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Newhaven ferry overnight parking

The Decorator

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Following my offer last week to visit the CL at South Heighton and the Newhaven Ferry Port regarding overnight parking the results are ...............


The CL at South Heighton is very clean and tidy with a concrete entry road, it’s an interesting task to negotiate the turns and undulating surfaces on the site, for a Motorhome a doddle unless it’s very long but the correct length should be stated when booking. For a towing caravan, not a beginners choice! If there were a week’s downpour of rain I doubt that it would be noticed. There were concrete pitches and a grassed area being mown as I was there. It appears 10/10.


Towards the ferry port is a large Sainsbury as Brian pointed out, all to their usual standard.


The Ferry Port signs are the usual black and white types showing vehicles in a ship's hold. I visited the ferry office regarding parking overnight for the 09.30 ferry. The staff were very pleasant and even came out of their office to show me and explain precisely where anyone could park.


They would in fact be beside a high left hand wall opposite the ferry office and positioned facing forward to within 200 mtrs of the first entry gate for boarding. (Looking as if they had just arrived!)


I doubt there would be any outside interference as most dock areas are well illuminated and the main town area is some distance away. It does not appear to be an area with any undesirables wandering about.


I'm not able to retrieve the original message question so trust the original poster from Sheffield is still scanning this forum.


I have a picture of the exact position to park for the night if the original lady cares to send me a PM when I can then Email it to her.


There are of course many other areas close by where anyone could stop amongst the commercial buildings, that I did not check.


The fish and chip shop in South Street is open, 5-9pm, you will have to double park to enter the shop, not to mind everyone does it, there's no other way unless you walk, about 1/4 mile from the ferry port.


The town has a small one-way system that gets very busy 5-7pm. If you drive to the fish shop you will have to circle the one way system back to the Ferry Port. (Walking is the better way, see google earth.


Hope you liked that. Jon


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Wow! Thanks Jon, and Ma n Pa for alerting me! This information is more than useful. I booked our ferry yesterday and will send Jon a PM re parking at the ferry terminal. Then OH and I can then decide whether the excellent sounding CL is the better option or not. Thanks again!!! Hazel
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Newhaven Ferry Port.


This to go with the picture.


Upon entering the site proper and following the ferry company overhead directions you will see before you the layout as per picture. You will park against the wall on the left hand side, the first of 3 lanes. The ferry office is to the right and the customs/ticket entry for boarding is directly in front of you. To the extreme right is a pick up point where you can turn and leave the site if necessary. Jon


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Many years ago, we used to drive down to Newhaven (from Croydon), Take the road down the West side of the river, and you will eventually arrive at a carpark overlooking the break-water. I assume you can see the breakwater from the ferry as you depart into/arrive out of, the English Channel.


When the tide is out, the East side of the breakwater is a rather nice sandy beach. We once walked down the breakwater during a storm, diving for cover when we could hear a wave breaking over the wall. Probably get arrested for doing that now.


Does anybody know if the carpark and beach are still accessible? Overnight parking? We slept in the car, but as that was a pre-war Austin 10, you can see it was a long time ago.



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The car park and beach is still open. The breakwater itself is closed and barb wired. Maybe to do with imigrants unloading, there is a Coast Guard station high up behind you near "Fort Newhaven" which is open for visitors (The Fort). Rather Narrow for M/H's but not impossible, Caravans doubtfull.


There are public toilets on Fort Road below which is a continuation from South Road and a turning off of the one way system (to the car park) None at the car park. The road that WAS immedeately beside the river now goes to housing apartments and the fishermen's shops and working site where fresh fish is available, (See sign)


The car park is NOT available for any vehicle above 2Mts but there is space just before it at a pub, go in for a drink and ask about stopping for a while.


There is a car parking charge, its pay & display, but during the winter months there is no attendant to issue tickets. Fishing from the car park is done when its high tide, also the other side of the breakwater.


Fishing is now enjoyed from the Brighton Marina harbour walls, access for M/H's is possible and to park in the ASDA Superstore but may be charged for a long stay.


If you intend to stay awhile for fishing then camp in the CC site at Sheepcoat Valley just a little inland, its a fair walk but a straight line.


See Google Earth for all the above points and layouts.



