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Motorhome Insurance Renewal

david lloyd

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Hi everyone


It's that time of year again.


Just had my renewal notice from Safeguard which is fast approaching the £500 mark! Now I know, from other people's experience, that they are very good when something goes wrong and that it does include european breakdown but I have also had two other quotes at less than £300!


One is Saga which we have used before and would be happy to use again but the other is Comfort who we have no experience of. Has/does anyone have any personal experience of them? Any comments?



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We have just renewed with CaravanGuard (01422 396 796) we have fully comp both here and Europe, break down cover here and Europe) £289 approx. Van is 2003 KonTiki. The price hasnt altered since we first insured it 4 years ago. Your safeguard does sound a little steep to me.
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Depends on what you mean by "use" David.  We have van (inc RAC), car, house, contents, and health, all with Comfort.  Mainly because things like when/where you travel, and for how long, can all be brought onto a common basis, so if you go away for three months in your van, your house and contents insurances can be on the basis of three months absence: not always easy!  I have always found them helpful, efficient, and knowledgeable to deal with, but haven't made any claims - so can't personally vouch for what happens when the chips are down!  However, I originally approached them because others had that experience, and had been very complementary about the way it was all handled.
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I like the sound of the 'all in' approach.


Comfort have just rung me after I got the online quote and they do seem very competitive. I was a little worried when I saw it was Aviva - my son had an accident (not his fault) and had a really difficult time with the Indian Call Centre when they were Norwich Union but the guy assures me that all claims are now handled in their call centre in Manchester so I am more relieved.


Their quote, at just over £277 including european breakdown, is considerably less than Safeguard but they also have this system of no 'no claims bonus' so the premiums are always the lowest they can get them to. What happens if you subsequently change insurer though? Are you still building up No Claims Bonus years even if Comfort are not using the system?


Thanks to everyone who has posted so far.



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We are with Caravan Guard 4 years. We know from experience that they are very helpfull. We had an accident (not our fault) as was stationery at the time, and they where prompt to get breakdown truck to us We had the accident at 2pm in Glasgow. By 6pm we were on our way , towed all the way to Portsmouth.( the van was not drivable, as front wheel and suspension bent) They arranged the repair, appointed a solicitor (in Scotland) and we were satisfied with the way they arranged it all, as it was at a weekend.

We stayed with them this year, though not the cheapest, but cheap is not always the best!!


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david lloyd - 2010-04-07 6:06 PM

....... What happens if you subsequently change insurer though? Are you still building up No Claims Bonus years even if Comfort are not using the system?






I've just renewed [literally tonight!] with Comfort, now about twelve years. Every time I look elsewhere there is a surprise in store; this year I thought I was going to go with Saga but and a big but to me is the single item limit for personal goods is just £100! Everything else seemed really good ie £144 against my Comfort renewal of £208 but I spoke to Ben Cue, actually he phoned me, and after confirming their single item limit is £400 I realised I couldn't afford to take the chance. What if you lost a couple of cameras and a computer to a tea-leaf, for instance, suddenly about £500 or more lost so not worth the risk. What good is £100 limit in this day?


Regarding the No Claims: As I understand they effectively freeze the NCB. If the NCB isn’t kept with an insurance company it dies after two years and with them holding it is kept alive. If you move to another company after, say two years with Comfort they would supply you with proof of your record to show to your new insurance. So yes it still grows but is not used for calculation be Comfort. If you want to clarify speak to Ben Cue at Comfort, he has always been most obliging whenever I have had need to ask questions.


I hope this helps you.


Regards, Ian

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Hi Ian


Thanks very much for the reply.


I too am very worried about the Saga item limit of £100 and did check that with them when they rang me. It does seem impossibly low and even the overall limit for contents, at £1500, is quite low when you think of everything we carry in the 'van!


It's reassuring to hear good reports about Comfort and that the different system of NCB does not mean losing entitlement in the future.


As things stand at the moment I am seriously considering going with Comfort but, as we have been with Safeguard for so long, will probably ring them first to at least give them a chance to compete.


Let's see what tomorrow brings.



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Hi all, I need to re-new my M/H Insurance next month and have seen all your favourable comments regarding COMFORT INSURANCE,but cant find their site or address anywhere, would someone like to send me a contact email / site address for them, please, Cheers Jack, Cornwall
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Hi all, I need to re-new my M/H Insurance next month and have seen all your favourable comments regarding COMFORT INSURANCE,but cant find their site or address anywhere, would someone like to send me a contact email / site address for them, please, Cheers Jack, Cornwall
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david lloyd - 2010-04-07 7:52 PM


Hi Ian


Thanks very much for the reply.


I too am very worried about the Saga item limit of £100 and did check that with them when they rang me. It does seem impossibly low and even the overall limit for contents, at £1500, is quite low when you think of everything we carry in the 'van!


It's reassuring to hear good reports about Comfort and that the different system of NCB does not mean losing entitlement in the future.


As things stand at the moment I am seriously considering going with Comfort but, as we have been with Safeguard for so long, will probably ring them first to at least give them a chance to compete.


Let's see what tomorrow brings.






I'm glad my comments have helped to concentrate your mind, so to speak. I'm sure that there must be many people who are not aware of that Saga restriction, that or else as you say carry considerably less aboard. When I discussed this with Ben he said that this is where you see that their’s is a proper motorhome policy. I remember reading years ago that it was Ben’s parents motorhoming insurance needs that led to them getting together with Norwich Union, as was, to develop their policy and they have been fine tuning since then.


I note your comments regarding your existing insurers but, if you do decide to go with Comfort, feel sure you won’t find anything missing from the deal. Like most I wish I could have saved a few quid but I have confidence and peace of mind.


