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leisure battery blown up


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I have had a battery explode ..... big bang. Somebody suggested that I had reverse charged it. Thats possible as it had only just come off the charger .... but you can only fit the charger clips the wrong way round if the battery is absolutely flat.


And a neighbour had a battery explode, for no apparent reason.


A flat battery can freeze, and split the case. I've had that too.



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PJay - 2010-04-17 10:57 PM


We have just discovered that our battery has blown up (Literaly)

Any one else had this happen? Van and battery 4years old. not kept on charge

P Jay


When was last time you checked it? had it blown up or split apart due to freezing.

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we dont need to charge batterey, as we nearly always use hook up when in the van As we were not in van, (haven't used it yet this year) not sure when it happened, so don't know what sort of noise it made. We will be taking it to Adventure Motorhomes on tuesday, so it will have a really long run, should sort out any mor problems prior to our trip to Spain/Portugal next month.


Glad we are not the only ones to have this happen, never heard of it before. Just shows you're not too old to learn something new


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If it is just a crack in the battery then may well just be the plates swelling from sulphation and not actually exploded. Did any acid leak out?

Batteries do not normally expode when just sitting and no sparks around.

They can explode if stored at very high temperatures and an internal short developed causing even more heat and then they can thermally run away.


If the accident was caused quite a shunt, it is possible it caused a plate short, a short from lead falling of plates or fractured and internal connection which may have caused a spark when next charging or discharging.


Or as already mentioned if discharged it could have frozen.

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