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Please help electric problems


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I an very new to motorhoming and I have recently purchased a Elddis Autostratus 2000, W reg and I am having problem with the electrics.


I plug in the mains hook up and my 12v circuit goes into spaz mode, works, wont work. I have no idea what to do can anyone advise??



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Not sure what 'Spaz mode' is ? but gather that it's not good.

You need to give a bit more info, and try a few things first.

Do you have a Leisure (2nd) Battery ?

Do the 240v sockets have power to them when plugged in ?


It's a big subject and potentially dangerous, so if you aren't sure what you are doing you are best to take it to qualified electrictian. Ray

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Morning and thanks for your replies.


There is power to the 240 circuit and all work normally. When the hookup is not connected all the 12v work fine no problems at all, but once the 240 hookup is plugged in the 12 panel stops working ( the panel with the buttons on to turn on light, pump.


I wonder if there is some kind of relay?


Regarding taking it back, I prchased the van from South Yorkshire Caravans at Dinnington, the were quite good with some other faults and did manage to fix a gremlin in the panel that does battery status, temp ect, but at a cost they had the van longer than I did (4 months from 6) Plus it is now out of warranty. Isnt this what usually happens?


Thanks again



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Strictly speaking, the warranty is irrelevant.  Your rights come under Sale of Goods etc legislation, which take precedence.  Under this legislation the dealer remains liable for the fault.

From what you say, the dealer has had the van longer than you, while trying to fix a different fault.  It is unreasonable for him to have left your warranty running while he did that.  He is supposed to carry out any repairs, whether under warranty, or under Sale of Goods legislation, promptly.  Four months is not prompt.  Besides which, you do not seem to have reported this present fault to him before delivering the van back to him to fix the other fault.  From that, I conclude that the fault was not there before he had the van back, and may well be the result of someone fiddling with something he did not adequately understand for four months.

Take it back, smile sweetly, and tell the dealer the fault was not there before he had the van back, it is now there, he seems to have caused it, and will he please now fix the electrics so that they all work properly within the next seven days

Be prepared to argue your corner, be polite and friendly, but very firm.  Do not be fobbed off with waffle about the warranty having expired.  The warranty is irrelevant and is in any case - presumably - the dealer's own warranty for which he makes, and so can un-make, the rules.

If you feel uneasy about any of the above, go to talk to your local Trading Standards (TS) people for reassurance, and for further advice on how best to proceed.

If the dealer refuses to play ball, go straight to TS and get their advice.  Mine, in the meantime, would be explore alternative sources of repair to your electrics from an Elddis dealership who has a competent electrician in his workshops.  If your dealer won't/can't deal speedily and effectively with this problem, take to van to the other dealer, get it repaired by them, and recover the cost, including all your out of pocket costs, via the small claims procedure from the selling dealer.

Before initiating this route, do exhaust reasonable alternatives with the selling dealer, and above all take advice from TS.  You may have to wait a while for your money, but you will get use of your van while the argument grinds on!

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I agree with Brian about legal redress but an easier route might be to seek help fron the electrical control box / power supply unit system designers and suppliers - or better still get the supplying dealer to do this on your behalf?


This may well be Sargent Electrical who seem to supply many vans in the UK. If so get the model numbers from the various items and firstly have a look on the makers website website (easily Googled) from whence you can email or phone for guidance.


Sargent (if it is one of their's) are usually quite helpful and knowledgeable but can be a bit slow at replying to emails sometimes.

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Thanks lads

Your advise has been great, but I think I have solved it (hope so)


One problem seems to have made another problem worse.


I have connected the hookup this morning and the panel did not work first time after a few button presses the main control box clicked and then the panel worked (?). I have two small panels each control front lights, reading,rear,spot,pump and wash room. one panel is near the galley area the other in the living area. Ive traced the wired 9 similar to telephone wire and tried swapping the panels....ha ha one of the panels is not working, it has an intermittant fault. So Ive swapped the panels over, changed them around and found that the panel now works fine, even when the hookup is in. Now the problem is going to be replacing the panel, Ive attached a photo, any ideas/


Thanks again to you all for your input, what a great site!


Pete (lol)

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thanks to you all for your comments, regarding South York Caravans its not even worth the bother, I dont fancy leaving the van with them for another 4 months!!


I have located a name on the panel "american technology components" checked it out and they are suppliers of all sorts of RV panels, so I have the manufacturer, proble is the panel is 10 years old (so is the van) so I think I will be looking for a modern version that will replace the old one.


Lets see what they advise.


Thanks again to you all


Owe you all a pint!



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As it is an intermittant fault the chances are a compnent in the unit has a dry joint. Does it look like you could easily take it apart and inspect the circuits. Also check the connector and cables are sound, you may just have a bad crimped wire or broken wire.
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Cheers brambles


The unit is fairly compact, I have had a look in it everything looks ok, but still faulty, Im going to email the company tomorrow see if they can help, only problem is its and american company!


thanks again



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