrier, the chances are the automatic booth may well be programmed to assume you are a class 3 or even a class 4 vehicle.


b) In these circumstance take your time and check the tarrif before making your payment - and if its wrong be brave enough to keep the queue waiting while you get someone to sort it out.


c) In the likely event that everyone is on "French Leave" use a credit card BUT make sure you press the button that gives you a receipt.


Having spoken to our credit card provider (Nationwide) I'm hopeful we'll be able to get the 20 eoros reimbursed but "its early days" so watch out ...






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david lloyd - 2010-03-29 5:23 PM


So, are the auto booths programmed to height rather than weighing each vehicle?





The charges are based on height, weight and number of axles.


Caravan Club Europe 1 2010 Handbook states :-


Class 1- vehicles up to 2m high with or without trailer and with a max.weight up to 3500kgs.


Class 2 - vehicles with height between 2m and 3m including trailer with a max.weight of 3500kgs.


Class 3- vehicles with 2 axles and height over 3m or with a total weight over 3500kgs.


Class 4 - vehicles or combination of vehicles with 3 axles or more with a height over 3m, or with a total weight over 3500kgs.


In my experience manual toll booths tend to interpret the rules as they see it,and most 2 axled m'homes are deemed to be less than 3m high because the tolls barriers are are not fitted with lasers or other means of height or weight measurement.


Auto tolls, on the other hand, do seem to be fitted with height measuring devices if not weight measurement.



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We used the viaduct the first two years it opened.The last time we used the old route through millau at about mid day and had no problems with traffic,you pass a supermarket and a mcdonalds and have a excellent view of the bridge before rejoining the A75 further on and £20 in pocket!

maybe this is the best bet.


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We have only used pay booths and cash for some time now, except some small exits where auto tolls are the only choice. Several stories like yours around one of my favourites was a couple who thought there card had been swallowed by the pay machine at an auto toll booth, only to find someone behind had used it to travel from the north to the south of France.
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I use auto booths when the tolls are very busy. The Elddis Autoquest I have is the one with the bed over the cab. Perhaps I have been lucky up to now but have never been charged more than class 2.

Be aware that if you use the auto booth with an hexagonal orange light over it, you will automatically be charged class 4, whatever your size. This booth is intended for Lorriies only but anyone can use them if they pay the extra.

At the peak holiday season when I am driving in the coach I will use them as you can be delayed up to half an hour at a time if you use an ordinary booth. Obviously this does not help if you have to catch a ferry to connect with other feeder coaches.

Hope this helps,



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Only used a motorway once late at night in a hurry following brother-in-law through unmanned auto barrier. His motorhome is lower than mine a Hymer Exsis at 3.03 meters - we paid loads more than he did, so the height measurement must be very accurate to pick up that mine was .03 over 3mt. never used motorways again!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Those following this saga might like to know that I have now received a full refund from Nationwide for the overcharged amount of £18.25. This was achieved by simply completing and returning a dispute form.


Fortunately I had a receipt for the correct tariff on the way down to put alongside the excess charge incurred through the automatic barrier.


Well done Nationwide.





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I had to pay at an automated machine once and I paid cash.

The machine was supposed to give change but did it?

No it blo*dy well didn't.

So I rang the live person on the end of the phone that was on the machine, "don't worry" she said "we will refund the change in cash"


I asked when this would be, the reply was " first we have a man come on check the machine, if the machine is not working correctly he will refund the money."


I asked if they could post it "No Monsieur, it is not possible" So, I asked how long will the man be? "maybe two or three hours" was the reply, meaning of course that it would be sometime when he felt like leaving the cafe.


I wrote the 18 euros off and have never used the French payage again.