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An update......have just phoned South Heighton CL to be told that the ground is way too soft for motorhomes at the moment and looks as if it may stay that way for a while! The very nice lady reluctantly could not take our booking for the evening of 27th April as she could not guarantee firmer ground - so it looks as if it will, after all, be overnight at the port. :-S
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Guest Tracker
Beware of the beach at the harbour entrance to Newhaven as when a large ship comes in or goes out it has the effect of drawing all the awter off the beach and then relaesing it back in. Great fun if you are ready for it but a bit iffy for small kids and the unsuspecting and we used to get greta fun out of watching the ensuing chaos - but that was over 30 years ago and things may have changed as we have not been there for over 30 years!
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Hazy Baby.


There is a commercial camping site at Seaford. £15.00 per night. 2 miles to Newhaven Port, easy to get to and very easy to the ferry port (all left hand turns). Its right on the beach with access to the sea. If in doubt I can go and look at it.


See it all on Google


Buckle Caravan & Camping Park?

Marine Parade, Seaford, East Sussex BN25

01323 897 801?



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Once again Jon, thanks! We will certainly consider it. I have looked on their web site etc and it seems ok especially as we require just one night. Some reviews I've found are a bit mixed but nothing serious. However, I think the OH may have decided that overnighting at the port will be ok. We have to be there for 8.00 am so could hopefully pull in early evening and get our heads down for a few hours before it starts getting busy. Thanks for all your effort on our (and others!) behalf. Hazel
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The Buckle: phone before you turn up, to check they are open.  They have sold off their old site for housing and re-sited, or a newer site has opened using the old name.  The site is just off the back of the beach, behind the sailing club.

Approx GPS N50.77960 E0.08061.  Phone 0323 897801.  Seems to be mainly statics.  Would be very breezy in a good Sou'wester!  :-)

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I'm not certain exactly what it is you are looking for from Seaford rail station.


There have been two options offered so far, the CL at Heighton and the one on the sea front at Seaford from Brian which is the closest while the Heighton site is 2-3 miles. Newhaven station is also 2-3 miles away from Heighton.


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Hi Hazy,

A little information that may help you when you disembark.

If you take the the third exit on leaving Dieppe terminal there is an aire after 1/4 mile, see photo, it costs 7 Euro to overnight, but you can fill and empty for free, the aire can get very full but if you carry on pass the aire and turn right over the bridge this will take you to the opposite side of the port where you will find a couple of dozen vans free camping on the beach front, much more pleasant.

If you take the second exit from the terminal this will take you up the cliff road, if you turn right at the end of this road you will find a Lidl and a Carrafour supermarket at the roundabout.

Hope this helps, enjoy your trip.


Regards PKC.


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The Decorator - 2010-04-14 3:11 PM


I'm not certain exactly what it is you are looking for from Seaford rail station.


There have been two options offered so far, the CL at Heighton and the one on the sea front at Seaford from Brian which is the closest while the Heighton site is 2-3 miles. Newhaven station is also 2-3 miles away from Heighton.


Thanks. The CL had a good endorsement but seems it cannot be used anytime soon owing to waterlogging and I would like to stay in the area shortly. Seaford is a very long way for the OH to join me by train for a weekend so I want to make sure the site near the seafront is OK. Basic is fine so long as clean and not populated by say, rowdy static dwellers at weekends for example. Has anyone stayed on the site on the seafront at Seaford recently and can provide opinion on what it was like please? I've been less than enthused by general internet comment found to date.



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Thanks a lot for this piccy, PKC! Most useful, as we return to the UK on the 5.00 am sailing (don't ask!!!) from Dieppe so we will be parking up for a few hours at the aire or beach front prior to getting in line about 3.30 (groan). Bound to be really miserable then because of a) the hour and b) we're coming home. Anyway your post has been printed off and is filed with all the other useful info ready for the off on the 27th. Thanks again. Hazel :-D
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My pleasure Hazy,

As an afterthought, if you leave by the cliff road you will see a sign for the site of the 1942 Dieppe raid, the road is steep,narrow, with no passing places, not recommended for a motorhome, be warned, I was that soldier!


Regards PKC.

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I understand your questions now but cannot help much on that score, walking over the Downs is good but I guess you take a chance with the site as with any other site really.


If its sea and walking you're after have you thought of the CC site near the Brighton Marina? you can walk 10 miles westerly to Shoreham and Worthing and bus back after, all right on the sea front although Brighton is busy in summer. There are also walks easterly on the sea.


Brighton rail station is a long way but there are buses and if you've passes so much the better.



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