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Outside temperature indicator.


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My van has a Nordelettronica NE148-T control panel which includes an indicator for the outside temperature.


The sensor dangles out of the bottom of the awning light fitting.

The temperature reads 10 to 15 deg. higher than it should, it was ok but we noticed it had gone berserk one evening after the outside light had been on for 2/3 hours, presumably making the fitting hot.

When the fitting had cooled off the temp still read way high.


Can the thing be re-calibrated or is the sensor "over the hill" and needs replacement.





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Hi Bakerboy

Unable to offer much help, but firstly I would check the connection to the control panel.

I would also put the question to dealer &/or manufacturer

If the sensor has failed, I think you may have to go down that route anyway.

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Hi Stuart,


From my experience with temperature measuring instrumentation used on our development cars at work I would imagine that the sensor is made up of a 2 core wire with cores of dis-similar metals and it measures the temperature at the point that the 2 are connected together.

If the wires have shorted inside the light or at any other point then the temperature will be measured at that point. For example if that was inside the M/H then it will display the inside temperature.

Check the wiring to the sensor very carefully for any signs of shorting or damage. Remember it is not ordinary wire so you will only be able to replace it with the correct part.

Let us know how you get on.



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Kieth, These sensors are not thermocouple type as you have described - they are temperature dependant resistors.


They fail quite a lot if the moulding around the componet is not good or not impervious to moisture. You can check them using resitance measurent on a multimeter, but as you get different specs you need to know what the spec is.


Agreed though check the connections to the control panel are sound and clean.

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As a finale to this one, I tried Nordelettronica at Hull again without success. It seems they have a UK agent, Delta whosay the Hull place has closed down,but they have no info on what is supplied to CI so suggested I contact a dealer.

At this point I decided to investigate further and found by swopping inner and outer that the sensor is u/s .

Have ordered new one at£30 + vat.


Thanks to all for ionfo.




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