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We are a bit over 3 metres and as others say the automatic booths charge class 3. However, there is a help button and you need to tell them (preferably in Frnech) that you are a motorhome and they will usually adjust the charge, I assume they have a camera to check
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Yes this was going on a few years back overcharging on auto booths and if you are overcharged just wait and press the help button. Nine times out of you will be charged class 2 . If you hold up the traffic you will get help quickly and be on your way,,,, Always try and go to the operator controlled booth and if one is not available do as above,



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Bonjour. C'est un camping car, classe deux, s'il vous plait. when they change it, you'll see on the display then say Merci beaucoup.


I struggle a bit to speak French on the phone or like this remotely, I can speak but understanding the reply is much more difficult. So I might try 'si vous parlez lentement, je vous comprend, (peutetre). If you speak slowly I can understand you, (perhaps)!

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I always thought I'm in me M/Home I'm on holiday so no rush anywhere..so why use the peage anyway..the N routes are great and a lot of em shadow the peage.

The N routes are the best way to see the part of France that is the best..we did the Vendee last year and the Ill de Re..great...just that toll to go over the bridge to the Ill de Re..wow 16 euros if I remember still it was really nice!!

We did Spain in January 2009 for 3 months til April ..and we did all that on the N routes there and back such a nice drive lovely scenery ..go on be a devil..N route it!!

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We don't use motorways in France if we can reasonably avoid them, but sometimes there are just too many villages, towns and therefore roundabouts and traffic lights so sometimes it makes sense to do a bit of motorway to avoid them. Calais to Reims is a case in point.


I think the main problem is that one day a good many more of the exits from French motorways will be unmanned and I think that these will be the more rural ones.

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If you are going to Reims as a destination, or on South via Troyes and Dijon, there is little alternative as the other roads are not, generally, very good.

However, if you would then head East from Reims, via Metz toward Strasbourg, an alternative route out of Calais via Lille, Namur, Luxembourg, and then down to Metz, is only a few miles further (8 according to AutoRoute), and avoids all tolls except the Metz-Strasbourg leg.  If you add in Saarbrucken instead of Metz you'll add another 4 miles, and half an hour, to that, and avoid all bar the last 50 or so miles of toll autoroute.

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Well done Vernon. I fell foul of the automated tollbooths in 2008 but did not notice until I came to do my accounts some time afterwards. On one journet I had been charged twice as class 3 and once as class 4, an overcharge of about £34. So I wrote to the autoroute operators: one of them refunded the money immediately but the other (APPR) refused despite a letter from Auto-Trail verfying the height, letters from me (in French) and a phone call. Eventually they sent me a visibility vest as compensation! They also told me to speak on the phone if it happens again (which it does frequently) so I do and ignore the horn blasts from behind! However, I try to avoid the autoroutes now unless around the large cities e.g. Orleans which is a nightmare to drive through.


My problem is the Camos dome (for which you should not be charged but an air conditioner unit is chargeable) obviously adds to the height (in fact many modern m/homes are built at just over 3m now). Unfortunately I had paid by my French bank card so it is unlikely that they would refund but to be truthful I would never have thought of contacting them anyway, so well done for your initiative.

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Hi Patrica,

They will let you through on most non automated tolls now. Just stand your ground,,, no good when you move away as you know well, (They have your money and will hold it).

As Brian points out have a good look at your map, it pays,

Regards to all,


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mondo - 2010-04-18 8:18 PM


I always thought I'm in me M/Home I'm on holiday so no rush anywhere..so why use the peage anyway..the N routes are great and a lot of em shadow the peage.

The N routes are the best way to see the part of France that is the best..we did the Vendee last year and the Ill de Re..great...just that toll to go over the bridge to the Ill de Re..wow 16 euros if I remember still it was really nice!!

We did Spain in January 2009 for 3 months til April ..and we did all that on the N routes there and back such a nice drive lovely scenery ..go on be a devil..N route it!!


I use the peage to go around Tours, Poitiers, and Biarrtz, on the way to Spain, otherwise its difficult to average more than 25mph and you avoid quite awful road surfaces, traffic lights, speed bumps etc. Stay on the peage for the shortest time and the cost is in my view well worth it as you arrive more relaxed. A top tip!

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