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Co-ordinates or Me?


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I am using the Aires book for france and converting the Bourges(1) location of n47°04,662' and e002°23855 to n47°27'58.3'' and e002°14'18.8'' and coming up with a completly different location on google earth

Any ideas anyone???

I am using the conversion of multiplying the decimal by 60 method





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If you have a sat nav (certainly Tom Tom) you can change the grid ref between 3 different methods. I always used to use degrees, minutes & seconds but the aires book uses degrees, minutes and decimal and the French Campingcar Infos uses degrees and decimal, sometimes to 5 decimal places. I take the easy route and change the settings preference, so far it's worked fine.
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Thanks for these replies, but I am using a sat nav with only degrees, minutes & seconds. I understand what Google can do but I will not have Google earth with me (too costly to connect)

Therefore I am trying to convert what is in the aires book into degrees, minutes & seconds the good old fashioned way with a calculator & paper

Thanks again


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