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Laptop or Netbook?


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Main use internet, and keeping a diary of travels, but do like the odd game or two.


Have you considered getting a fancy mobile phone instead -- iPhone, BlackBerry. etc? They can do all that and the main makes all let you download extra software and games, either free or at nominal prices.


You also don't have to carry a large-ish machine around with you to take advantage of wifi at service stations and the like.



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As I said before they keyboard is a bit on the small side for me and I need to use a separate one if I'm going to be typing for any length...


I do, too. I found that when using a laptop computer for any time I was getting a crick in the neck from staring down at the screen. Most ergonomists advise having the top of a computer screen just below one's eyeline when looking straight ahead.


I now put the computer on a support, so the screen is at a height comfortable for sustained use, and type away on a separate keyboard.


I also use a (wireless) mouse. Partly this is because it's hard to use a tracker ball or pad when the computer is several inches off the table ([g]). Mainly it's because I've never liked trackpads anyway.



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RogerGW - 2010-04-04 4:07 PM


Main use internet, and keeping a diary of travels, but do like the odd game or two.


Have you considered getting a fancy mobile phone instead -- iPhone, BlackBerry. etc? They can do all that and the main makes all let you download extra software and games, either free or at nominal prices.


You also don't have to carry a large-ish machine around with you to take advantage of wifi at service stations and the like.




This is the road I've chosen Roger, I chose the HTC Hero, it's a superb piece of kit for OUR needs.


Doubtless there'll be someone along soon to say it doesn't do X Y or Z....



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We also use a 3G phone but find it a not very pleasing experience despite having one of the larger screens. It is fine to carry with you and use at the various WiFi hotspots but it is too small in the screen department to be taken seriously. When in the van the Asus netbook with the 3 dongle is IMO an ideal compromise to a laptop, which I find too bulky (in terms of storage and transportability) and lacking in battery usage time 2 hours at best (against 5 to 6 hours on a standard battery for the netbook). The ten inch screen is a good compromise and despite having largish hands and fingers I can touch type easily probably better than on my full size laptop, which I have to say has been pretty redundant since getting the netbook.



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We also use a 3G phone... but it is too small in the screen department to be taken seriously.


For you, perhaps. We don't know what the OP's inclinations are. My son uses his iPhone in preference to his laptop and I know he's not alone in that. OTOH, I prefer my laptop. Chacun à son goût, and all that.


> a laptop, which I find too bulky... and lacking in battery usage time 2 hours at best...


Laptops are getting better on the latter aspect. My present one, an Acer 5810T, will go for over eight hours on a charge.



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lennyhb - 2010-04-02 5:14 PM


new to the game - 2010-04-02 3:21 PM


We off 2 weeks time and need a new battery for our Acer travelmate laptop, not sure where to get one is there any online companies supply these?


Brought one from here for my laptop it's still going strong after 2 years.




Many thanks for that link Lenny - I have been hunting for a long time for a replacement battery for my laptop and thought that they had gone out of production but found the exact number match on this site.

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