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Prescription Pills.


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Brian the 3-month rule was explained to me in detail some years ago. I queried the ruling because my late husband was having 3-monthly injections for cancer at £353 a time and we were afraid that if we were delayed over the three months we would have to pay ourselves (incidentally we did have to pay once and the price was €353 i.e.roughly £242!). I was told categorically by the NI people that the doctors are under orders to strike off any patients away for over 3 months. Then, when we returned, we were to ask the doctor if he would kindly see us BUT we would have to pay as a private patient unless of course we were ....... I am not filling that part in as I will be accused of being ..... When I complained that I had paid taxes and NI all my working life, I was told that was immaterial as it is only residency that counts, not that you pay taxes. (In my case I will always pay British tax no matter where I live.) However, as Brian rightly says how would he know? In any case my doctor is fine about me going away so I am one of the lucky ones but I do believe that doctors have been told to only prescribe two months at a time and this has applied to several of my friends.


But if he was so minded he could easily have found out as vehicles are photographed when boarding ( I was told this by an insurance company) and it is even easier these days with mobile phones, toll booths etc. Historically ships always leave at 23.59 so that you do not stay a day too long! They also always scan your passport usually when you book in for the ferry or train when leaving France, not in England.


Apologies this is a real ramble - hope it makes some sense but I am hungry so I must go and eat.

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Well, even if they scan my passport, I might be just passing through, I have not had my passport scanned going into Spain, Portugal etc.


So how would they know? They might be able to show that you had been away for "X" period but to where?


By the way I use the old smugglers roads into Spain so no photos there!



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  • 10 months later...
Hi Not prescription Pills but squeeky knees.!! We live in France and due to injuries from football, rugby, racing motor bikes and yachts mine are shot too.! I enquired about replacements and was encouraged by friend in USA to try 3 X gel injections which I did and the results are remarkable. 2 cruches gone, and now walk up to 1 hour plus wiith just a stick for security. In addition the loon of a Doc. who sings Rolling Stones songs whilst treating you ( he spent time in UK in 60's ) had me fitted for a light weight knee brace in Titanium with 6 velcro straps, made and shipped from Los Angeles. All free on French Health service, did not even ask me for medical card.!
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david lloyd - 2010-03-31 4:30 PM

We tend to order repeat prescriptions a little in advance of each one over the few months leading up to the holiday which gives us enough to get through but its only 5 - 6 weeks away.



We used to do as David does but now that we have made the surgery receptionists and the doctors aware of our extended holidays they are happy to cover us for six to eight weeks at a time.

We always take more than we require in case of delays, accidents etc. Also we take our repeat prescriptions for the same reasons or the unlikely event that customs should query the amount of medication.

Cattwg :-D

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we go away for 10/12 weeks at any one time. Docs give you 2 months subscription in one go.( This is the maximum they can give at a time) Can get another a week later also two months, by saying we are away


Just got my repeat subs to=day, and one item I have enough for TEN months (unless I have to take more in that time) Did query with chemist, but as the date is Ok , said it was alright!!!

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