Regards, Ian

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shedbrewer - 2010-04-07 8:11 PM


Hi all, I need to re-new my M/H Insurance next month and have seen all your favourable comments regarding COMFORT INSURANCE,but cant find their site or address anywhere, would someone like to send me a contact email / site address for them, please, Cheers Jack, Cornwall




Try this link: http://www.comfort-insurance.co.uk/motorhome-insurance.php?gppc=comfort_insurance&gclid=CNzpy-mq9aACFcOT3wodwGxlvg


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We are looking around too, as our new MH is imminent.:-D We have always been very pleased with Safeguard but got a quote at Newark for about £200 less. Thanks to a previous post on this forum we asked the question - "does the policy cover the full replacement value of an A Class windscreen?"


The answer was a very quick "No, only up to £1,500". Having been told that a new screen would cost us over £3,000 8-) the proposed annual saving didn't seem so good after all! *-) I can't remember who posted the original information but a big "thank you" anyway as we nearly made a potentialy costly mistake (Safeguard cover the full replacement cost for the screen) and you never know when a stone (or other missile) will fly in your direction!!

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We are insured through Comfort.


They have changed their way of premium calculation this year. No more NCD but are using a model similar to that of classic cars. If you subsequently change insurers they will give you a NCD to take with you.


The change has meant a lower premium - whoopi.


Windscreen glass - the change allows glass replacement up to £3000.


Never had to claim so cannot comment but customer service is excellent.



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Firstly, thanks for all the positive comments on this thread! Just to clarify the "A Frame" comment - a car on an A-frame is not deemed to be a trailer so we would not provide any accidental damage cover under the "trailer" section of our policy for the car (that should be arranged under the car's own policy). We do however provide third-party only cover under our Comfort motorhome policy for accidents caused by a car on tow, whether it is on a trailer or an A-Frame. Hope that helps.
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With 2 cars and a motorhome plus a cuple of motorcycles on the road we have RAC ARRIVAL via the C&CC for breakdown and vehicle repatriation.


Insurance, last year through the C&CC was best by far.

This year Caravanguard best by far.

Comfort - well have never found them competitive at all.


You must check the details and shop around. Its a buyers market.

HAGGLE. I do and it works.

Gest the best on-line quotes first and note all the details so you can compare like with like. then use the phone.




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Well have listened to all the (very good) advice, done my shopping around and telephoned to clarify information.


The result?


Safeguard didn't appear to be very interested in reducing the premium quoted and just kept referring to the high value of the 'van as a reason for the inordinately high premium.


As a result I have renewed with Comfort.


Thank you to everyone who has contributed and please try not to bash my 'van!!



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catinou - 2010-04-08 8:13 AM


We are looking around too, as our new MH is imminent.:-D We have always been very pleased with Safeguard but got a quote at Newark for about £200 less. Thanks to a previous post on this forum we asked the question - "does the policy cover the full replacement value of an A Class windscreen?"


The answer was a very quick "No, only up to £1,500". Having been told that a new screen would cost us over £3,000 8-) the proposed annual saving didn't seem so good after all! *-) I can't remember who posted the original information but a big "thank you" anyway as we nearly made a potentialy costly mistake (Safeguard cover the full replacement cost for the screen) and you never know when a stone (or other missile) will fly in your direction!!


Just to let you know, I have now received the policy documents for my Comfort Horizon Advantage insurance and the maximum glass claim is £3,000.


All the rest compares very favourably with my Safeguard policy too.




Sorry, I should have added, a total saving of £216!!

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Hi All

I thought we'd put in our twopenceworth - we're with Safeguard, 3 years no claims bonus £340.00 including European cover, legal costs and a glass excess of £100. We've tried a number of companies, including the Caravan Club which, including European cover, was hilarious (about twice the price). This is our third year with Safeguard. Unfortunately, we had a breakdown last year in France when the nylon clutch pedal broke in two (very strange) and Safeguard couldn't have been better, we were towed to a campsite of our choice, hired a car and waited for the spares to arrive. The whole episode was very efficient. Apart from the normal excess charges, the bill was paid without any quibbles. Hope this is useful for somebody.


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Hi Alan


Thank you for sharing your experience. I have heard many good reports about Safeguard and it was indeed why we stayed with them over recent years. i do think that good service when you need it is what really counts.


I'm reassured by the good reports of Comfort's handling of claims too so that helped make the decision but the real crunch came with the sheer difference in premium. It's not as if we have an extraordinary motorhome either. Standard panel van conversion, no expensive additions, no claims intact etc etc. I know we are all paying a bit more on our premiums for everyone else's accidents (which I don't necessarily agree with) but £350 is about the right price and around the figure we have paid with previous new 'vans.



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David I recommend COMFORT they seem to know what they are doing and I have found them to be enthusiastic and monitor some forums they do not seem to overcharge and usually win Which Motorhome insurance awards for price and service
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Hi Clive with 2 cars are you able to get the insurance on them suspended to fire and theft only when you travel abroad, reason for asking is I am with Saga and when away, car not used and off road I get 75% reduction for each day we are on hols. a big saving.


So although the premium on the car is a little higher than other insureres I gain with this reduction as we are away 10/12 weeks twice a year, so just wondering if other companies do a similar thing. 8-) 8-)


But I suppose is to give them a call and get all the nitty gritty dos and downts.

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we use caravanguard as they include breakdown cover,and also a good price all under £300, always seem helpful on the phone [never made a claim with them yet]


norwich union we have found are dreadful for claims and very awkward will not go near them even for best price, we want peace of mind of getting no hassell in a claim.

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