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Help! Aire Driveways


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Is anyone a member of this organisation? If so I would like your experiences, but most of all I would be grateful if you could check my listing for me as I have been told that I will not see my own listing, which I find somewhat extraordinary :D It should be registered under Highland then Farr.



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flicka - 2010-04-08 10:16 PM


Hi Magbrin

This is a new one on me.

Could you supply some more info, please.


& a web link if possible.


It is a scheme where individuals offer space on their drive for a night or two free of charge. In return, they can visit other drives.

In theory I think it a good scheme but I know there are many other night stop schemes, and I am not sure this is the best and it certainly not the biggest!


I joined (and had my joining fee refunded as I was the first to join in the Highlands) as we have plenty of car parking space - an old school playground, as well as a track on the nursery we run, and even a field so am happy to offer space for wild/semi wild campers. I do not imagine I am likely to park up in someone elses drive - when we are away we prefer to be on the wild side of wild :D

Anyway here is the link - a link, not necessarily a recommendation :->



From the response to the original post I assume there are few, if any, members who are also contributors to this forum, but if anyone is out there who is a member I would like to hear your experiences :-)

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